First meeting

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Sasha was moving through the forest when a scent came across her path. Sasha moved up in the trees so she wouldn't be seen. Sasha watched as the mother and daughter moved deeper into the forest. Sasha followed the two and noticed the mother sniff the air. It seemed the mother knew something was following them. Sasha wondered what kind of creature the mother was. Sasha's eyes kept going to the young daughter, and Sasha wasn't sure why she was drawn to the little girl. No one has ever caught Sasha's attention before, but this little girl means something to her. Sasha noticed the mother had stopped in a comprehensive open forest clearing.

The mother put her daughter down and looked at the little girl. "Baby girl, please do not wander far; mommy has to talk business with your grandfather." The woman said. Sasha watched as a wolf came into the clearing and shifted into a man. "Where is my granddaughter at?" The man asked. Sasha watched the little girl run towards the man and hug him. "Oh, there is my little pup. How is my little pup doing today?" The man asked. "I'm doing good, grandpa." The little girl said. Sasha watched the little girl give her grandpa another hug before he put her down.

Sasha watched the little girl run to the edge of the clearing. Sasha's attention was brought back to the two people in the clearing. "My dear, are you sure it's safe to stay with him? I've heard he grows more powerful, and people fear him even more now." The man pointed out to the woman. "I know you are worried about us, but he would never hurt us. We are meant to be together, and I can't leave him. You know I can't walk away from him. I love him too much to do that, and you know I imprinted on him." The woman tells her father. Sasha wondered what the woman meant by imprinting on someone. Sasha looked around and noticed the little girl had wandered off. Sasha moved around, looking for the little girl. Sasha started to panic that something terrible might happen to the little girl. Sasha looked around and found the little girl looking at the ground. Sasha jumped down so she could watch the little girl better. Sasha noticed the little girl sniffing the air and turned towards her.

The little girl disappeared, and Sasha wasn't sure where she went until she felt little arms around her neck. Sasha felt a connection with the little girl right away. Sasha pulled the little girl in front of her. "Wow, you are fast little one, but you shouldn't be out by yourself," Sasha tells the little girl. "I want to be with you! I knew you were following us. Don't you want to be with me?"The little girl said, hugging Sasha again. Sasha never wanted to let the little girl go. "I need to get you back to your mother before she starts to worry about you. I don't want you to get hurt out here." Sasha tells the little girl. Sasha noticed the little girl had beautiful brown eyes. "But you belong to me, and I don't want you to go." The little girl said. "We will meet again, but for right now, you must go back with your mommy," Sasha said.

The little girl had a sad face when Sasha picked her up. "Don't look sad little one, and we will see each other again," Sasha tells the little girl. "Do you promise to come back to see me?" The little girl asked. "Yes, I promise to come back," Sasha said, leaning down and kissing the little girl's forehead. Sasha walked back to the clearing as slowly as she could to spend more time with this little angel. Sasha was puzzled by what the little girl told her, but she felt like this little girl was hers as well. Sasha looked down and noticed she had fallen asleep in Sasha's arm. Sasha could hear the two people talking in the clearing as she got closer to the little girl. Sasha laid the little girl down on the ground and hoped she would see her again. Sasha wanted to make sure her mother found the little girl lying there. Sasha made a loud noise to get the woman's attention.

Sasha gave the little girl one last look before she disappeared, far enough for her mother not to see her. Sasha noticed the woman might have picked up her scent. The woman looked around but couldn't see anyone. "Oh, look at my little pup; she has fallen asleep. She must have tired herself out." The woman said. "Lita, is Bayley ok? Was there someone with her? I can smell a different scent." The man said. "You know Bayley makes friends with different animals. But we should go before we are missed. I will come back soon to see you." Lita said. "Make sure you bring that little pup with you." The man said. Sasha watched as the man and woman left with the little girl named Bayley.

Sasha woke up in a panic and looked around her. Sasha's eyes fell on a sleeping Bayley, and she couldn't believe that the little girl that she had seen in the forest so long ago was her Bayley. Sasha now knew what that feeling of connection was with the little girl that day. Bayley was right. She did belong to her all those years ago. "What time is it?" Bayley asked. "It's 5 am," Sasha replied. "Are you ok? Is there something wrong?" Bayley asked. "I just had a dream about running through the forest. I ran into a mother and daughter walking through the forest. I was drawn to the little girl right away. When the mother put the little girl down, she ran into the forest. I looked for the little girl, and she came up behind me. She hugged me and told me I belonged to her. She gave me her doll so I wouldn't be alone." Sasha said.

"Did you get the little girl's name?" Bayley asked. "Yes, the little girl was named Bayley. The mother's name was Lita. How did you know back then that I belonged to you?" Sasha asked Bayley. "I had a feeling back then and hoped to see you each time I went to the clearing with my mom. My mom told me I wouldn't imprint on anyone until I hit a certain again. I never gave up hope that our paths would cross again. But as time passed, I figured you forgot about me and didn't want to see me again." Bayley told Sasha. Sasha never gave up looking for Bayley back then. After thinking about it, Sasha realizes her bad moods came from the fact Bayley wasn't in her life.

"When you didn't return to the clearing with your mom, I got worried something happened to you. I never stopped looking for you. I will see you again. But I had no clue where you were." Sasha said, looking away from Bayley. Bayley reached over and pulled Sasha on top of her. "Sasha, you were worth the wait, and even though I didn't imprint on you back, then I already knew you would be mine. Honestly, that day at school, I felt the pull to you. When I saw you sitting there in class, I imprinted it on you. I remember that you were the one in the forest, and I hoped you would have remembered me as a child." Bayley said. "There was something about you that I couldn't put my finger on. I wanted to feed off you, but it was the fact I just wanted to be with you." Sasha said, leaning over and kissing Bayley.

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