Who is she

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"Sasha woke up early and was getting ready to head to the hospital for her shift. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and the island was quiet like it always is in the early morning. Sasha noticed how calm the weather was today and how soft it was. Sasha liked mornings like this because it was peaceful. Everyone sleeps in on Sunday, and shops don't open until later. Sasha arrived at the Hospital and started doing her around, getting things set up for the day. Sasha wonders if she will find anyone to spend her life with as her friends have. Just a little before 8 am, all hell broke loose, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor began. Casualties began coming into the hospital, and Sasha was assigned to a delegate, a higher priority to save and who could wait.

As the bombing continued, a doctor approached Sasha and asked if she would come with him and others to the front line to see who they could save. Dr. Foley was a lovely man, always giving people the chances they deserved. Sasha agreed and went with a small team to the front line of the action. Sasha was overwhelmed by how many bodies were already dead. "Make sure you know your surroundings and listen for bombs being dropped." Doctor Foley said. Sasha got to work right away, along with the others. They moved along the docks to get to other ships so they could help. They were heading to the U.S.S Arizona when bombs struck it. Sasha was hit along with her co-workers. Dr. Foley checked on the others and noticed Sasha was severely hurt.

Dr. Foley moved her away from the action and made sure she was in a safe place. "Sasha, I can make the pain disappear, but you have to give me the ok to do it." Dr. Foley said. "Yes, please help me. I don't want to die." Sasha said. Once Sasha gave the doctor permission to help. Dr. Foley leaned over and shrunk his teeth into Sasha's neck. Sasha felt her life ending and heard Dr. Foley tell her to drink. Sasha did what she was told and fell into a deep sleep. After a few hours, Sasha woke up with a hunger for blood. Dr. Foley handed her a blood bag and told her to drink it. Sasha was still hungry and wanted more. "You can feed off those that will not survive the bombing. Follow me, and we can get you to feed." Dr. Foley told her.

Sasha fed off seven different people on their last leg of life. Sasha couldn't understand what had happened to her. "What did you do to me?" Sasha asked. "I gave you a second chance at life, and you will need to learn how to control your hunger. I suggest you stay in this line of work so you can get your hands on blood." Dr. Foley said. "I don't understand what just happened to me. I'm unsure what to say; all my injuries are healed." Sasha said. "Sasha, make sure no one finds out what you become. It would help if you kept this secret, or people would hunt you down. Make sure you cover up your marking on someone's neck after you are done feeding off them. The only way to change someone is by draining their blood from them and letting them drink your blood. You will no longer sleep but be up all the time." Dr. Foley said.

This was a lot for Sasha to take in, and she wasn't sure how she would handle this. The one thing she knew was that no one would fall for a monster. Even if she did find the one she supposes to be with, could she control herself and not kill whoever it was? Could she control herself and have an everyday life?"A knock on the door woke Sasha up. Sasha looked at Bayley, who was still asleep. Sasha got up and opened the door to see Becky standing there. "Sasha, I hope I didn't interrupt anything between you two," Becky said. "No, not at all. Bayley has been sleeping since the incident. I was trying to figure out who wants to hurt her?" Sasha said.

"I thought you were going to take her somewhere else for the evening?" Becky asked. "I was going to, but I didn't want to disturb her. I'm taking her tomorrow night." Sasha said. "Ok, that sounds like a plan. What kind of cameras do you want in the room?" Becky asked. "I want small cameras on the doors and the bookcase as well. If someone comes in here, we must get a clear shot of their face." Sasha said. "I understand what you are asking for, and will you let me go with you to the safe house?" Becky asked.

"No, not yet! I will let you know when you can come. I need to make some security adjustments to the place first. Then I will let you stay the night with us." Sasha said. "Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself. I won't let you down! My loyalty is to you and Bayley, not Roman. After seeing you tonight, I chose you as my boss." Becky said. Sasha knew she never wanted a crew, but she needed to protect her love. "We will make this work, but we need to find who's placing these devices in the room," Sasha said.

"Well, what did you find out? Who is Sasha Banks, and where did she come from?" The person asked. "We still don't know who Sasha Banks is. Her past information has been erased, and we can't find anything on her. The only thing I can figure out is she has been around for more than 80 years. So no history would be available on her if that is the case. I know she planned to kill Bayley when she first met her. But something changed, and now she has become her protector and Bayley's mate." The man said. "That's not good enough, and now I will have to hunt her down. She needs to answer my question if she wants to stay alive." The person said. "Bayley will not allow you to hurt her. Sasha is well trained and knows how to take people out." The man said. "Bayley will understand in the end what needs to be done. I don't care how trained she is. I will be able to take her out if it comes to that. Continue to search for the information I ask for! If you continue to hit a roadblock, I will hunt this Sasha Banks down." The person said.

"Bayley will not understand, and in the end, you will cause her more pain. I don't think you want to see that happen. Sasha Banks isn't the issue you should be worried about now." The man said. The person just looked at the other man with a puzzled look. "Are you trying to tell me I should just sit back and wait to see what happens?" The person asked angrily. "The information about Ms. Banks will come out at some point. Ms. Banks will tell her story soon and where she comes from. I'm saying Bayley doesn't deserve more pain than she has been living through. Bayley has someone inside the house trying to hurt her. No one is sure why the rival gang is targeting Bayley for. Bayley's safety should be the top priority. On another note, Bayley truly cares for Sasha, and if anything happened to her, it would kill Bayley." The man said. The other person sat there without saying anything but knew he was right. The person needed to find another way to find information on Sasha Banks. The question is, can the data be founded?

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