Are we walking into a Trap

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Sasha decided to hand Bayley her phone again to let her read what Becky texted. Bayley knew her dad would be pissed that she wanted to dig up her mom's grave. "I will let you decide if you want Becky to come here or to your apartment," Bayley said. "Bayley, before we decide what to do, we must discuss the marriage proposal," Sasha said. "We don't need to talk about it. I don't want to feel the pain of being turned down." Bayley said. "Bayley, in the past, yes, I would have turned you down because you were underage. Now it's different, and I can be with you without anyone's approval. My answer is yes because you complete me, and I love you. I loved you the day you came into my life and loved watching you grow up into a beautiful woman. I feel complete when you are with me, and I don't want to live without you." Sasha said.

Sasha waited for Bayle to say something when a memory came to mind. "Hmmm, I wonder when my little cub will come." Sasha thought to herself. Then Sasha heard someone crying and went to see who it was. To Sasha's surprise, her little cub was hiding behind a tree, crying. "Little cub, what's wrong? What happened to your hand?" Sasha asked with concern. "My uncle tried to take me to the pack. I'm not allowed to go to the pack. My mom and dad would be upset and won't let me return here. That would mean I couldn't see you anymore. My uncle told me I had to go and didn't have a mate. My uncle tried to take me, and my hand turned into a paw. I scratched his face and disappeared here." Bayley said through tears.

Sasha picked up Bayley and walked to the creek to wash the blood off her paw. "Let's see if you have any injuries, little one," Sasha said. Sasha put Bayley's paw in the water and watched the hair on her paw move in the water. Bayley started to laugh, and soon her paw returned to a hand. Bayley turned her head and kissed Sasha on the cheek. Sasha knew this little girl had her heart. "Thank you, little one; here, let me check your hand out, please," Sasha asked Bayley. Bayley showed Sasha her hand. "Thank you, my hand is back to normal," Bayley hugged Sasha.

Sasha knew her time with Bayley would be up soon, and she would have to return Bayley to her mom. Sasha hated this part as she watched Bayley fall asleep in her arms. Sasha leaned over and kissed Bayley on the forehead. "I love you, my little cub, and I hope one day I can call you mine," Sasha said before laying Bayley down by the edge of the clearing. Sasha was brought out of the memory when she felt a kiss on her cheek. "Can I keep you now?" Bayley whispered in Sasha's ear. Sasha looked at Bayley with love and desire. "I'm sorry, the memory just hit me, and yes, you can keep me. Bayley, you have always had me with or without a ring. If I could have stayed with you, I would have." Sasha said. "Does that mean you will marry me then?" Bayley said with hope in her voice. "Yes, I will marry you. As you see, I've loved you since I saw you that day in the forest. I don't want to feel the pain I did when I thought I lost you." Sasha said. Bayley pulled out the ring and put it on Sasha's finger. Sasha wanted people to know Bayley was taken, so she took the ring off her necklace and placed it on Bayley's finger.

Bayley pulled Sasha closer and kissed her. They only broke apart when breathing became an issue. Sasha was going to kiss Bayley again, but her phone went off. "Who texted, Becky or Summer?" Bayley asked. "It's Becky, and she wants to know where we should meet. I hate to leave here, but I like this being a place that no one knows." Sasha said. "I like this place is our place as well. We can go back to your apartment and meet her then we can have a plan to meet this mysterious person. I don't want us walking into a trap. This could be my uncle, who always wants me to join the pack." Bayley said.

"Well, he can't have you because you belong to me. One other thing I always wondered why you couldn't go visit the pack?" Sasha asked. Bayley gave Sasha a reassuring smile before talking. "I wasn't allowed because my mom and dad weren't sure the pack would accept me. I'm a mixed breed, and you see how my uncle acted against you. My mom felt the pack would act aggressively toward me, and my mom didn't want me to go through that. My grandfather assured my mom nothing would happen to me. I was the granddaughter of the pack leader. But my mom did not want to take the chance, so she would not allow it. That's why my mom would go to the monthly cleaning to visit my grandfather." Bayley said. "Your mom or dad didn't know you had been shifting at a young age?" Sasha asked.

"No, you are the only one that knew. My dad hoped I would be like him and not become a wolf. I like being both, and I can do things others can't. Sasha has seen flashes in Bayley's memory of shifting in her room and realizing she could shift different body parts at will. Then the memory of her uncle telling Bayley he had killed her friend and burned the body. Sasha could feel Bayley's pain from that memory. Sasha pulled Bayley into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner to you. I would have kicked your uncle's ass and his friend." Sasha told Bayley. Bayley didn't want this moment to end but knew they needed to meet up with Becky.

"We should head to your apartment and meet up with Becky. I don't want her to wait too long, and I want us to have a plan in place." Bayley said. "I won't let anything happen to you. Let's lock up the house, and we will go to my apartment. There we will notify Becky and work out a plan." Sasha tells Bayley.  Bayley stood in the backyard and watched the waves hit the shore. Bayley didn't want to leave this place, but deep down, Bayley knew she needed to find out some answers to this mystery person. Bayley asked herself, "Why would someone want to meet us now with information about my mom? Why not come sooner with the information?" Sasha knew Bayley had a lot on her mind, and they needed to at less solve one mystery.

"It's very peaceful out here, and I hate leaving. This really is the first time I've been happy to be here. I've looked at this place as dark and now you've brought the light to the place." Sasha tells Bayley as she wraps her arms around her. "I feel the same way you do. I don't want to leave at all. It would be easy to stay here because no one knows where we are. But we both know we want answers and find out who the mystery person is. I don't want Becky to deal with my father either." Bayley said, hugging Sasha. They both stood there watching the ocean and enjoying the peace. Sasha knew there was a lot of work to do to protect her love. With that last thought, Sasha felt Bayley hold on to her a little tighter, and Bayley and she disappeared.

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