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Sam was shocked to see her Little version. Instantly she formed a connection with the little girl.

Sam next morning went to the IvF centre the first thing.

In the centre she learnt that the one girl came to the centre after some days. And she did the procedure but didn't came again for check ups. Although the doctors told her to come back once the pregnancy test comes positive.


After learning this sam was restless.

"KRIK!" Sam shouted from her office.

Krik appeared under a minute.

" What?"

" Book a flight for today to England." Sam said.

" Today? But?"

" What is the problem?" Sam gave him the death stares.

" But there's no flight till tomorrow. Today's flight for today already left. I went to see off my sister. She went to England to study......" Krik went on.

But sam showed no interest.
Krik joined the company after mon left. Krik was a replacement for mon. Although he replaced mon in the workplace but but sam's life stayed a void.

Krik was a friend of jim. Also belongs to a wealthy family. But he was so reckless and carefree that he was drank on a board meeting and fell asleep during the presentation. So it caused millions to his company. After this His father have to teach him a lesson by disowning him from the family. So now he works in sam's company and lives a pretty simple life.

" STUD THE F*CK UP! I need you to book the next flight to England. No exception."
Sam said while still giving him the death eye.

" Business class?"

" ....."

" That'll be yes." Krik said and left.


On the other hand nam didn't stop teasing freen.

" Freen just think how our babies would look if we had a baby?" Nam said.

" We both women! That's not how things works." Freen said disgusted.

" You know there's lot of ways. Freen plese put a baby in me. Please I beg you.  With your DNA I can achieve the perfect baby. Just like your sister. Please please." Nam pressed her hands together as praying to freen.

" Ewww! Stop nam. You'll make me vomit."

" Just think about it. We'd wake up together in the morning. Then come to college together and then.... We'd sleep together...." Saying this nam moved closer to freen.

" What would it take for you to shut up.?" Freen frustratedly said.

" Umm. Come with us. To England." Said nam with a evil smile. "Remember the day we mate."


That day was the first day of their college. Freen was still depressed about becky. And seeing sam getting into a depression and desparately search for them. Freen was really sad and alone.

She sat on a bench in the college campus. While everyone was happily talking or studying with their friends.

Nam was walking by and saw freen sitting all by her self.

" Hey girl. Alone?" Nam said making a stupid face.

" Listen we all are wired in some way or another so we need to stick together. So I am making a team of people to be friends with. Are you joining?" Nam asked again.

" How many people are in that team?" Freen asked .

" Um. If you join there will be 2 including me." Nam pointed at her and freen.

" Oh! Ok" freen just wanted to get it over with. She wasn't really all excited or interested in being friends with her. She thought this is a huge college. They might never cross paths ever again.

But the irony was they both had the same subject. So they stick together.

Now after 2 years nam is inseparable from freen.

Although nam got many friends after that but freen only had nam as a friend.


" But I don't know them." Freen said disagreeing.

" So what? You didn't knew me but look ata us we are like inseparable now." Nam said.

" Wow! You won't stop do you?"

" No you have to come with us."

" We are adults now . But still I need permission from my parents and they won't give me permission believe me." Freen said shaking her head.

" We'll see. Just ask." Nam Said crossing her arms.


Freen went to her house and talked to her parents.

" Mom , dad. My friends are going to England for vacation. And they are asking me to come with them. But I told them you guys would never approve of that. I told them...." Freen was trying to explain but mr. Chankimha said before freen could finish.

" You can go "

" Huh!" Freen couldn't believe what she just heard.

" Yeah you can go. It's good for a future ceo to visit places alone so it's a good practice you know for you. Your sister already visited five countries on her own in your age." Said mr. Chankimha.

" Oh! So you have no problem with me visiting England alone?"

" Yes. None what so ever."

" I am fu*ked." Freen said to herself.

" Is that it?" Mr. Chankimha said.

" Yes. I'll go pack."

" Of course! You know your friend nam already told me about this trip.

" Nam? Hiw do you know her?" Freen was shocked to know that her father already knew about nam.

" His father is a close friend of mine. She is a good daughter she tell s everything to her Father. Unlike my children." Mr. Chankimha sighed " one doesn't even contacts me and other one only comes when she needs something." Mr. Chankimha said in a low voice.

Freen left without saying anything.

Because if she opened her mouth to say anything the truth might come out and that wouldn't be sweet for her or her father.

" After what you did to phi sam I am still leaving here that's a favour." Said freen standing outside her father's study room.

That reminds her of another day 3 years ago when was standing in the same exact stop when her father was in this room with mon. Forcing her to leave sam..

Freen heard everything what her father said what her mother said. Where they went after that and the real reason why mon went away from sam.


To be continued.

But I am seeing some people are reading but not voting for the chapters. That just gives me motivation to write more faster and better. So if you wanna read more plz vote more na. 

Thank you

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