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mark raised his fist to knock on the door in front of him.

he was doing it. he was going to get donghyuck back and apologize for the stupid mistake he had made.

*knock knock*


*knock knock*

"baby, it's me."

sure he knew the password but he wasn't about to go in without donghyuck's permission. especially now that they were practically strangers with a past.

*knock knock*

"baby, im sorry."

*knock knock*

"please let me in."

*knock knock*


*knock knock*

"princess, im so so sorry."


"donghyuck please open the door."




mark looked took his phone out when he felt a vibration coming from it. he clicked the notification and immediately regretted it.

"wah! you're really doing this? i thought we had a deal. do i have to remind you, your career and his future is at stake.. you must not care about him like you think you do mark lee. if you cared about him you wouldn't be doing this right now. who would've known you were so selfish."

mark started crying as he read the text message. there is no way out. he didn't deserve this. donghyuck definitely didn't deserve it either.

"by the way, your ex boyfriend isn't home." mark wiped his nose and furrowed his eyebrows at the response. it's 10 pm, where else would he be at this hour? especially on a saturday night.. he should be watching his weekly drama right now.

as if the sasaeng could understand his thoughts, she answered. "he left. i saw him earlier. he left with some girl. he had 4 suitcases with him. they even called a taxi and left to the airport. looks like he started dating the new sm trainee. move on mark lee, he clearly did."

mark's heart started besting fast. no. no. he didn't leave. mark pulled out his phone and decided to text donghyuck.

[me: baby where are you? im outside your house. i realized my mistake. please open the door.]

not delivered.

[me: donghyuck.. you blocked me?]

not delivered.

[me: hyuck i apologize. it was a sasaeng. she was going to ruin your future if she saw us together again. i had to do it. i had no other choice.]

not delivered.

mark slid down the door as he cried. he couldn't believe it. he lost contact with the love of his life. all because of some stupid sasaeng.

his crying session was interrupted when once again, he got a notification. hoping it was donghyuck, que quickly grabbed his phone.

"another fan just said she was on her way here in a groupchat. she said she followed you out of your dorm but got a bit lost. i may have ruined your relationship but im still your fan. if you don't want the girl to see you in front of your ex boyfriend's house, then i suggest you leave now..


with a small sigh, mark quickly got up. he wiped his tears just in case she would see him and take pictures of him. he gave one last look at the apartment and walked away.

the way back to the sm building was hard. not only was it night time and mark was tired, he was stuck in his thoughts.

he hated not having anything to do. these thoughts were killing him. they were accusing him for being so stupid. they were telling mark he deserved it. and a small part of mark agreed with it.

he should've reported the sasaeng.

he shouldn't have broken up donghyuck. after their 2 year anniversary too. he really fucked up. now he has no contact with him because of the blocked number.

of course, he still has jennie but who knows if she really is even going to continue to update him. he probably got blocked by her too.

then again, mark had nothing to worry about. donghyuck was probably going to live with either jennie or his mom for a while. as a former boyfriend of the male, mark knew exactly how he got when he was very very sad. mark even had to take him to the dorms one time.

but four suitcases were too much for a week stay at most. maybe the sasaeng saw wrong? there was no for rent sign on the door so he didn't move, thank god.

mark was thankful when a notification woke him up from his thoughts. he fished out his phone and turned it on to see what the sasaeng had to say this time.

only this time it wasn't the sasaeng, it was jennie.

[jennie (donghyuck's friend)]: mark, i had donghyuck's phone and his ring cam notification was going off. i clicked it and i saw you. look mark, i hate to break it to you but donghyuck isn't in korea anymore. he went to pursue his studies abroad. since i'm supposed to update you, there's that. and to update you about his mental health; he's still crying over you but it definitely got much better. i'll update you next week but of course if something serious happens, i'll update you whenever.

by now mark had reached the top floor of his dorm. he opened the door and was met with darkness once again. his members were asleep and he could tell by renjun's snores.

he tiptoed back to his wrong and started changing. when he was done, he dropped onto his bed and cried himself to sleep.

he hated this so much.

[me: donghyuck, baby, please. please come back to me. i need you. i'm sorry.]

not delivered.


hope you guys enjoyed !

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