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Chapter 21. Going to the market (part 1)

Knowing that old Mrs. Chen and others were going to the market on the 26th, You Jin will naturally go over. But she has to go before old Mrs. Chen and others and return back before them too. Taking advantage of the two days of pigweed gathering trip in the mountain, You Jin had went to the usually inaccessible place in the Cuifeng Mountain alone and had laid down a lot of ropes. She held a large a bag that was sewn together from Mrs. Su's old broken coarse clothes for smoking rabbits.

Carrying an empty bamboo basket on her back, she cleared the path with a long bamboo pole in her hand. One by one, she searched the ropes she set on the path. She found a good bunch of wild chicken's nest and a lot of eggs. It was a abundant harvest.

Before reaching the end of the knot that was laid down yesterday, she heard a fluttering sound. You Jin instantly became energetic: Caught something! After walking around a towering tree the size of a three-person embrace, she saw a wild chicken with colorful feathers fluttering its wings and trying to break free from the knot that tightly bound its left foot. The knot remained unbroken. You Jin arrived.

Seeing that it turned out to be a large rooster, surprise flashed in You Jin's eyes. She hurried over to grab the wild chicken that was about to break free. Then she pulled a vine and tightly tied the wild chicken's feet to stop it from escaping. Afterward, the large wild chicken around three or four jins was casually thrown into the basket. She continued to look for the next knot that was placed yesterday.

You Jin's harvest today was quite good. She laid thirteen nooses yesterday. Today she collected a total of four wild chickens and two hares. It can be said to be quite fruitful. Carrying a basket full of pheasants and rabbits, You Jin hummed a little song and found a small cave which can only fit two people.

Standing on the edge of the small cave, she put all the pheasants and hares in the simple bag that Mrs. Su sewed for her and then put them in the small cave. Finally, she broke a lot of branches and leaves to cover the small cave. Strictly, after checking that there was no trace of hiding such things could be seen from the outside, she breathed a sigh of relief. Clapping her hands, she then gathered pigweed before heading home.

You Jin's desire to take everyone away from Yue family had became a common secret among the sisters. Everyone knew that Third Elder Sister was going up the mountain today to hunt stuff to exchange for money. So everyone lined up to sit at the door of the west wing with their heads raised as they looked forward. As soon as they heard the courtyard door sound out, they all swarmed over: "Third Elder Sister!"

You Zhu ushered to speak, "Third Elder Sister, how is it?"

Although her mouth was quick, she knew what to say and what not to say. Especially since the grandparents were in the main room and Eldest Aunt and Eldest Sister were also watching from the east wing.

You Jin first smiled and stretched her hand into the basket behind her and took out a leaf-wrapped bundle. After opening it, a cluster of ripe goat's milk fruit. She distributed a few to each sister and merrily replied: "Don't worry. there are more!"

After listening to You Jin's words, You Yin, You Zhu, and You Bao, who knew the inside story, jumped up happily. While clueless You Ling, You Luo, and You Chou ate the delicious goat's milk fruit and laughed with joy. However, the happy atmosphere in the second branch didn't last long. Yue You Ting, who came back from the toilet hut in the backyard, frowned lightly. She was copying the city girls. She was dressed in fine cotton clothes, covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and sashayed over.

Seeing the few lowly girls from second branch making a fuss, she thought there was something fun. Unexpectedly, it was just a few goat milk fruit. She rolled my eyes slightly and pouted: "It's really some lowly bugs who has never seen the world. A few goat's milk fruits is worth being happy like this? Don't say that you are from our Yue Family when you go out, lest that to lose our family's face!"

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