What happened

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Katy didn't want them to go and hoped she could talk Sasha into staying. "I would like to talk to Sasha alone," Katy tells everyone in the room. "I'm head of this house, and I should stay if this concerns my daughter," Roman tells Katy. "Roman, my love, I want to talk to Sasha. Plus, your daughter is an adult and could leave if she wanted to without any of us stopping her. With that said, go play with your wife and relieve some more stress." Katy tells Roman. They all turned when they heard a low growl come from Bayley.

"If it were anyone else, Bayley would have except the marriage," Katy said to Roman, who looked sad. "Mom, I don't want to lose her too!" Roman said. "None of us wants to see that happen, but you know Bayley feeling on this matter," Katy said to Roman, who knew she was right. Sasha looked down at Bayley and wondered if Trish was the one causing Bayley pain. Sasha knew the only person to give her the answers she needed at this point was Katy.

Sasha looked up to see Katy standing next to her with a smile on her face. "Come on, Sasha, let's talk on the balcony and since she went back to sleep. We will be able to see her and hear anyone that tries to come in." Katy said, reassuring Sasha that it was ok to walk away from Bayley. "You are just as protective of her as Lita used to be of her and Roman. I know he cares for her, but they haven't seen eye to eye with each other since the new wife came into the picture." Katy said, walking to the balcony.

Sasha leaned over and kissed Bayley on the forehead and told her she'd be on the balcony. Sasha noticed a smile on Bayley's face when she kissed her. Sasha got up and headed to where Katy was hoping for answers. "I know you have many questions, and I'm happy to answer any questions. You do positively affect her, but I feel she will still be on the defense about things. Bayley hasn't let anyone get close to her since Lita died. I think Charlotte was the only one that didn't give up on her after her mom died." Katy said. "When did she stop talking to everyone? I know Bayley said she stopped talking after Roman stopped listening to her." Sasha asked.

"That's part of it, but I think it started happening when she found out her mom died. Lita and Bayley were close and would do everything together. On that day, Lita was getting their trip ready and was so happy they were heading out of town for a while. Lita was supposed to pick up Bayley at school, and they would head out of town. We are not sure who shot Lita, but they knew what she was. The person shot her in the head with a silver bullet, and she died on the spot. There was no hope for her to go through a rebirth. The silver bullet is a poison for a werewolf, and it stops their ability to be reborn." Katy said, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Can Bayley be reborn if she dies?" Sasha asked. "Yes, now that she showed, she can shift into a hybrid wolf. Bayley waited outside the school for her mother, but instead, Roman picked her up. Roman had to break it to her that someone had shot her mother. Bayley didn't believe him and felt that her mom would be reborn. But Roman had to tell her that Lita was hit with a silver bullet and won't be able to be reborn. Bayley couldn't believe it and wanted to see Lita for herself. Roman did what Bayley wanted and showed her Lita's body. Bayley sat with her for a few hours before Roman made her leave. After that, Bayley became depressed, and it was hard to get her to go to the service.

That day, Bayley saw Trish starting to hit on Roman at the service and became upset. I don't blame her; Trish had no class that day. Trish started to come around a lot more, and it upset Bayley. Roman tried to make Bayley get along with Trish, but it wasn't going to happen. After a while, Roman started going out with Trish, and that put a wedge between them. Bayley felt it was too soon because Lita hadn't been gone long. Her dad just moved on like Lita didn't matter. Bayley started to keep to herself and only talked to Charlotte. Then a year later, Roman announced that he would be marrying Trish. That was the final straw, and Bayley shut everyone out. She stopped talking and didn't go to the wedding. Roman was upset that Bayley didn't accept his marriage to Trish." Katy said sadly.

"Bayley didn't talk to you either?" Sasha asked. "No, she would write me notes. I would sit with her for hours, and I would do all the talking. Roman was forced to watch Bayley from a distance. Roman asked me daily how she was doing and if she had said anything. I would have to give him the same answer every day, and that was no. I could see the pain in his eyes that his little girl lost respect for him and the decision he made." Katy told Sasha.

"Who was Trish to the family because she came to the funeral? Bayley didn't like her from the get-go, it seems." Sasha asked. "Trish was Lita's best friend and Bayley's godmother. I think that's what made it so much worse for Bayley. That, along with her dad not respecting her mother and waiting a while before remarrying. You have her mom's best friend that didn't respect her mother at all and married her dad." Katy said. "I could see why Bayley was upset and didn't want anything to do with them. Why didn't Bayley move out? She was old enough?" Sasha asked.

Katy smiled at Sasha before answering, "Bayley was old enough, but Roman couldn't let her go. Bayley is the only thing left of his life with Lita. Bayley used to talk all the time and was happy. We all can see Lita in Bayley, which makes it hard for us. Especially Roman, his love for Lita is still strong even after death, which is weird because the imprint bond usually releases the mate. The love is still there but not as strong as if they are still here." Katy said. "If it's still strong, why did he marry Trish?" Sasha asked. "I think he only did it so Bayley would have a mom in her life. I don't think that Roman has ever loved Trish like he loved Lita. Bayley is Roman and Lita's only child, even if she is old enough to be alone. Roman, I think Trish knows that if it came down to it, Roman would choose Bayley because of the love he still has for Lita." Katy said.

Sasha looked over at Bayley and wondered what was going through her mind. Sasha couldn't understand why someone wanted to hurt her. "Do you think Trish has been putting these devices in Bayley's room, or does she have someone else placing them here for her?" Sasha asked. "I wouldn't put it past her, and each time Bayley doesn't accept her as her mother, Trish gets upset. It's wise not to come out and accuse her of doing it. Roman will get upset if we don't have any proof." Katy points out to Sasha. "Well, then I guess we will have to set a trap for the person. We need to catch the person in the act." Sasha said to Katy.

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