twenty eight

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even if mark hadn't already known, donghyuck's face would have confirmed it all.

he was visibly shocked.

his eyebrows were raised, his face went pale, his mouth slightly opened and a small gasp escaping from it.

"donghyuck, is he mine?" mark repeated.

don't cry.

don't cry.

don't cry.

"mark, i think you should go. it's getting late and i'm pretty sure you came here without permission. i don't want you to get in trouble, please leave." the brunette was so close to pulling him out the dorm by taking his arm.

mark scoffed at the younger.

"so he is." he concluded. donghyuck hadn't said yes but the way he was acting, it said it. minhyuck was mark's child.

"mark, stop. please just leave." in the background, minhyuck was whining. right now was his nap time and he was surely hungry. mark needed to leave for him to feed the younger.

when he saw the older wasn't going to move anytime soon he sighed and walked over to the kitchen. his back was turned as he made a bottle for his baby.

"donghyuck, speak to me." mark walked behind him and tried placing his palm on the other's shoulder but before he could even touch it, donghyuck turned around and hit his hand.

"don't touch." with that, he made his way to the baby and picked him up from the crib. he swayed him while feeding him his milk.

mark knew better and decided to stay quiet. he just watched how donghyuck peacefully fed him, a small smile on his face as he stared into his son's eyes. the baby was trying his hardest to stay awake, fluttering his eyes but didn't succeed as his tiredness had won over him.

by the time he was asleep, the bottle had been finished.

placing a small kiss on his head, donghyuck bent over and layed him back down in his small bed. he turned around, making eye contact with mark. he held his pointer finger up and tapped it against his lips, signaling mark to be quiet so minhyuck wouldn't wake up.

mark nodded, understanding.

"come." the younger whispered very quietly but fortunately, mark caught on. he followed donghyuck as he opened a door and revealed the bathroom.

walking in, donghyuck let mark in as well and shut the door behind him. he made mark sit down on the tub's side while he stood up so the older would know he was the dominant one in this conversation.

"listen, i'm not going to deny it. yes, minhyuck is yours." he admitted and stared at mark for his reaction. donghyuck would be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart beating when he saw how mark's eyes lit up at the confirmation.

"w-why didn't you tell me?" mark carefully spoke. being in relationship with the younger for quite a while, mark knew how he would get if he were to get him mad which is why he attentively chose his words and actions.

"i didn't want you to ruin your career. i a-also didn't want you to feel forced to get back together with me or even talk with me because of this." he cleared his throat when he accidentally stuttered. he tried his hardest to seem calm and not anxious at all, yet mark saw through all of this.

sure his face and most of his words were lowkey but the fact that he was biting his lip and fiddling with his fingers said other wise.

"look donghyuck, i apologize sincerely. with my whole heart, i apologize for leaving you. it was one of the worst-if not, the worst-mistake i have ever made. like i said, you don't need to forgive me. and if you had told me about minhyuck, i would have gotten back together with you-not just because of him but because i loved you. i would have seen that as a sign that i had done the wrong thing and the baby was leading back to you." mark confessed, he stared up at the younger for his reaction to his words and felt his heart break when he saw tears coming out of his eyes.

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