The pain

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Sasha watched as Bayley picked seeds and talked away like her mother was there with her. Sasha figured this a way for Bayley to let the pain out and deal with what's happened. Sasha noticed Bayley had finished collecting the seeds she needed. Sasha noticed Bayley was careful when putting the seeds into a little black bag. "That should be enough for grandmother to grow more moon lilies," Bayley said. Bayley started cleaning the gravesite, and then she planet the moon lily she had brought with her.

Bayley kept cleaning the area and finally sat down next to the gravestone. "It seems like I almost joined you in the afterlife, and I think I would have been ok with it. Two men kidnapped me from the gym a while back, and now dad has added a gym to the house. Anyways the men were going to kill me and send my fingers to dad. Not sure what he did to piss off this other mob boss, but I guess I'm the new target for them. I know I should be more upset about this, but I have mixed feelings. I never wanted to be involved in dad business. Then a girl from school was in the forest that day. She is a blue hair beauty that saved my life, and I felt so protected by her. She even kissed me, and I kissed her back. I never wanted to let her go, but I think she tried to kill me too. Even though her eyes were a dark blue, I felt she wanted to feed off me, and I think I would have asked her to do it. It would end this pain that I think about all the time. Sometimes the pain inside is so bad I can't even think straight. Mom, I haven't been happy since you passed and I lost my mate. For once, I felt a little happiness when a blue hairy girl saved me.

I know that I imprinted on her, and I can feel the pull on her. I tried calling her mentally, but sadly she never came. I was hoping she would have heard me. I guess I don't have that ability as well. I could see the disappointment in dad's eyes because I didn't show any signs of you in me. That also makes me sad, and I'm afraid I will forget you one day. I haven't shifted or communicated mentally with the one I'm supposed to be with. I thought she was the one, but I'm also wrong. I do have dad strength and speed. I have no desire to drink blood. Grandmother likes cooking for me, but it gets lonely eating by myself all the time." Bayley said.

Sasha noticed Bayley got quiet for a minute, and she looked like she was thinking about something else to say. Sasha could see tears going down Bayley's face as she leaned her head back on the tombstone. "Mom, I don't know what to do anymore. You were the only one I had left that didn't push me to be someone I didn't want to be. Grandmother does a good job, but she isn't you. I thought the blue hair girl liked me and we had a moment in school. I guess I was wrong about that. I think all I am to her is a meal, but I don't understand why she didn't feed off me. She could have gotten away with it a couple of times. What I've heard, no one had a clue where those two men took me." Bayley said as she closed her eyes. Sasha watched Bayley sitting with her eyes closed and noticed her breathing slowed.

Sasha dropped down from where she was hiding and moved closer to Bayley. "I did hear you but didn't know how to locate you. I do like you and feel we belong together. I wanted to do more with you that day in school." Sasha said to Bayley. Sasha looked at the headstone. It said, "Lita Reigns 1972-2019 beloved wife and mother. Her love will always live on inside us." Sasha read. Sasha could tell this place brought peace to the person that comes here. No one would be aware this is here unless they followed someone here.

Sasha walked back to Bayley and looked how at peace she was sleeping by her mom's grave. Sasha decided to pick up Bayley and carrier her back to her room. If anyone found out that she was missing, it would cause many issues. Sasha looked towards the house and noticed only one room with open balcony doors. Sasha focused on the doubled doors as she disappeared with Bayley in her arms and reappeared on the balcony. Sasha walked into the room and was struck with Bayley's scent. Sasha was amazed at how big this room was and thought it was bigger than her apartment.

Sasha walked toward the bed so she could lay Bayley down on it and decided to change her into something to sleep in. Sasha looked around and found what she was looking for. Sasha didn't want to wake up Bayley, so she carefully removed Bayley's top and replaced it with a tank top. Then she pulled off the pants Bayley was wearing. Sasha admired how nice Bayley's body looked and took a mental note she liked to wear black undergarments. Sasha put a pair of shorts on her and then covered Bayley with her blankets.

Sasha didn't know what came over her, but she decided to lay down next to Bayley. Sasha noticed Bayley smiled in her sleep when Sasha wrapped her arms around Bayley. Sasha chose to kiss Bayley on the cheek. Bayley had turned to pull Sasha close to her. Sasha allowed herself to close her eyes and wondered if this could be something she could get used to. Sasha heard people talking as they got closer to Bayley's room. Sasha didn't want to leave Bayley unguarded, so she hid in the closet.

"Katy, we must ensure Bayley is still in her room," Seth tells her. "Who gave the orders to bother my granddaughter," Katy asked. "The orders came from Austin. Rumor is that three men plan to kill Bayley in her room." Seth said. "You can look in the room from the door. You are not going in her room all the way." Katy tells Seth. Katy opened the door and only allowed him to see Bayley lying in bed. "Are you satisfied that she is in her room?" Katy asked. "Yes, I will let Austin know she is still in her room. We will need to secure her doors when she wakes in the morning." Seth said. Katy watched Seth walk away before entering the room to check on Bayley.

Katy noticed the little black bag Bayley took with her to the grave. Katy picked up the bag and realized that the bag was full. "Bayley, what I'm I going to do with you? You couldn't stay in your room. I hope you had a good talk with your mom." Katy said, kissing Bayley on the forehead before leaving the room. Katy stopped when she picked up a new scent in the room and looked around. Katy's eyes fell on the closet and knew Sasha had brought Bayley back to her room. Sasha could see a smile on Katy's face before leaving the room. Sasha had a feeling Katy knew that she was hiding in the closet.

Sasha returned from the closet and realized that Bayley's safety had become vital to her. Sasha decided to replace the hoodie she was wearing with a new one of Bayley. Sasha found one that had a strong scent on it before putting it on. Sasha walked back over to Bayley and told her, "I will see you later today when I come to meet your dad." Sasha said, kissing Bayley again. Before leaving, Sasha ensured the balcony doors were still locked, and her eyes fell on a photo of Bayley as a child and Lita. Sasha knew the little girl in the picture and looked back at Bayley in shock. Sasha needed to go and get things ready for the meeting and make sure she still had Bayley's letter on her before she disappeared. Sasha arrived home feeling tired and hungry. Sasha wasn't sure if she would be ready to meet Roman. The only good thing about this meeting was Bayley. Who Bayley was to her and what she needed to do to keep her in her life.

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