The true prize

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Sasha was 10 minutes early for her meeting with Becky. Sasha ensured her phone was silent and turned down the lighting so no one could see her location. Sasha checked out the place to ensure no one was hiding in the shadows beside herself. Sasha heard Becky talking to someone and knew Becky had double-crossed her. Sasha couldn't believe Becky would do that for a stupid job. Sasha couldn't understand why Becky wanted to be part of the mob. Sasha was going to leave but wanted to hear what was being said.

"Dad, I told her no one would be here, but you brought Bayley's grandmother here. That will make her think I betrayed her," Becky said. Sasha won't trust me again, and she'll never agree to meet me. Sasha noticed a beautiful woman standing next to Austin. "Becky, my dear, I will explain it to her when she shows up. I promise we are the only three here." Katy said. Sasha had a weird feeling that the woman had pickup her scent and that she knew she was already there. "Becky, sometimes you have to tell people lies to get them to do things you need. These are lessons you must learn to work in this business." Austin said.

Sasha could tell Becky wasn't happy about betraying her trust. Sasha decided to step out of the shadows. "So, you said it was just you, and look; two other people are with you. I knew you couldn't be trusted and that you would lie to me." Sasha said. Becky could tell Sasha was upset, and her eyes showed it. "Calm down, Sasha; you don't want to do anything you will regret." Becky and Austin said together. "I don't work for you, and I'm not scared of you either, Austin. You lied to me for what so you can get that job you are so desperate for." Sasha said.

At that moment, Katy moved forward and pulled out an envelope. Instantly Sasha caught the scent of the envelope, and her eyes turned a dark blue. Katy smiled at Sasha before talking, "Please don't be mad at Becky; I asked to meet you. Interesting, I'm guessing when you first picked up the scent, you thought you were getting a good meal. When did you realize that you never wanted to kill her?" Katy asked. "What, you were planning to kill Bayley?" Austin demanded. Katy gave Austin a warning look before turning her attention back to Sasha. Sasha watched this woman with interest. "I was going to feed off her, but my fangs wouldn't come out. I made the mistake of looking into her eyes, and I was hooked. All I wanted to do was get her home safely. It's been driving me crazy that I haven't seen her in 4 weeks. I even imagine her calling out to me." Sasha said.

Katy was still smiling at Sasha and walked toward her. Sasha backed up, ensuring she had a way to escape if needed. "I'm not going to hurt you. Her father was the same way with her mother. He picked up her scent and thought he would have a good meal. But he had difficulty finding her and was going crazy trying to. He could hear her talking when she thought about him. When he lost her that sad day, he also lost his daughter. That is the day Bayley stopped talking to everyone. If she calls out to you, she knows you two are meant to be." Katy said.

Sasha didn't know what to say. "Sasha, I would like to invite you over to see Bayley personally. I would like to see her go back to school. Bayley shouldn't be locked in her room. If you are wondering, Bayley is also having a hard time. It is worse for Bayley though." Katy said as she handed the envelope to Sasha. Sasha wasn't sure if she should take it. "What is this?" Sasha asked. "Bayley wrote it for you and gave it to me to give it to you. I expect to see you tomorrow night at the estate. Here is the address and please don't be late.

Another thing for you to think about, Sasha, the actual price isn't the kill. It is the love you receive from the one you are supposed to be with. Your the one she is missing and needs to see." Katy said as she hugged Sasha. Sasha returned the hug Katy gave her. Sasha felt she could trust Katy but wasn't going to let her guard down.

"I will meet you at Becky's apartment, and we will be driving over to the estate," Austin said. Sasha watched as Austin and Katy disappeared. "Lass, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help you find Bayley. I didn't know her grandmother was coming. My dad had called just when I appeared here, and she was with him." Becky said. "It's ok, Becky. I forgive you. I need to go, and I will see you tomorrow at 4 pm." Sasha said. "Wait a minute. Did you find out what the color change means?" Becky asked. "Yes, it means I only have eyes for Bayley. It happens to everyone when they find that special person. I've noticed your eyes turn pink when you talk about Charlotte." Sasha said.

"I won't lie, I like her a lot, and she did say yes, we could go on a date. I don't know what to do if my eyes turned pink." Becky said. "Just try to stay relaxed, and you should be fine," Sasha said. "Thanks, Sasha; I will see you tomorrow; please don't be late," Becky said before disappearing. Sasha decided she wanted to check out Katy's address before heading home to read what Bayley had written her. Sasha wasn't sure if this was the real deal or a setup.

Sasha decided to move across the building tops. Sasha was about to move on when she heard three men talking, and they mentioned Roman name. "So if you look here, an opening could get us on the grounds. The inside source says the girl's room is on the second floor at the back of the house. We could climb up the back and grab her before anyone noticed she was gone. If we could pull this off, we will be rewarded be on are widest dreams." The man said. Another man didn't look to convince this plan would work. "If she is on the second floor, how do we get her down?" The man asked. The first man thought for a minute before answering, "we could kill her and throw the body over the balcony. Then we drag the body into the woods." The man said.

Sasha saw red at this point and knew she needed to stop them from getting to Bayley. Sasha jumped down from where she was hiding and snapped the first man's neck, and did the same to one of the other men. Sasha moved to the third man, that was still alive for now. "Who do you work for, and why are you after Roman's daughter? Sasha asked. "Dolph has put a hit on Roman daughter to hurt him and hopes to take over the Roman territories." The man said. Sasha got the information she wanted and killed the man. Sasha knew she needed to get ahold of Becky. "I need you and your dad to come to my location immediately." Sasha texted Becky. Sasha decided to take a photo of the house plans and where Bayley's room is located on the map. Sasha's phone went off, and it was Becky. "Hey, Lass, I'm with my dad," Becky said. "Hello once again, what is all this," Austin asked.

"These three men were planning to break into the Roman estate and kill Bayley in her sleep. Then they were going to throw her body off the balcony and drag her body into the woods. They had the plans for the estate and said they had an inside source. One of the men told me Dolph had put a hit on Bayley to hurt Roman and to take his territory." Sasha tells Becky and Austin. Sasha could tell that Austin was mad as hell and wanted to find the leak right away. "Sasha, did they say anything else about getting on the property unnoticed?" Austin asked. "Yes, they said right here there an opening where there never any guards watching that area. So it would be easy for them to get in and out before anyone noticed." Sasha said.

"Thank you for letting me know about this. I will return to Roman and get security bumped up around the property. I will have my men clean this up. Come on, Becky, you need to learn this stuff as well." Austin said, and they disappeared together. Sasha still wanted to see where Bayley lived before going to the estate later that day. Twenty minutes later, Sasha found the estate and headed to the back of the house. Sasha noticed someone climbing down from the second floor. The person was walking towards the forest.

Sasha was puzzled that someone would be walking at this time of night. Sasha thought Bayley might have a lover sneaking out of her room. Sasha thought,  "That person needs to be limited from the picture. Bayley was hers, and she didn't want to share her with anyone." Suddenly the wind shifted, and Sasha got the scent of the person walking. It was Bayley; why did she sneak out of her room, and why was she walking into the forest for? Sasha decided to keep an eye on her to make sure no one else was waiting for her. Sasha was surprised when Bayley opened a gate and walked into the fenced area. Sasha noticed Bayley was at a grave site. Sasha wondered who's grave it was that Bayley came out at night to visit. Just barely a whisper, Bayley spoke to the tombstone, "Hello, mom, I brought you moon lilies."

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