twenty seven

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"are we just going to ignore the fact that the kid called donghyuck papa?" jisung snorted.

a few gasps were heard throughout the room. they had totally forgotten that.

"wait so donghyuck is a dad?!" chenle dramatically shouted which made jeno shove him to quiet him down. "i mean.. he did look exactly like him and called him papa." jaemin shrugged, believing chenle's theory.

"s-so do you guys think he has a-another lover?" mark bit his lip, he's trying his hardest not to burst out crying in front of his friends. "possibly." jeno cautiously admitted.

"i never expected donghyuck to get pregnant so soon!" jisung shook his head in disapproval. renjun clicked his tongue. he couldn't take it anymore. how stupid are they?

"you guys are so dumb." he started. everyone stared at him, taking his comment as a very offensive one. "how?" chenle crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

pulling out his phone, renjun's finger pressed the safari app. he started typing on the keyboard. the members stared at him in anticipation, waiting on what he was about to say that made them all "dumb."

"here." he pointed at his phone and turned it around so everyone could take a look. since some members were far, they squinted their eyes to see better but still had no luck. those who were close looked at it yet couldn't understand anything.

"what does it say?" renjun questioned, his eyebrow subconsciously raising. "babies can start to speak from 12 and 18 months of age." jisung read outloud. "huh?" they all said at the same time, still confused.

renjun face palmed in disbelief. "it says babies start speaking from 12 and 18 months. when the baby was there he only said papa. he also only drank milk so he's obviously still young. plus, when mark first opened the door, he yelled daddy. what i'm saying is.. he's mark's." the chinese explained. he smirked to himself when noticed everyone's eyes go wide.

"m-mine? how?" mark sat up, his body straightening up. this statement had energized him, he no longer felt tired.

"mark, when was the last time you had sex with donghyuck?" renjun's question made the said male blush as everyone stared at him, waiting on the answer.

"o-on our last date. the one where you guys dressed up as movie theater employees." he informed, his face still flushed.

the younger male went over to the calculator app and started doing what he had to. "mark, did you wear a condom?" he asked another weird question. jisung and chenle were trying their hardest to hold back their laughs.

"i-i don't know. actually.. now that you mention it, i remember waking up and being confused because there was no cum anywhere." that sentence made jaemin and jeno cover the ears of the youngest ones.

"ew but.. look, if i stand corrected.. you guys have been broken up for almost two years now. a regular pregnancy is nine months so if everything went smooth and donghyuck had given birth after nine months, the baby should be about thirteen months right now. a year and a month old." wether it was for renjun's knowledge or for the fact that the kid is mark's, everyone gasped.

"so he really is mine?" mark whispered to himself but due to the quietness, the members had heard it.

"no wonder he looked just like you. i thought it was just me being delusional but that kid looked exactly like you and donghyuck mixed together." jisung explained with a clap afterwards, proud of his examination.

"so i'm not crazy! i thought i was a bit crazy when i heard his name.. minhyuck. it's a mix of our names, minhyung and donghyuck!" mark had finally figured it out.

the secret donghyuck swore he would take to the grave was already figured out by the person he wished to keep it from forever.

and he didn't even tell him.

thanks to renjun, mark's suspicions had been confirmed. the kid really is his. him and donghyuck had created him.

"wow mark, you're a father. how do you feel?" jeno asked. mark frowned at the statement. not that he was sad to be one or ashamed but because he didn't deserve the title.

he wasn't there for donghyuck during the pregnancy, he wasn't there for him when he gave birth, he wasn't with him for the past year of the baby's life and he wasn't with him right this moment.

he sure as heck doesn't deserved to be called a father. even if he didn't know he had a kid, mark couldn't accept the title.

"i think we should leave mark alone. to gather his thoughts." chenle patted his back before getting up. the others nodded and got up as well.

"bye mark. goodnight!" they all waved before leaving the room and disappearing into their own rooms.

i have a kid?

donghyuck had a kid?

i got him pregnant?

i left him all alone..

what did i do?!



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