Need to feed

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Sasha and Bayley continued to kiss until breathing became a problem. Sasha flipped them over again, so she was on top of Bayley and deepened the kiss. Sasha could feel her fangs coming out. Sasha tried to remove herself from Bayley, but Bayley held her in place. "I want you to feed off me. I trust you, my love."Bayley said again. Sasha was overwhelmed by Bayley's trust but was still scared that she would go too far. Sasha's hunger started to take control, and it was getting harder to fight off. Sasha began to kiss down Bayley's jawline to her neck and found the spot she needed to work.

Sasha knew that she could numb the area and turn Bayley on. Sasha kept telling herself to take enough to get by until she could get her supply for the next few days. Sasha continued to work Bayley's sweet spot and moved her hand down Bayley's body. Sasha ran her fingers between Bayley's folds and rubbed Bayley's clit. Sasha heard Bayley let out a moan as she moved her head to the side to give Sasha more room. Sasha's fangs were fully out, and she knew it was time for her to feed.

Sasha sunk her fangs into Bayley's neck and felt her blood fill her mouth. Sasha had never tasted anything this good. Sasha took two full mouth fulls and then heard Bayley make a low moaning sound. Sasha wasn't sure if she took too much blood from Bayley and pulled her fangs out. Sasha licked the fangs marks to seal them up. She prayed that she didn't cost Bayley a life. Sasha wasn't even sure if Bayley hit her climax or not. Sasha got caught up in the moment feeding off Bayley.

Sasha couldn't bring herself to look at Bayley. Sasha didn't want to see the life drained out of  Bayley's face. Sasha laid her head on Bayley's chest, "I'm sorry, my love." Sasha said. Sasha then felt Bayley pull her closer to her. Bayley kissed the top of Sasha's head. "Sasha, are you ok?" Bayley asked as she lifted Sasha's chin. Bayley could see the worry in Sasha's eyes. "Hey, I'm ok. I just hit my climax while you feed off me." Bayley said. "I was worried that I took too much from you. I don't know what to do if I took your life for a stupid reason." Sasha said. Bayley moved Sasha to her back so she could look into Sasha's eyes.

Bayley leaned down and kissed Sasha on the lips. "One good thing is I can be reborn. I don't want you to be in pain, so if you need to feed off me, please do. I'm afraid I have to disagree with you about this." Bayley said, starting to kiss Sasha's neck. Sasha tried to reply to Bayley but was having a hard time getting the words out. Sasha was losing her mind with every move Bayley made. Soon Sasha felt Bayley between her legs sucking on her clit as she stuck two fingers inside Sasha. Sasha let out a loud moan as she felt her climax build. Soon enough, Sasha hit her climax hard and felt lick up her juices before kissing her way back up her body.

"That was wonderful. Have I told you how much I love you?" Sasha said, kissing Bayley again. "You have, but I like hearing you say it. Right now, you are the only one I have in my life. I can't trust my family, and I'm not sure anything they have said is true." Bayley said. Sasha hated Bayley and felt that way about her family. "Bayley, if you want, we can dig up your mother's grave. But before we go, I want to share my story with you. Then you can decide if you still want me in your life. Whatever you decide, I will stand by your decision." Sasha said.

Sasha wasn't sure what Bayley would say to her, and for the first time, she was worried. "I told you, I don't care what your past is. I can't live without you, and I don't want to go through that again. I wouldn't say I liked every time you lifted me and when you didn't come back that day. I didn't know if I could go on without. I want to marry you and start a life with you. I hope you feel the same way I do?" Bayley said. Sasha was taken aback when Bayley said she wanted to marry her. "Bayley, do you want to marry me?" Sasha asked. "Yes, I do, and I would marry you right now if we could," Bayley said.

"I want that too, but I want to tell you my story. We will need to get dressed because I want to show you where it happened." Sasha said. Sasha was happy that Bayley didn't fight her on this and got ready to go. "Do you need more blood before we go?" Bayley asked. "I'll go to my apartment and grab enough to hold me. I'll be right back." Sasha said, kissing Bayley on the lips. Bayley watched Sasha disappear and only waited for five minutes until she returned. "Any problems at your apartment?" Bayley asked.

"No, not at all. I checked the cameras fast, and no one had been back to my apartment. I reset the alarm, so if anyone shows up, I will know." Sasha said. Sasha felt Bayley wrap her arms around her waist. Bayley watched as Sasha poured the blood into a glass. It didn't take Sasha long to drink the blood. Sasha would wipe the blood off her lips, but Bayley turned her around. Bayley pulled Sasha into a passionate kiss. Bayley could taste the blood on Sasha's lips. Sasha was taken by surprise but found it turned her on.

"You are playing unfairly, this has turned me on, and I want to take you back to bed," Sasha tells Bayley. Bayley picked up Sasha and took her back to the bedroom. Bayley set Sasha on the edge of the bed and removed Sasha's pants. Sasha loved this side of Bayley. Bayley got on her knees and placed Sasha's legs on her shoulder. Sasha could feel Bayley's lips on her inner thighs. Sasha could feel herself getting wetter as Bayley moved up her thighs. Sasha heard a low growl come from Bayley that sent shockwaves through her body.

"Bayley, please don't tease me," Sasha said through a moan. Bayley went to work on Sasha's core. Bayley could tell that Sasha wasn't going to last long. Sasha could feel Bayley suck harder on her clit and slide two fingers into her core. Sasha couldn't hold back a loud moan when she felt Bayley inside her. Sasha could feel her orgasm building up inside her. It wasn't long after that Sasha's orgasm hit hard. Sasha could feel Bayley continuing to help her ride out her orgasm. "That was wonderful and unexpected. I love this side of you." Sasha said, pulling Bayley into a passionate kiss.

"Bayley, I want to share why I brought you here and how I became a vampire. I hope you will keep an open mind to all this." Sasha said, pulling Bayley close. Bayley knew Sasha was worried that she might reject her for her past, but Bayley didn't care what Sasha did to survive. All that mattered to her was she was with her right now, and they could start a life together. "Sasha, all that matters to me is you right now. I lost you once, and it killed me inside. I don't want to feel that again. Your past is your past, and if you want to share it, that's great. But it would help if you didn't feel like you had to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Bayley said, kissing Sasha on the forehead.

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