Where to begin

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Sasha kept thinking about what Bayley had said to her, "Sasha, all that matters to me is you right now. I lost you once, and it killed me inside. I don't want to feel that again. Your past is your past, and if you want to share it, that's great. But it would help if you didn't feel like you had to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Bayley said, kissing Sasha on the forehead. Sasha wanted to spend her life with Bayley, too but felt it was vital for her to share her story. Bayley and Sasha finally got out of the house, and Sasha drove over to Pearl Harbor.

Sasha took Bayley all around and to the floating museum where all the names of the soldiers that died that day. Then Sasha took Bayley over to the hospital where she used to work at. Wow, the history here is impressive. They are right. You can feel something calming in this place. Why did you leave it for?" Bayley asked. "I was by myself, and locals were suspicious of missing blood and animals. I would jump between the islands so that no one would pick up on the fact I was feeding off animals. I wouldn't say I liked feeding off animals here because the land is special to the locals. So I packed up and lifted. I do come back once in a while and visit." Sasha said.

Bayley looked at Sasha with amazement and wonder. "Where should I begin?" Sasha wonders to herself. She wanted Bayley to know what had happened to her and what she did to protect herself. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want," Bayley told Sasha. "No, I want you to know my story, and I hope you will not be disappointed in me afterward. It started over 81 years ago, and I remember it like yesterday. I had woken up early and was getting ready to head to the hospital for my shift. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and the island was peaceful like it always is in the early morning. I arrived at the Hospital and started doing my around, getting things set up for the day. I wondered if I would find anyone to spend her life with as many of my friends had done. Just a little before 8 am, all hell broke loose, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor began. Casualties began coming into the hospital, and I was assigned to a delegate, which was a higher priority to save and who could wait." Sasha tells Bayley.

"Sasha, are you ok? You don't have to continue if you don't want to." Bayley tells Sasha. "I'm ok, and I want to tell you," Sasha said. Sasha took a few deep breaths and continued her story. "As the bombing continued, a doctor came up to me and asked if I would come with him. He asked a few others to the front line to see who they could save. Dr. Foley was a lovely man, always giving people the deserved chances. I agreed and went with a small team to the front line of the action. I was overwhelmed with how many bodies were already dead. "Make sure you know your surroundings and listen for dropped bombs." Doctor Foley said. I got to work right away, along with the others. They moved along the docks to get to other ships so they could help. They were heading to the U.S.S Arizona when bombs struck it. I was hit along with my co-workers. Dr. Foley checked on the others and noticed I was on severely hurt.

Dr. Foley moved me away from the action and made sure I was in a safe place. "Sasha, I can make the pain go away, but you have to give me the ok to do it." Dr. Foley said. "Yes, please help me," I told the Doctor. Once I gave the doctor permission to help me, Dr. Foley leaned over and shrunk his teeth into my neck. I felt my life ending and heard Dr. Foley tell me to drink. I did what I was told and fell into a deep sleep. After a few hours, I woke up with a hunger for blood. Dr. Foley handed me a bag full of blood and told me to drink it. I was still hungry and wanted more. "You can feed off those that will not survive the bombing. Follow me, and we can get you to feed." Dr. Foley told me.

I fed off seven different people on their last leg of life. I couldn't understand what had happened to me. "What did you do to me?" I asked the Doctor. "I gave you a second chance at life, and you will need to learn how to control your hunger. I suggest you stay in this line of work to get your hands on blood." Dr. Foley said. "I don't understand what just happened to me? I'm not sure what to say; all my injuries are healed." I said. "Sasha, make sure no one finds out what you become. It would help if you kept this secret, or people would hunt you down. Make sure you cover up your marking on someone's neck after you are done feeding off them. The only way to change someone is by draining their blood from them and letting them drink your blood. You will no longer sleep but be up all the time." Dr. Foley said.
The Doctor was right. My days never ended, and sleep wasn't something I wanted anymore." Sasha said.

Bayley watched as Sasha looked out at the water. Bayley moved to Sasha and wrapped her arms around Sasha's waist. Sasha felt Bayley kiss her cheek before Bayley spoke. "Sasha, how long have you been alone? What did you do to survive all these years?" Bayley asked. Sasha felt Bayley hug her a little tight. "I didn't like feeding off humans. I started feeding off deer and mountain lions. I would go to the overpopulated locations with bears, dears, and anything else to be allowed to hunt. I would come across those that needed to be dealt with, and I would eliminate them for the safety of others. I took different nursing jobs over the years. I would have to leave after a few years because I wouldn't age. People would notice I wasn't getting any older. One day I came across a little girl that told me I was hers. I never wanted to let her go." Sasha said to Bayley.

"Well, she never wanted to let you go either and is happy that you are back in my life where you belong," Bayley said, kissing Sasha on the cheek again. "It doesn't bother you what I had to do to survive?" Sasha asked. "No, I'm thankful to that doctor for turning you. If he didn't, I would have never found you. Plus, look at my father and how many he has had to kill in his line of work. They only started keeping blood supplies in the house so no one would get suspicious of them. My father would have dinner parties and kill the guest. That was always a sight to see. My mother wouldn't let me go to those dinner parties." Bayley said.

Sasha couldn't believe that Bayley wasn't judging her but accepting her for her. "How did I get so lucky to find you after all these years," Sasha said, kissing Bayley passionately. "I'm the lucky one, and I want to marry you," Bayley said. Sasha couldn't believe what she had just heard Bayley says. "You want to marry me after all I've done?" Sasha asked Bayley. "Yes, I do, and I hope you will say yes to me. Sasha Banks, will you marry me?" Bayley asked, getting down on one knee.

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