Being accepted pt2

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Bayley watched Sasha text Becky, before they headed down to her father's office. Bayley pulled Sasha into a passionate kiss. "I don't want this moment to end, and I want to be close to you," Bayley said. Sasha heard Bayley let out a low growl before letting her go. "I'm not going anywhere without you! Like I told you, you are my top priority in so many ways." Sasha told Bayley. Sasha could still see the pain and worry in Bayley's eyes. "Come on before they come hunting for us," Sasha said, taking Bayley's hand. It didn't take them long to reach the Roman office. Sasha didn't bother to knock as she walked in with Bayley by her side. Everyone looked up and watched them walk in.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you, young lady, to knock before coming into any room?" Roman said with anger. Sasha just smiled, knowing this would piss off Roman even more. "Yes, to the ones that I respect! You haven't done anything that has earned my respect." Sasha said with hate in her voice. Roman walked towards Bayley, but Sasha moved Bayley behind her. "Are you trying to keep my daughter away from me? Bayley, get over here now!" Roman demanded. "I'm good where I'm at, thank you!" Bayley replied. Everyone in the room was shocked that Bayley had spoken.

"Oh my god, you are talking again!" Katy said with tears in her eyes. Katy moved to hug both Sasha and Bayley. "Thank you, Sasha, for bringing back my granddaughter. This means so much to me." Katy said. "You're welcome!" Sasha said. Roman couldn't believe Bayley was talking, and it was like hearing Lita repeatedly. Roman automatically moved closer to Bayley when Katy hugged Sasha. "Bayley, my love, can I please have a hug from you?" Roman asked. "I'm sorry I'm not ready to give you that now. I will let you know when I'm ready to let you touch me again." Bayley said.

Roman looked defeated and knew he had messed up with Bayley. Soon a knock was heard on the door, and Trish walked in. "Hello, I'm sorry I didn't know you were having a meeting, my love," Trish said, walking over to Roman and kissing him on the cheek. Sasha heard a low growl come out of Bayley and felt her turn to leave. Sasha grabbed Bayley's arm to make her stop going. "I'm over this, and I want to leave!" Bayley said with anger in her voice. Sasha was puzzled by the change of attitude with Bayley. Sasha reached up and placed her hand on Bayley's cheek "talk to me! What wrong? You can tell me mentally if you want." Sasha asked.

"Oh my god, is Bayley talking again? That is wonderful because it's been so long since anyone heard Bayley speak." Trish said as she walked towards Bayley. Sasha stood in front of Bayley and put her hand up. "Bayley is not hugging anyone right now," Sasha said. Trish gave Sasha an evil grin. "Who are you to tell me I can't hug my daughter!" Trish said to Sasha. To everyone's surprise, Bayley spoke again, "I'm not your daughter; my mother was Lita. You have no calm to me as my mother." "It is truly wonderful to hear you talking again, Bayley. When did all this happen? I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Trish said.

Roman watched as Sasha was able to keep Bayley calm. "Trish is your stepmother, and I still want you to show respect when you live under my roof," Roman tells Bayley. "Then I'm moving out of your house! I will not be forced to call her my mother or even act like she is." Bayley said. "You're not moving out of the house. I'm not losing you to anyone. Not even to her." Roman said, getting upset. "My love, Bayley is just upset! She wouldn't do that to us." Trish said. Sasha could tell there was something off about Trish. Sasha wondered what the story was. "If Bayley wants to leave, none of you will stop us. I will make sure no one will find her." Sasha said.

Roman couldn't believe this blue hair bitch was telling him that she was leaving with his daughter. "Who in the hell do you think you are?" Roman yelled. "She is my mate, and where I go, she will now be going with me, like it or not," Bayley said angrily. "Bayley, you know you are safer here in the house! I just got you back to normal. Everyone out of my office now except for you two." Roman said to Sasha and Bayley. "Roman, you must keep your cool. If you don't, you can lose her forever." Katy said to Roman. Roman knew there was a lot at stake here. Trish kissed Roman before she left the office but not before giving Sasha a dirty look.

Roman took a deep breath before speaking, "Ok, I know I messed up with you, Bayley and I'm sorry. Sasha, I owe you an apology as well. I should thank you for saving my daughter's life not once but twice. I want to make a deal with you two." Roman tells them. "Really, what deal would you be making with us?" Sasha asked. "I want you, Ms. Banks, to move in here. In exchange, I will pay you to be Bayley's bodyguard when you two are out and about. I will supply you with the blood you need to drink. I will be assigning Ms. Lynch to your team as well. As for you, young lady, you will still stay here, and your mate gets to stay with you." Roman said.

Sasha thought for a moment and then said, "will your men be around are room? I can protect Bayley on my own when we are in the house. I don't need your men coming to our room to check on her." Sasha said. "No one will check on you two at night. If you go out to the cave or the grave site, let me know, please." Roman asked. "We can do that, and how did you know about the cave?" Bayley asked. "Your mom and I used to take you all the time. Then I watched you one day go that way. I did follow you to make sure you made it. I waited outside until you came out and watched you climb back to your room. I asked if anything had happened with you, but no one said anything.

I followed you to Lita's grave site the next night and heard you tell her that the guys were making you feel uncomfortable. So, I decided to let the trips continue and watched when you would head out that way."Roman said. Bayley walked up to her dad and hugged him. "I miss you, Bayley, and your mom. Please don't move out, and Sasha is welcome here, just like I said. I promise I will try to control my temper around you two." Roman said, still hugging Bayley. "We will stay here for now. But if you go back on your word, we will leave." Bayley said. Sasha knew Bayley didn't want to stay here anymore. Sasha wanted to learn more about Trish.

Sasha decided, for now, that she would accept Roman apology and stay here with Bayley. There was no way in hell she was leaving her alone. Sasha wondered about Bayley's stepmom because Sasha got the feeling this woman could be the reason for Bayley being a target. Could her stepmom be jealous of Bayley, and how much her dad protects her? Sasha wondered who she could ask about Trish without tipping off anyone she was asked questions. Sasha thought she could get Katy to tell her the story or even Bayley. After Roman let go of Bayley, another knock at the door. "Come in," Roman yelled.

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