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George had been bratting to Dream all day, and the younger had been done with it after the first five minutes, let alone the five hours that they pretended to not be in the same house to stream to their fans. George started being a brat almost as soon as he woke up in the afternoon, sleeping schedule still scuffed as he had recently moved to Florida to live with his boyfriend.

And so far, it hadn’t been too bad until George decided that now was the time to start to be naughty. Dream’s patience was starting to wear thin with the brunette, and the smug little shit knew that for a fact. However, it wasn’t until the two had finished streaming, that he realized just how much trouble that he was in. It wasn’t until yellow eyes (that he knew were actually green) turned cold, their usual warmth nowhere to be seen in their dimly lit bedroom.

George, on top of being a brat to his boyfriend all day, was riding his own pillow, stark naked. He was filling their room with quiet pants and moans, pillow held tightly in his delicate hands as his cock slid over the cooled, soft fabric of the pillow case. It wasn’t until Dream cleared his throat that George realized he was in the room, looking up at him with reddened cheeks as he slowed his hips.

This action caused Dream to quietly tsk at the shorter male, shaking his head slightly, arms crossed over his chest.

“Ah ah ah, you decided to act like a bitch in heat, so you will finish like one. Keep going, brat.”

George gulped at the other’s words, speeding his hips up to how fast they were going before. He kept deep chocolate eyes staring into his boyfriend’s face, finding pleasure in himself being watched by him.

His mouth was slightly ajar as he panted, eyebrows drawn together with a look that was sickly sweet in his eyes. A silent plea, nonverbal appreciation for Dream letting him continue to drag his cock on top of his pillow.

His tip was an angry red and his knuckles on alabaster hands turned more white with the tight grip he had on the pillow. His back was slightly hunched over and his stomach sucked in from the pleasure that shot up and down his curved spine.

“I bet that feels good, doesn’t it dirty little kitty? Such a whore for letting me watch as you hump your pillow like a needy little thing. Do I not give you enough attention? I let you be such a fucking brat all day, and you decide that instead of waiting for me to come to our bedroom to maybe give you the attention that you clearly wanted, you grind your pathetic little cock into your pillow. Such a pathetic little thing, aren’t you?”

The tone of Dream’s voice made him whimper in the back of his throat, hips stuttering into the pillow.

“Oh? You’re gonna cum already? Are you that desperate for some quick pleasure? Are my hands and cock not good enough for you, bitch?”

George nodded, eyes glazed over as he chased after his orgasm in front of the other.

“Your touch is m-more than enough, S-Sir.~’ George moaned out as he strained to not cum until he had explicit permission to do so.

Dream watched with a deep hum rumbling in his chest, eyes trailing over George’s lower half.

“You’re being so good now for me, kitty. Did you decide you wanted to please me after being such a menace today?”

George shivered at the praise, trying desperately to hold back his orgasm.

“Y-Yes, Sir! I w-wanna be a good b-boy-”

He was so close, stomach permanently sucked in as the need to cum hit him hard in the gut, making him clench the pillow tighter.

“Go ahead kitty, cum all over your pillow for me.~”

At that, George let his hips stutter into the pillow, moans of Dream’s name coating his tongue in sweetness as cum splattered along the length of his pillow. Quiet, rushed out words that could only be deciphered as ‘thank you’s filled the air as Dream finally stepped towards his poor, spent lover.

Dream didn’t dare move him until he was done, lifting him up by the waist, keeping a hand there for George to lean into his side for support. He took him into the bathroom, resting him on the cold sink counter as he plugged the tub’s drain, running some warm water and putting some soap in to create bubbles.

Once the bathtub was deemed full enough, Dream undressed then went back to his boyfriend who was still sitting on the counter. He gently lowered the other into the tub first before getting in behind him, letting the brunette rest his back against his chest.

Said male sighed in content at the comfortable closeness and feeling of the warm water, wrapping the blonde's arms around his middle and resting his hands on top of the others. He was sure that he could fall asleep in the tub if he really tried, but Dream wasn’t allowing that.

“I know you’re tired darling, but I need to wash you a bit and then we can go to sleep, okay? Does that sound good?”

Dream’s tone was completely different to how it was just a couple minutes ago, now gently laced with soft adoration.

“C’n I get cuddles?”

Dream smiled softly at his, clearly currently in subspace, boyfriend and kissed him on the top of the head as he gently let go of George’s hands to wash the shorter male off.

“Yes darling, you can have all the cuddles your heart could possibly desire when we get out.”

George paused for a moment, seemingly thinking about it before nodding. He moved a bit forward so that Dream had enough room to wash him up, relying on his more lucid partner to take care of him.

It started with slightly calloused hands gently running down the length of George’s front with some soap and a washcloth, cleaning off any of his spend that may have gotten onto him. Dream took his sweet time to wash him off before moving to wash his lover’s hair, said man leaning into the hands that were gently massaging his scalp.

George may as well have been asleep while Dream rinsed out his hair, gently cooing to his sleepy boyfriend.

“Just a bit longer, love. ‘m almost done with your hair.”

George let out an upset whine at this but complied, almost falling back when Dream stood up and got out of the tub. Dream lifted George out and dried the two of them off before going to their room. He lightly tossed the now ruined pillow off of the bed before setting George down to look for some clothes for them to wear.

George made a noise of displeasure when the other moved away, causing the other to shush him softly. He started to pull on some boxers and a pair of sweatpants before looking for clothes for George.

“Just a minute baby, I’m just getting us some clothes for sleep.”

George quieted down once Dream came back, reaching his hands up to him. Dream grabbed one of his hands and kissed the back of it before letting go, placing the clothes for him on the bed.

“Want me to dress you, baby?”

George smiled softly and nodded a bit too enthusiastically considering how tired he felt.

Dream chuckled lovingly and dressed his boyfriend, gently lifting his hips to put boxers on him. He was now only wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, but it was comfortable considering the weather outside.

Dream got into bed and pulled George into his chest before grabbing the thin blanket from the foot of the bed to cover them up. Once they were covered, George buried his face into Dream’s chest, the taller male’s arm’s wrapping around him.

“I love you George, goodnight my moon and stars.”

Dream felt George smile against his chest as he nuzzled into the warmth there, a blush settling over his cheeks.

“Love you too Dream, good night my sunlight…”
1380 words

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