Later that day

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Later that morning, Austin still had no idea how to get Sasha to come to the Roman estate. Austin knew he had to get Sasha to meet Katy first before Roman. He still didn't know how to make that happen. "Hey, love bug, I have that gift Roman wants Sasha to have for saving Bayley," Austin said, handing over the gift. Is there anything I can do to help you out, dad?" Becky asked. "Yes, first give Sasha this gift and see if she is willing to meet Roman," Austin said. "This gift is no problem, but I don't know if she would be willing to go to the Roman estate," Becky said. Austin had to think of something to motivate Becky to get Sasha to a Roman estate. "If you get this done, I will put in a good word with Roman and get you hired on his team," Austin said.

"Are you serious about that offer? You know how hard I've been working on getting on his team." Becky said. "Yes, it's important to get this assignment done. I also want you to ask Sasha if she would be willing to meet Bayley's grandmother first." Austin said. "I won't let you down, and I will have an answer for you soon," Becky said. "That's my girl, and have a good day at school," Austin said before leaving for work again. Becky needed to have a plan in place to get Sasha to agree to all this. The question was, how would she get Sasha to say yes. Becky could only think about one person that might get Sasha to agree, and that would be Bayley.

Sasha still couldn't get over the fact she could hear Bayley talking to her mentally, and she kissed her. Sasha hoped Bayley would come to school but didn't think that would happen. Bayley had gone through a lot yesterday and wasn't sure if her family would let her out of their sight. "Hey Sasha, here is the gift Roman wanted you to have for saving his daughter. Plus, Roman and Bayley's grandmother both want to meet you. Can I let my father know that you accept their invitation?" Becky asked.

"I'm not sure; I will let you know about the meetings with them," Sasha said. "Why wouldn't you want to meet them? Bayley's grandmother is a nice lady, and I think she wants to thank you for saving Bayley in person. I'm not so sure about Roman, but I'm sure he wants to thank you as well." Becky said. "I will let you know, but right now, I will not answer that subject," Sasha said. Sasha put the gift Becky handed her in her bag and headed to class. Today was a big test, and Sasha wouldn't be shocked if Bayley didn't shown up. Sasha sat down in her usual spot, and Bayley's scent hit her hard.

Sasha looked up to see Bayley heading her way and sitting down next to her. Sasha was going to say something to Bayley, but at that moment, Bliss opened her mouth. "What the kidnappers couldn't get rid of you? Those men must have been idiots if they couldn't finish the job." Bliss said. "Why don't you mind your business before I make you," Sasha said. Sasha could tell Bliss's smile had disappeared, and she turned herself around. Sasha noticed Bayley wrote thank you on her paper. "You're welcome; I would love to spend some time with you if you let me?" Sasha asked Bayley. Bayley gave Sasha a sad look and put her head down.

Sasha wasn't sure how to get Bayley to open up to her. Sasha decided to write a note to Bayley so it didn't put too much pressure on her. "I would like to talk to you after class, please?" Sasha wrote. Sasha used her vampire speed to pass the note so the teacher wouldn't see it. Sasha noticed Bayley was reading the message and started to write. "I don't know if I have that much time to spend with you. My father doesn't want me out in public." Bayley wrote back. "I'll make it quick, so no one will notice we are gone. Please give me a few minutes of your time?" Sasha wrote back to Bayley. Bayley wasn't sure if she should allow herself to go with Sasha. But a big part of her wanted to go and be with her. That feeling was growing stronger, and it was hard to stay away from her.

Bayley couldn't keep Sasha off her mind after the kiss they shared. Sasha was one of the reasons why Bayley wanted to come to school today. "You're why I came to school, but I don't want anything to happen to Sasha." Bayley thought. Sasha was taken aback by how clear she could hear Bayley's thoughts. It gave her hope that Bayley would go with her. Bayley decided that she would go with Sasha. They did have a 15-minute break before their chemistry class. Bayley was about to reply to Sasha, but the teacher walked over to Bayley. "If you are not ready to take the test, we can reschedule it for another day." The teacher said. Bayley wrote on her note pad "I'm ok to take the test. Thank you." The teacher smiled at Bayley before handing her the test. Once the teacher turned her back, Bayley gave Sasha her note back.

Sasha smiled at Bayley when she read the note. Sasha wanted to reply, but the teacher told everyone they had 30 minutes to finish the test, and time started now. It didn't take long for Sasha to take the test, and I hoped time would go by fast. Sasha noticed that Bayley was finished with her test as well. Sasha just wanted to lean over and kiss Bayley. Sasha has never been so attracted to someone like this before. Finally, the bell rang, and they could go somewhere to talk for a few minutes. Sasha knew there was an empty classroom close to their next class.

Sasha took Bayley's hand and instantly felt that electric sensation runs through her body. Sasha noticed Bayley had felt that same sensation as she did. Sasha let Bayley go first into the empty classroom. Sasha made sure no one noticed that they went into the classroom. Once Sasha closed the door and turned around, Bayley was right behind her. Bayley leaned in and kissed Sasha passionately. Bayley wasn't sure what came over her, but she wanted Sasha there. Sasha returned the kiss right away. Sasha licked Bayley's lip to get an entree, and it became a battle of the tongues. When breathing became an issue, they broke apart. Bayley rested her head on Sasha's forehead. "Bayley, that was amazing. Would you please speak to me? I want to spend more time with you. How do I find where you live?" Sasha asked.

Bayley backed away from Sasha with a sad look on her face. Sasha walked up to Bayley and kissed her again. "I want to be with you, and I'm not afraid of your father. Please let me hear your voice?" Sasha asked. Bayley was about to reply, but the bell rang. Sasha knew they needed to get to their next class. "We need to get class, but I still want to hear you speak," Sasha tells Bayley. They both made it to class in time, and Sasha noticed two men we were watching Bayley. "Bayley, do you know those two men?" Sasha asked. Bayley wrote down that the two men work for her dad. "They are probably wondering where I've been. I can't tell you where I live without my dad's permission. I'm afraid he won't allow us to be together." Bayley wrote.

Sasha watched the two men walk out of the classroom. "Bayley, your father will not keep me away from you. I have ways I can see you without anyone knowing. I need you to trust me." Sasha said. The teacher walked over to give them the project for the day. "I don't need to remind you this project is worth 50% of your grade." The teacher said. Sasha and Bayley got to work and were able to get the project done before anyone else. The teacher came over to check their work. While the teacher looked over their work, Bayley ran her hand over Sasha's ass. Sasha was having a hard time holding back a smile. Sasha knew she needed to find where Bayley lived.

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