Visit to Roman Estate pt2

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Roman looked at Austin, confused "what are you talking about? Bayley has been in the house since the kidnapping happened." Roman said. "She stopped another kidnapping from happening and discovered we have a leak in our group," Austin said. "What do you mean we have a leak in our group?" Roman yelled. "Sasha came across three men planning to break into your home and kill Bayley in her sleep. Then they were going to throw her body off the balcony and drag her body into the woods. They had the plans for the estate and said they had an inside source." Austin told Roman.

"Roman, Sasha is your daughter, mate, and you know what happens when you attack either of them. Look at what you did to your daughter." Katy said angrily, pointing at Bayley. Roman finally realized what he had done and tried to go to Bayley, but Sasha stood up. "You will not go near her, or I will end you," Sasha said angrily. Roman wanted to teach this women a lesson and will be shown respect. Roman moved towards Sasha when a growl was heard behind Sasha. Everyone in the room looked towards the location the sound came from, and to everyone's surprise, it was Bayley. Bayley pushed herself up and let out a loud growl again. Bayley slowly turned her head towards her father.

Bayley placed her clawed hand on Sasha's shoulder and moved Sasha behind her. Sasha looked at Bayley and was taken back by the look on her face. Bayley finally showed what she was, a hybrid! A mix between a ware wolf and a vampire. Her eyes had turned a dark red, and her teeth had become fangs. Her skin had a lite covering of hair that was a silvery grey. Sasha couldn't believe how beautiful Bayley had become. Even though Sasha already thought Bayley was stunning in her human form. Sasha watched as Bayley started to advance on her father. Roman and Katy knew this wasn't a good thing. They both wonder how much control Bayley had over the beast.

Sasha looked at Bayley with amazement and wanted to be with her. But Sasha knew she needed to stop Bayley from doing something she would regret. Sasha moved in front of Bayley before speaking, "Bayley, stop! You don't want to be like him. Your mother wouldn't want you to go down this path. I don't believe you want that either. Let's go see your mother grave so that you can calm down. I know he hurt you and was going to do the same to me, but please, let us leave now." Sasha said to Bayley. Bayley looked at Sasha and could see Sasha's eyes were a dark blue. Sasha reached up and touched Bayley's face and noticed Bayley's eyes had also turned a dark blue. Without warning, Bayley grabbed Sasha and put her on her back. Bayley looked at her father with disgust before running out of the office.

They all watched as Bayley took off with Sasha heading towards the woods. "Roman, what were you thinking? You where going to punish her if she didn't talk to you." Austin said. "You know damn well, I don't have to explain myself to you, Austin," Roman said. "But you must answer me, and you will do it now," Katy said. "I miss her talking to me, and she is all I have left of Lita. Bayley is so much like her mom, and I miss that. I should have never grabbed her or told her I would punish her if she didn't talk to me. Now she ran off with that bitch, that threw me across the room. I don't care if she saves Bayley or not. That blue hair bitch needs to learn she doesn't treat me that way! Mom, how do you know Bayley has chosen her as a mate?" Roman asked.

Katy just looked at her son with a sad look. "Yes, Bayley has imprinted on Sasha, and Sasha has chosen your daughter as well," Katy said. Roman didn't know what to say. "I will not allow it! If I have to send Bayley somewhere else, then I will do that." Roman yelled. "You know it doesn't work that way. Sasha will find her, and Bayley will look for her as well. Could you stay away from Lita when you mated with her? Don't you remember how hard it was for both of you and look how you are acting now without her! Lita warned you what would happen if the wolf inside of Bayley is woken, and Sasha seems to be the only one that can control that side. Lita told you that Bayley's mate would be able to reach her when that beast inside her is woken. Look, Sasha stopped Bayley from attacking you." Katy reminds Roman.

"I just missed hearing her voice and didn't mean to wake that side. I've worked so hard to keep that side dormant." Roman said. "Well, we have a problem if Sasha can't get Bayley back to her normal self." Katy said, "I'm sorry, but what is the problem with Bayley being a Hybrid?" Becky asked. Katy gave Becky a sad look, "Bayley should have shifted when she was younger but never did. We should have seen the first shift around 11 years old. As Bayley grew older, the wolf inside grows uneasy, and it will be hard for her to control that side. Her true mate will be able to control her and bring her back to her normal self. We will have to wait and see if Sasha can get her to calm down." Katy told Becky.

Austin knew this was a serious issue, but they needed to talk about the security around the property. "Well, let's hope Sasha can reach Bayley and bring her back. Roman, you'll have to face the fact that Sasha is a part of Bayley's life, and with that said, we have to talk about security here. Sasha had seen three men planning on killing Bayley in her sleep and dragging her body to the woods. They had plans for the property and house, as I said a little while ago. They circle where the best place was to get into the property without anyone knowing and getting to Bayley." Austin said. "What happened to the men that she came across?" Roman asked. "She killed all three and called us to come to her location. I had a team get rid of the bodies and sent their fingers to Ziggler as you ordered." Austin said.

"I want to know how they got the plans for my property and home. I want the security beefed up all around the outer areas of the property. Bayley is not allowed to go on night visits to Lita's gravesite. Unit all these measures are fixed." Roman said. "How did you know she been going out to visit Lita's grave?" Katy asked. "I noticed her walking one night, and I followed her. I kept my distance, but it was nice to hear her talk. I try to watch her when I feel she will go out, but I must have missed last night's visit. Bayley looked like Lita so much when she transformed just now. I want her to talk to me just like she does to her mom." Roman said.

"If everything works out with Sasha, we could have Bayley back. But will you allow Sasha to be here with Bayley?" Kate asked Roman. Roman didn't answer his mom but asked Austin, "what do you think of Sasha?" "I think Sasha is talented and could be an asset to us just like Becky here. I believe Sasha and Becky could watch over Bayley and make sure no one gets to her. If Sasha is Bayley's mate, then I know your daughter will be safe to return to a normal life." Austin said. Roman wasn't sure what to think or do on this matter. But he knew he had to figure it out, or he could lose Bayley forever.

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