Roman Empire

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"Austin, my man, great job finding my daughter," Roman said, taking Bayley from his arms. "Thank you, sir, but I can't take the credit for the find. My daughter's friend had found her and saved her life. What I understand is that the two men were hired to kill her. One of the men planned to rape her as punishment for escaping. My daughter's friend killed them and took care of Bayley until I came." Austin said. "Well, then we need to give that friend an award for finding my prize processing. Am I assuming she is one of us as well? Roman asked.

"Yes, she is; from what I've seen, she perfect about not leaving no evidence behind. Her attack skills are impressive as well. She could be a great member of this team." Austin said. "Dean and Rollins, can you please go get my mother. She will be able to help Bayley. What else could you tell me about the men that took my daughter." Roman asked. "They seem to belong to the Dolph Ziggler mob team. I found a note with instructions to kill Bayley and cut off her fingers. They were to send the fingers through the mail and burn the body." Austin said. Austin watched as Roman lost his temper and could see the red in his eyes. Roman went over to his daughter and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Bayley, all of a sudden, woke up and started to panic. Bayley didn't seem to know where she was and what was happening. Bayley looked around for Sasha and didn't know where she was. Bayley thought, "Sasha, why did you let me go? Was my kiss that bad? Do you feel the connection between us?" Jimmy and Jey walked toward Bayley, causing her to freak out even more. "Please stay away from me! I'm not going anywhere with you." Bayley yelled in her head. Bayley moved into the corner and both her legs into her chest. "Back off, both of you," Roman yelled. "Sasha, why did you let me go? Was my kiss that bad? Or are you afraid to be with me?" Bayley asked mentally. Roman went over to his daughter and bent down to calm her down. "Love you are safe here at home. Grandma is going to take you to your room." Roman tells Bayley. Roman stood back up and turned to Austin. "I want all of them dead. I want them to suffer for what they did to my daughter." Roman yelled.

"What is with all this yelling in here. Oh my god, my baby girl. Bayley, please, my love, get up so I can take you to your room." Katy told Bayley. Bayley looked up and realized it was her grandmother and hugged her tight. Katy helped Bayley up and walked her out of the office. Roman watched as his mother helped Bayley out of the office. Once gone, Roman turned to his team and said, "I want you to cut off each of their fingers and mail it to Ziggler. He will learn his place before I drain him every ounce of blood. I want this mission started tonight. Hunt each of his men down!" Roman growled.

Austin had a feeling that Bayley would not feel comfortable with a male bodyguard around her all the time. "Sir, we need to talk about Bayley security and having a bodyguard around her. I don't think she can handle a man around her. We need to look into a female bodyguard. Maybe my daughter and her friend can take the job. My daughter's friend might be able to get Bayley to start talking again." Austin said. Roman was about to reply when his new wife walked into the office. "Babe, is it true? Bayley was found safe and is back here with us." Trish asked when she kissed Roman on the lips.

"Yes, my little girl is back here with us. Is there something that you need, my love?" Roman asked. "No just wanted to check on you and ask if it was true you found Bayley," Trish replied. "Dear, hold on a moment. Guys, give me 30 minutes and meet back here." Roman told his men as they left the office. "Now, what I'm I going to do with you? I asked you not to bother me, and here you are." Roman said. "I'm sorry, my love; I was unaware you were in a meeting," Trish said. Roman leaned over his wife and started kissing her. "How will I punish you, my dear?" Roman said as he pulled up his wife's dress and removed her underwear. "I'm sure you have an idea in mind for me," Trish said with a smile.

"Bayley, my dear, are you ok in there?" Katy asked. Bayley opened the door for her grandmother and shook her head yes. "I know you are hurting, my dear, and I wish I could take the pain away. But I miss your voice and seeing you smile." Katy said. Bayley put her head down and walked to her bed, and sat down. Katy wondered if anyone could get her to open up about what was bothering her. "You know whatever you say to me stays with me," Katy tells Bayley. A knock at the door got both ladies' attention. Katy opens the door to Austin standing there with a warm smile. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was hoping Bayley could fill me in on what happened," Austin asked. "I don't know if she will say anything to you," Katy said. Bayley grabbed a piece of paper and a pin and started to write what had happened to her. Bayley found it was easier to write than speak to anyone. The only person she ever wanted to talk to was her mom. Bayley would walk down to her grave site and sit for hours just talking to her. Once Bayley finished writing, she handed Austin the paper.

Austin read what Bayley wrote and thanked both of them for their time. "Dear, I'm going to go get you food. I'll be right back." Katy tells Bayley. Austin followed Katy out the door and headed to the kitchen. "Steve, what did she write. I want to know before you handed this to Roman." Katy asked. Steve handed the piece of paper that Bayley wrote to Katy "I had left the gym because a fellow student showed up, and I didn't want to be harassed. When I walked outside, I had a funny feeling something was wrong, and the car was sitting there with no one around it. I was hit from behind and thrown into the trunk of a different car. I had come back around, and the two men were talking. One was reading off what they were supposed to do to me. I was to be shot in excision style and set on fire. But they needed to cut off a few of my fingers to send to my father. The other man wanted to have sex with me before they killed me. He wanted to hear me beg him to stop and scream for help. The other man felt uncomfortable about going down that route. Once the car stopped, and the one man opened the trunk, I kicked him in the face and hit the other man. Then I ran through the forest. My eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet, and I tripped on a log and hit my head. I came too, and the girl with blue hair was checking to ensure I was ok. I was scared that the men would hurt the blue-haired girl and pushed myself behind a tree. The blue-haired girl said she wanted to get me to a safe place. That's the last thing I remember. I passed out again." Bayley wrote.

Katy looked at the paper and couldn't believe what she had written. "This really could have turned out bad. Who is the girl with blue hair?" Katy asked. "The one that killed those two men and saved your granddaughter. Just between you and me, I thought I saw a connection between them. The blue head girl was carrying Bayley when I showed up. They were planning to take her somewhere safe. I noticed Bayley cuddle into her, and the blue-haired girl's eyes turned a bright blue. I don't have to tell you what happens when the eyes turn a bright color." Austin said. "Well, then, I would like to meet this woman that saved Bayley only if she wants to come. I do not want you to force her to meet me." Katy said.

Austin understood what Katy was asking. A few minutes later, Austin knocked on Roman's door and heard, "Come in" Austin noticed that Roman was in a better mood but didn't know for how long. "Did my daughter say anything about what happened?" Roman asked. "She still won't say a word, but she did write it down," Austin said. Austin handed him the paper Bayley wrote on and waited for his reaction. Austin could feel Roman anger towards the two men growing. "I don't want to wait any longer. We start taking out his team now. Find all his team locations and make them suffer. Get our best men on this, but Ziggler will be mine to deal with." Roman snarled.

Austin understood what Roman wanted and would put a team together to take care of the problem. "Austin, I want to meet this young lady that saves my daughter. Find her and bring her here if she is willing to come. I know my mom will get mad if we force her here." Roman said. "I will bring her here personally," Austin said, walking out of the office. Austin had to figure out how to get Becky's friend to agree to come here. Could Bayley be the key to getting the girl here? Austin needed to talk to Becky and figure out a way to make all this happen.

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