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mark groaned as he woke up. he was way too tired to get up and just stayed in bed with his eyes shut, hoping he would go back to sleep.

it was currently 8 am and mark had just went to sleep 2 hours ago. him and donghyuck fucked ALL night long. he couldn't feel his legs anymore. especially his thigh area. he couldn't even think about how donghyuck felt.

his peacefull moment was ruined when his phone rung. a notification noise was heard. not thinking much of it, he let it go but had no choice than to turnto grab his phone when he was getting spammed.

he was going to shut it off but quickly sat up when he noticed what was on the screen.

he clicked on a message he had gotten.

"mark lee, break up with lee donghyuck or i will release these pictures of you guys. i will also ruin his future. i will create multiple lies about him and ruin any chances he has of being successful."

"i don't know if you're busy or ignoring me but im warning you, break up with him. or would you rather i send these pictures to dispatch and not only ruin his future but also yours and your group's image. i will destroy nct. how will your fans react when i post this picture? do you think they'll support you? not only that, they would be out for donghyuck because im not afraid of releasing all the information i have about him. lee donghyuck, age 19, birthday june 6, 2000, is currently unemployed and lives alone. let me repeat; he lives alone. imagine me and all your other fans trying to break in and do something to him. do you want him to get hurt? i will not hesitate to hurt him mark lee. you as an idol should know to never break your fans hearts. im in complete shock at how you fooled all of us. making us fall for you just for you to be like this. just thinking about this makes me want to hurt your boyfriend. you have until tonight to break up with him. i will be spying on both of you very closely to see if you went through with this. if you dare tell sm or any nct members about this, i will not only torture donghyuck but your friends and family as well.

- xo, k."

mark was silently crying, not wanting to wake the younger up.

how could someone like this call themselves a fan. this isn't normal. what the fuck is going on? this is fucking creepy.

he was about to call the ceo of sm but thought about the consequences. he couldn't be selfish and careless. if he dared spoke about this, his whole life would be over. and not just that, his family and friends would be victims as well.

he didn't know what to do.

i mean who would?

he had just gotten threatened. a very serious threat. he either had to think about himself or the people around him.

taking a very deep breath, with shaky hands, mark started typing.

"i'll break up with donghyuck by tonight. just please, leave him alone. leave my whole family alone. i promise to do whatever you ask. just please. don't do anything to them. don't leak anything about donghyuck."

his final decision was to save his boyfriend. sure they would both be heartbroken with what mark would do but he wanted what was best for donghyuck.

"promise me you will never ever talk to him, call him, text him, touch him or even look at him. since i assume you aren't going to tell him about this, if he texts you after your break up, leave him on read. don't talk to him at all. i don't want to see any interaction between the two of you. and if you ever think of pulling anything funny, know i have everything i need to hack into both yours and his icloud. i can hack into your phones and see what you're seeing. this will hopefully be the last time i text you. im not giving you any secomd chances apart from this so don't take advantage. goodbye lee minhyung and i hope you understand i, as a fan, want you to myself." k responded almost immediately. almost as if she had the paragraph ready and only needed to press send.

for your own good || markhyuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang