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"for the last time jisoo, i was just playing around. i'm not actually a trainee." she laughed at her friend who just hung up on her.

"donghyuck, i'm here!" she announced and removed her shoes, setting them down on the rack next to the door.

"what were you doing in sm?" donghyuck suddenly asked. "huh?" she turned around and faced the male.

"there's pictures and videos everywhere about you in sm. what were you doing there?" donghyuck questioned. he was now sitting on the couch and jennie guessed he was crawling because of the red bruises on his knees. he still couldn't walk from the sex he had with mark.

"i was just walking by there on the way to my house." she shrugged, trying to play it off. "there's a whole video of you entering, talking to a worker and going inside." jennie sighed and knew he had to explain to donghyuck what was going on.

"okay okay. i didn't want to say anything before because i thought it wasn't the best time to say this but.. i'm kind of talking to an sm trainee." jennie lied. she couldn't bring herself to tell donghyuck about mark.

"oh god! really!? whoooo!?" donghyuck felt bad for not paying attention to the older girl as he was too busy being heartbroken. "it doesn't matter anymore. she called me over to the company to break up with me." jennie sighed. "come on. let's both be heartbroken while we watch a sad movie."

they both sat down on the couch and watched the notebook. donghyuck began crying before the movie started because he was still heartbroken about mark and as much as he wanted to stay strong for jennie since she also got her heart broken, he couldn't. jennie didn't mind it at all since she had been lying anyways and comforted the younger.

"j-jennie.. i want him. i want him to be next to me instead of you." he sobbed. quickly adding "no offense." jennie mumbled "non taken." and continued hugging the crying mess.

the movie was long forgotten when the male began rambling about mark and how much he misses him. jennie felt bad for him. but she was also happy to see him expressing his emotions instead of bottling them all up.

"hey mark." jaemin waved at him. mark just nodded his head and went back into his room. he jumped onto his bed and hugged a certain object, letting out all the tears he was holding in the whole entire day.

"mark? are you okay?" he heard a knock and renjun's voice right after. instead of replying with an "i'm okay" or "no", mark let out a loud sob and the younger was heard sighing on the other side of the door.

he opened it and saw how mark was cuddled up in his bed with the pudu stuffed animal donghyuck had given him for his birthday.

"do you want to talk?" he carefully asked and sat down on the edge of the bed. mark got up and hugged him. renjun didn't deny his hug and even wrapped his arms around the poor male. usually he would complain about affection but he knew mark needed it.

"i-i left him. he hates me. it's over." mark repeated those words over and over. more to himself than renjun who was calming him down.

"he doesn't hate you. im sure he understands." the younger rubbed his head. "he yelled at me and told me he hated me. he even slapped me." mark was uncontrollably crying and now that his room door was opened, the other members had heard and walked over to him.

"do you want us to contact donghyuck and get you guys back together?" jaemin asked. all the members jumped when mark suddenly yelled no. they all side eyed each other with furrowed eyebrows.

something definitely happened that mark wouldn't tell them if he was acting like this.

for now though, they just had to comfort their leader. they had to help him get through this very difficult period.

it was easier said than done when all mark wanted to do was stay in his room. he didn't even want to touch his food. when he was dragged into practice, he would stay there very very late.

he didn't want to go home because then, he was alone and would get stuck in his thoughts. which were all about his ex boyfriend.

maybe in another life they would get back together.


hope you enjoyed !

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