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Chapter 35.Sow discord

For second branch's daughters, New Year wasn't much different from any other day. Because they weren't favored in Yue Family, they won't get lucky money when they kowtow to Yue Da Fu and old Mrs. Chen on New Year. They weren't qualified to join their cousin brothers in kowtowing to pay New Year's greetings to ancestors. On the contrary, they had to boil water and make tea when the men from the clan came to kowtow to Yue Da Fu to give New Year's greetings or when visitors come. They were more busy than before the New Year.

In the kitchen, You Yin fanned the fire vigorously to light the stove, while You Jin turned the spatula vigorously as she flipped vegetables to make stir-fry.

Today was the second day of the new year. It was the day when the married out daughter returns to her maternal home. Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Han left early this morning. Only Mrs. Su and Wan Niang didn't have their maternal home to return to. So they stayed at home.

In the main room, Wan Niang sat on the lower end with a big belly. She jollily accompanied their charming guest, Yue Chang Hong: "It's such a cold day. It must have be tough on Eldest Sister to make way here."

Yue Chang Hong loved to be flattered. Although she had only met Wan Niang twice, she didn't really hate her. On the contrary, she enjoyed her flattery. She beamingly replied, "It's just a few bit of roads. It's fine."

"What's wrong with Liu'er? How come she has a black face as soon as she enters the door?" Old Mrs. Chen looked at her granddaughter's unhappy face and felt a little unhappy in her heart: "On such a festive season, got to pay attention!"

From the start, Ge Liu-er was in a bad mood. Now being told off by old Mrs. Chen, she was even more displeased. She put on her shoes and went outside; leaving only Yue Chang Hong to embarrassedly explain to old Mrs. Chen: "Isn't Liu-er fourteen this year? Earlier, during the year end, her grandmother mentioned a family to us; saying that family had dozens of acres of land. That younger generation grew upright and is hardworking. He's currently working for his uncle, who runs a shop in the town!"

"Isn't this a wonderful news? What's there to be unhappy about?" Wan Niang didn't know Zhou Jun Peng's visit during the year end and naturally felt that Ge Liu-er was well suited to such conditions.

However old Mrs. Chen understood the reason as soon as she heard it. She sighed heavily and said, "This child has ambition!"

In fact, how could old Mrs. Chen not want Ge Liu-er to be able to marry Gentleman Zhou? But there was no movement on Gentleman Zhou. Maybe he didn't like Liu'er. Wouldn't it be a sin for Liu-er to this good marriage for him?

"Mother, I don't know what to do. That child was so angry that she refused to kowtow to her grandmother on New Year's eve. She is still angry today!" Yue Chang Hong was at wit's end by her spoiled daughter's tantrum. Seeing that there were only old Mrs. Chen and Wan Niang in the main room now, she lamented and asked old Mrs. Chen for advice.

What can old Mrs. Chen do? Reaching out her hand, she poked her daughter's forehead. Wishing that iron could be steel, she spoke: "Really? A big matter like marriage had always been decided by parents' and matchmaker's words since ancient times. If you husband and wife think that this younger generation is suitable, you can finalized the engagement. It can't be that you still want to go to the county city and tie Gentleman Zhou over to marry her?"

"I'm just afraid that Liu'er can't think it through!" Yue Chang Hong knew Ge Liu-er's temperament: "She's like this since young. If she doesn't get her way, there will be trouble!"

The mother and daughter were silent for a while. Wan Niang, who was on the side, grasped the underlying story. It turned out that Ge Liu-er had a crush on Gentleman Zhou, who visited during the year end. Now she refused to set her eyes on other! The cogs in her mind turned and suggested an idea to Yue Chang Hong: "Eldest Sister, Liu-er is just a little girl. How can she know what it good? Since this younger generation is good, it is better to take Liu-er to the town while the market is on and have a look. Maybe she will nod her head?"

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