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"donghyuck are you ready? im outside your house." mark informed. "are you crazy!? get in!" he shouted through the phone, quickly hanging up. mark laughed at the worried male and made his way in.

he knew donghyuck's password; 06020099. it was long but mark made him put a long password for his security. if the younger would ever be discovered, he wanted him to be safe and protected.

"welcome." a robotic voice was heard and the door opened by itself. mark smiled at the technology.

he walked in. he could hear music. specifically, trigger the fever. he snorted but blushed, loving how his boyfriend was supporting him.

he walked into the small bedroom that was decorated with a few posters of mark. "hi markie!" the brunette tip toed and gave a peck on the lips before going back to the vanity to finish his makeup. "hey princess." mark followed right after him.

the younger sat down and started working on final touches. mark just stared at him, looking at his face thanks to the big mirror infront of him.

"you look so hot staring at me like that." donghyuck suddenly spoke up. the two made eye contact through the mirror. "how about i show you how hot i can be tonight?" smirking, donghyuck turned around and now faced mark.

"i can't wait." mark gave the younger a smile and turned around to sit on the bed. donghyuck got up and sat down on his boyfriend's lap. "where are we going?" he questioned.

"i can't ruin the surprise baby." mark whispered into th younger's ear who immediately got up. "what's wrong?" mark furrowed his eyebrows. "i can't get a boner right now." he pouted which made mark laugh.

"in a couple hours." he reminded. with that, donghyuck went into his closet and pulled out his clothes for the date. he went back out into the room and changed infront of mark, not caring if the older looked at him. which he was. mark was admiring the body he would get to play with later.

"alright let's go." donghyuck announced, rubbing his lips together as he applied lipgloss. "come on baby." mark took in donghyuck's hand and lead him outside the apartment.

"get in."

with that, donghyuck got into the van that was used to transport idols around. mark licked his lips when the younger's butt was visible but quickly shook his head and followed right behind him.

"hello mr manager!" donghyuck waved at the older man. "hello donghyuck." he greeted back. "so.. mr manager, do you know where we're going?" the brunette giggled a bit when he noticed mark rolling his eyes.

"as a matter of fact, i do." he confirmed. "can you tell me?" before the manager could spoil the date, mark spoke up which made donghyuck huff.

"you'll see when we get there." the younger rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the older but stayed quiet. he turned around and looked out the window.

usually, him and mark would have dates in this van since the windows were blacked out and they could show affection peacefully.

it was all mark could do for the younger and donghyuck didn't complain. all he needed was mark next to him.

donghyuck got lost in his thoughts and before he realized it, the car had stopped and was parked on the side walk of a movie theater.

"we're watching a movie!?" he excitedly asked. mark smiled at his reaction and nodded. "won't there be a lot of people? it's friday. it's usually busy right now." he informed with a pout, worrying about mark.

"don't worry, i rented out the whole theater." donghyuck gave him a weird look which made mark question him. "that must've cost a lot of money mark! what were you thinking? we could've just watched a movie in here or in my apartment." he scolded the older.

the manager and mark both laughed at how cute the small male was. "calm down, hyuck. it's okay. i dont mind wasting my money on you." he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

"i mind mark." he tugged a bit on the idol's ear, who just winced. "come on. lets go." with a goodbye to the manager, the boys got out off the car and quickly ran inside the back door of the movie theater.

"woah." donghyuck gasped at the setting. while looking around he noticed something unusual. "mark? where are the workers?" he asked when he noticed how quiet and lonely the area was. as if on cue, a door opening could be heard.

"hello! welcome to south korea's best movie theater!" donghyuck's eyebrows furrowed when he heard a familiar voice and looked around. his eyes landed on a shadow by the ticket booth.


"hello! what movie will you guys be seeing today?" donghyuck smiled at the act jaemin was keeping. "mark what movie do you want to see?" donghyuck looked up at his boyfriend who was staring around at the posters that contained the movies that could be played.

"let's watch avengers, i know you like it a lot." donghyuck gave mark a peck on his cheek and turned back to the "worker". "two tickets for avengers please." before donghyuck could hand out his card, mark pushed his hand away and gave jaemin his.

"mark! you already payed for the theater let me atleast pay for this and the snacks." he pouted which mark cooed at. "no. today im treating you." jaemin groaned at the disgustingly cute sight and gave them the tickets before disappearing into the back room to look for jeno.

"come on, we need popcorn." donghyuck smiled as mark took his hand and lead him into the pathway that would usually have a long line of people waiting to be served.

"hello! what can i get for you guys?" mark snorted at renjun who was obviously faking being happy since he wanted to be up by the projector and play the movie but instead he got the snack guy role.

"hi! we want one large popcorn, two icees, one blue, one red, nachos, two churros and a bag of watermelon sour candies please!" renjun stared in shock at the boy for how much he was ordering. mark only smiled. he was happy his little sun was eatig well. even though it was junk food.

"will you be paying in cash or card?" renjun questioned. before mark could hand him his card, donghyuck quickly pulled out a $50 bill and gave it to the older.

"damn mark. you're letting donghyuck pay." renjun clicked his tongue and shook his head in disapproval. before mark could say anything, renjun gave back the change to the younger and left to prepare their items.

"why didnt you let me pay?" mark groaned. "baby, i get that you wanted to spoil me but it's our anniversary not just mine so, let me spoil you too." mark smiled a bit at the response.

"here." renjun placed the items on the counter and left through the same door jaemin did, probably looking for him and jeno.

mark grabbed most of the stuff and donghyuck grabbed the remaining. they both walked into theater number 4. they sat in the back row but in the middle so they could have a better view of the screen.

"thank you for this mark. really, thank you. you dont know how much i love you." donghyuck cherishes mark a lot. who knows what would happen if they were to end their relationship, luckily they aren't.

or are they?


hope you enjoyed !

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