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"im here to see mark lee." jennie informed the lady in the register in front of her. "mark lee? as in nct mark lee?" she asked. "yes. mark lee as in nct mark lee." jennie sassed at her, scoffing.

"let me make a call." jennie rolled her eyes at the lady but decided to keep quiet. "hello mr lee? yeah we have a girl here claiming she's here to see you." she eyed jennie up and down.

"your name?" the lady asked, putting the phone on her shoulder. "jennie. jennie kim, donghyuck's friend. tell him that." the lady rolled her eyes at the long introduction.

"jennie kim, donghyuck's friend." instantly, mark instructed the worker to let jennie go through. with an annoyed look, she allowed jennie to go. "bitch." jennie whispered to herself but the worker heard it. she had to stay professional though.

on her way to the cafe, jennie looked around and saw many trainees. they were very very attractive but then remembered, they're trainees.

"over here!" mark shouted. jennie rolled here eyes and went into the idol room in the cafe. an area privated and only already debuted idols allowed but friends can also be welcomed.

"what do you want?" she asked as she sat down. immediately taking a bite from the bread infront of her.

"so im guessing by now you know about donghyuck and i?" mark started. jennie nodded her head and glared at him.

"look, i did it for his own good." mark sighed. "how is it for his own good when he's heartbroken mark."

should he tell her?

"im going to tell you something but you have to promise not to say anything to donghyuck. you can't say anything." he started biting his nails, looking at her for her answer.

"what?" she stopped eating and looked up at mark. she was suddenly very serious. she wanted to know the real reason why mark had done what he did.

"promise me first." immediately jennie spoke up. "i promise! cross my heart hope to die." she added.

"okay. this one sasaeng texted me and told me if i don't break up with donghyuck she would ruin his future." to prove his point, mark pulled out his phone and showed jennie the text messages.

"i didn't want donghyuck's future to be ruined. i want what's best for him and if it means ending our relationship, so be it." mark admitted. jennie wanted to slap him. but then again thank mark for putting donghyuck before himself.

"why don't you just show him this and explain it instead of breaking his heart? he thinks you don't love him anymore mark!" jennie groaned. "i can't tell him. he would purposely fuck up his life and i don't want that for him." mark sighed.

jennie couldn't deny it. donghyuck would do just that. he would tell mark they could work it out. maybe it was better this way?

"can you do me a favor though?" the girl hesitantly nodded her head. "can you update me weekly or monthly about him? i don't want to lose any contact with him. i still want to know what's going on in his life. please just inform me about his whereabouts. i dont care if he gets a new boyfriend one day, i just dont want to forget him."

jennie was a big markhyuck-er. (the ship name was made by chenle.) she also wouldn't want her favorite ship to sink. therefore, she agreed. she will update mark weekly and if she was busy, monthly but he was guaranteed an update about the brunette.

"is that all? cause i actually have to go feed my dog." mark laughed at her and pulled out his wallet. "here." he pulled out a small paper and handed it to jennie. "a check?" at first she was confused but then widely opened her eyes when she realized how much money mark had just given her.


"shh!" mark quieted her. he didn't want to be robbed. "what the fuck? why?" she asked. she couldn't believe she was holding $100,000 in her hand. well, not really in her hand but still.

"look, i want you to go to the bank and make a new account. put the money in there and give donghyuck a credit card connected to that bank account. if he ever needs anymore, please contact me and i will put in more money just please do that." mark instructed.

"don't you think i should get some for helping you and him out?" at first it was a joke but she happily smiled when mark grabbed his wallet again and pulled out 2 $100 bills.

"here." the girl let out a squeal and took the money. she stuffed it in her pockets fast before mark could tell her to give it back.

"alright you can go now." jennie rolled her eyes at him kicking her out but nonetheless, did just that.

jennie walked out of the building and saw many cameras outside that started taking pictures. they probably thought she was a trainee. since she wasn't and didn't have anything to lose, she started posing for the camera.

"are you debuting soon!? a reporter shouted. "soon! everyone please wait for jennie ruby jane!" she posed even more and the cameras started flashing faster than they already were. everyone wanted to get a picture of the trainee that just confirmed her debut.

she bowed to the reporters and went to the bank like mark told her to. on her way there, she had received thousands of messages from her friends and family.

she furrowed her eyebrows and answered her mom's call. "hello?"

"jennie kim you got into sm and didn't tell me!? you're telling me im supposed to find out my daughter will be a kpop idol through the news?" he mom ranted.

"oh about that.." jennie giggled.


hope you enjoyed !

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