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Author's pov.
After sara dropped off freen in the homestay.

Freen looked down at the window.

" I am sorry for the trouble." Said freen.

" No no . No problem." Sara said.

" It's a pleasure meeting you."

" Same. See you sometime again." Said sara.

" Thank you." Said freen.

Freen turned around to the homestay and went in.

But sara stood there with her car. Looked at the house.


Sam and everyone sat down for dinner.

" Why is khun sam here?" Said tulip surprized.
Mon was surprised to see that tulip called sam with the same name as herself.

" This is the first time she acted like my own daughter." Mon thought and smiled silently.

" Baby! Khun sam is here because she is your mommy." Said becky.

" My mommy. But my mommy is mon..." Said tulip more confused.

" Yes. Mon is your mommy and khun sam is your mommy too." Said Becky.

" Mommy." Tulip excitedly said.

Then she jumped at sam's arms. Sam tightly hugged tulip. Then she kissed sam.

" Owww. Baby I love you." Said sam.

" Oh! They are so cute. I love both of them. They are so cute together. Just like I imagined." Mon thought and laughed.

" Oy! Why are you why are laughing?" Said sam.

" Mon why are you laughing?" Said tulip.

" Huh! Mon. What about mommy? You're not supposed to call my name." Said mon.

Tulip laughed after that sam also laughed. Seeing both of them laughing mon also laughed.

Becky seeing all of them laugh made her think of freen.

" So beautiful. A perfect family. I can't be a part of this family until you're here freen. You always made me feel included. You made everything complete. Now that you're not here it feels like I am half, incomplete. If only I can go back to the time you proposed to me. I'll tell you back how much I like you. I wanted to kiss you that day. But............ Freen.........." Becky thought and sighed.

" Where are you freen?" Becky said slowly looking at the moon outside.

It was a full moon that day. Becky was looking at the moon. And the moon was looking back at freen on the other part of the city.

Alone looking at the moon freen also thought of becky.
But this time her thoughts were interrupted by some other thoughts tooo.

Freen thought of becky's smile but that made her think of sara's smile.

" Huh! Such a stupid girl. Just smiled all day. She was smiling the whole time. It's like the smile emoji was pasted on her stupid face. " Freen thought.

" She was so happy. How was she so happy?" Freen thought and looked at the moon.


After eating dinner tulip couldn't stop hugging sam. So she fell asleep at sam's lap.

" Khun sam! Let me take tulip to her bed. After that can we talk for a little." Said Becky.

" Okay." Said sam.

Mon was busy washing the dishes..

" I put her to her bed." Said becky.

Becky then sat down beside sam.

" Okay so how have you been?" Asked sam.

" Just going. It's nice having you here. Thank you for being here you saved p'mon she almost drowned in her sorrow. Just tulip's smile kept her alive." Becky said with a releave.

" It was same for me too. When I learnt about tulip. I was so happy. It's like I got my life back." Sam said.

" We need to talk more often" Said Becky.

" that's about mon. So how was everything for you.? " Said sam.

" ... How is freen?" Asked becky with a down face.

" Umm. I am not sure. In all these years I only met her twice. During the family gatherings. And once at a friend's birthday party. That's it. We didn't really talked that much." Sam paused for a moment" actually I was never there for her anyway. It's my fault. I was so involved in finding you guys. I forgot she was a part of my family too. I.....I......."

Tears fell from sam's eyes.

" Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's like a storm came and wreaked our lives." Said becky consulting sam.

" Hummm..." Sam said.

" So what happened to Nita?" Asked becky.

" Don't talk about that b*tch." Sam couldn't stop herself.

" I sorry. Pardon my Language." Sam said.

" Please don't. I can make some worst words for her too." Said becky.

" Now that I found you guys. I'll take my revange too. I won't spare her....."

" Spare who?" Mon came back after washing the dishes...

" Noone." Said becky. " How about you two love birds talk alone in peace. And I'll sleep at your room. And you two can ise my room. So that I don't have to see that again. One more thing please mind the sounds. I heard you two in that big house. And this is a very small apartment... So ......"

Becky left after saying that.

Mon stood on the doorway and looked at sam.
Sam looked at mon with a smirk. Mon smiled in shyness.

Sam forgot to tell jim that she already found mon and staying in her house. Jim along with kirk was still waiting for her in the daycare center. Even though the daycare center was closed already.

"I am gonna kill her when she come back.." said jim...


At all the way in Thailand

Nita landed in Thailand now.

" Type. Meet me as soon as you hear this. I am in my usual place. Pack your bags. We are going to England."
Nita left a message to type.


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