Loud Pt1

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George was overworked, tired, and stressed out beyond his comprehension.

He had started working as an intern at one of the biggest companies in his local area only a few weeks ago, and he was already learning why they were so desperate for new hires - to the point that they hired him fresh out of university, completely inexperienced. The CEO was one of the coldest, most unforgiving bosses on the planet, George was sure of it. He had already witnessed more than a few breakdowns from fellow employees, as well as a couple people being fired, or "let go," as the company liked to say. He was just waiting for the day they'd finally decide to "let go" of him.

As he sat at his tiny shared cubicle, George let his mind begin to drift towards thoughts of his boss. He knew most of his female coworkers had a crush on the CEO, and he couldn't blame them. He had only spoken to the CEO in person once, and it was one of the unfriendliest conversations he'd ever had. Mr. Dream was blunt, arrogant, and sarcastic, he rarely smiled, never left his office unless it was absolutely necessary, and he towered over everyone else in the office at a whopping six foot three. He was intimidating as all hell, and it was incredibly attractive.

Now, George wasn't an idiot. He knew he had no chance with the guy, and he had no plans to pursue him in any way. That didn't stop him from indulging in the occasional fantasy, of course. Mr. Dream was clearly physically active, that much was obvious from his physique. George was very small and not very strong, and the thought of Mr. Dream picking him up, tossing him around, using him - it made George weak in the knees.

Today's impossible fantasy was just beginning to take shape in George's mind when he was startled out of his reverie by a hand slapping down on his sad excuse for a desk. He looked up and met eyes with a burly higher-up, one of the more annoying ones that George had met so far. His name was... Dave, or David, or something generic like that.

"Yes, sir?" George asked in that sickly sweet voice that made everyone like him.

"Go make me a cup of coffee, would ya? You know where my office is, sweetheart," Dave said, not even waiting for a response before heading back towards his office. George rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, but stood nonetheless. He unfortunately needed to keep this job, for his own sake.

He wandered around the edges of the main office - cubicles lined the walls, filled with dead eyes and quietly clicking keyboards, and only just enough space between them to walk to the break room. Luckily, George's small stature came in handy in this office. He could easily maneuver through the narrow aisles while still keeping his head down so as to avoid accidentally making eye contact with the wrong person.

Once he made it to the break room, George put the coffee on and lifted himself up onto the marble counter to wait for it to finish. He let his legs dangle and swing mindlessly as he began to fall back into his earlier daydream about his boss. He wasn't even sure why he let himself indulge in these daydreams during work - he guessed he was just so unequivocally bored with his job (and complete lack of important duties) that fantasizing about having sex with Mr. Dream seemed like a much more entertaining way to pass the time.

Eventually, the coffee machine beeped, and George slid off the counter. He quickly poured a cup of the bitter stuff, not bothering to add any sugar or creamer (if Dave had wanted it, he'd have asked for it, George reasoned), and began to make his journey to the man's office on the other side of the building.

Unfortunately, he would never make it there.

As he meandered through the cubicles, sticking closely to the walls whenever possible, he mentally noted that he would have to walk past Mr. Dream's office in order to get to Dave's. This didn't mean much, as Mr. Dream was known for never leaving his office, but it still made George the slightest bit nervous. He tamped his nerves down, chided himself for being irrational, and sped up his pace so the coffee didn't get too cold before it reached its destination.

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