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Freen spend the night in sam's house. And before the sun came out she left for airport. Although becky's plane wasn't before 6 more hours later.

Becky's plane was supposed to land at 11 am. But freen reached the airport at 6 am.

Freen waited there. Becky called when she boarded the plane. But freen was already at the airport.


" Looks like freen already went to the airport." Mon said smiling.

" Hummm... She is like you but more mad." Sam said still on the bed.

" Khun samm! Don't say she is your sister. and I am your wife."

" Humm. But who goes to the airport 6 hours earlier. It's plane. They have timetable.." said sam.

" You won't understand."

" By the way. Aren't we going to the airport? Only four hours left." Sam definately teased mon.

" No. I'll let freen welcome her first. She must be waiting a lot for her."

Mon was folding some clothes. Sam stood up and went to the bathroom.


Freen was waiting at the airport for a long time. After almost waiting for 6 hours she was the sight she was waiting so long for. Becky was coming towards her with her luggage. She had a white shirt and black pant. Her loose hair was flowing in the air as she was coming down the elevator.

Freen stood down holding a sign that said " WELCOME HOME BABY ."  But upside down.

She was excited to see becky after so long she didn't even noticed that she was actually holding the sign upside down.

" Backyyyyyy!" Freen screamed and ran to becky.

Becky also came running and spread her hands to hug her. But then they both realised they were outside. So both of them stopped.

Freen held becky's hands and her luggage and dragged them out of the airport to the parking. She didn't said a word.

When they reached the parking. It was empty. Freen's black porshe car was standing in middle of all normal cars.

Freen dragged her to the car and pushed her to the car's door.

" Baby. Wait till we go home." Becky tried to stop her.

" No.." freen wasn't in the mood to wait.

Freen grabbed becky's waist and pushed her to the door again and kissed her pink lips.

" Okay now. Wait..  till we go home." Said becky.

But freen kept kissing becky outside the car.

" You two get a room....!" Someone screamed at them.

When both of them looked to their side to see who it was. It was nam.

" Nam..? What are you doing here?" Said freen.

" I came here to pick up my friend from india.. but it looks like becky came back and you couldn't wait to taste her. Huh?" Nam said.

" We're going home p'nam." Becky said. She was really embarrassed too.

She pushed freen inside the car. then she got into the car. Then they drove away.


Sofie's plan in the office failed terribly. Sofie was now angry at sam for not doing anything.

' just a small meeting and a warning that's it. That b*tch lost her charm because of khun mon. How does she attracts mon anyway... I need to do some research about her. What does she have that attracts khun mon.' sofie thought.

Then she Started looking for something on her computer.

She massage someone.

S: samanan Chankimha. She is the CEO of Diversity pop.

[ But she is already so famous. Everything about her is online. Why do you need us.?]

S: I don't need the information everyone knows about her. I need information nobody knows about her.

[Okay m but the price would be stiff.?]

S: no worries.

[ Here it says you are a normal intern in diversity pop. How are you going to afford it?]

S: you don't need to worry.

[ Five thousand before. And rest after the work. We'll do anything. Except killing. ]

S: I don't need her dead anyway. Just the information now.

[ Wait for some moment. We'll send you her full info. On your phone.]

A hour passed.

Sofie's phone buzzed.. signaling a massage.

' oh! It finally came. Here it says. She was captain of a her class. Oh! Too early. I don't need this information.' after reading through it some time. She finally found the information she needed.

" Oh! Interesting. A brain tumor. If right medications are not taken she could die.... Wow! Such a interesting plot. Now I don't need to anything. Just a little thing though. Dr. Rim. We'll meet soon." Sofie smiled with a evil smirk on her face.


Sam came to the office knowing that Becky already landed. Sam came to the office in a good mood. Because she invited freen and becky tonight for dinner.

Sam entered the office in a good mood smiling and humming a love song.


Suddenly a intern bumped into sam who was in a good mood. The coffee she was holding for a senior flew in the air.
The moment was so sudden both sam and the intern was in shock. The intern knew this was the last day in the office now. She tried to dodge the coffee and moved back. But sam couldn't react in time. So the coffee fell on sam's head and all over her white suit she was wearing.

Sam's eyes widened in surprise. Luckily the coffee was not that hot. But still it burned sam a bit.

" Ouch....!" Sam screamed as the hot coffee went down her shirt.

The intern quickly tried to wipe the  coffee.

Sam showed a hand telling her to stop. Sam stood there in silence. But the whole office also went into a fear as everyone sighed in fear.

Sam quickly ran to her office room. She didn't wanted another moment of the coffee to stay on her body. She ran to office then to the bathroom to clean herself.

Everyone in the office went to the intern and held her tightly. Everyone stopped working as to know what is the fate of this intern.

The whole office couldn't stop waiting for lady sam to come out and say something.

A hour later mon arrived in the office with a brown bag. Mon ran to sam's office.

On her way mon saw the intern was crying her heart out. The other employees were holding her and trying to comfort her.

Mon went in sam's office in a hurry.

A moment later mon called from sam's asking someone to bring so gel to help with the burning.

Mon was surprised too. Everyone in the office was surprised and afraid as what's going to happen to the intern. Except from one sofie. She was doing her job as usual indifferent to the situation. Like it was all planned.

Everyone was comforting the new intern. But sofie was indifferent and sat on her desk working on her project siping on her coffee......


Sorry guys for not updating regularly. I am going through some personal problems right now. So enjoy this one until the next....

Maybe tomorrow. No tomorrow for sure 😁.

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And what do you think is going to happen to the intern?

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