Would you like a facial, sir?

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"Salon XXX, for all your needed skincare and more," George reads.

He thinks it’s a pretty weird name for a salon, but it doesn't bother him from walking inside. His girlfriend told him to just find a salon in the city and this one is nearest to where he lives. And it seems pretty cheap to him. So that's a win-win situation; cheap and close to home.

As he opens the door, a bell rings, and a woman behind the counter greets him. The place seems nice, with black and white tiles on the floor, and a light mahogany wall full of posters of upcoming festivals.

The woman behind the counter smiles at him. She seems friendly, with a light blush on her cheeks and dark eyeliner on her eyes.

"How can I help you today, Sir?" the woman asks, her voice enthusiastic.

"Hi, I um…" was he supposed to have made a reservation?
"I was wondering, could I get a quick facial mask and rinse right now? Or do I need to make an appointment?" he asks.

She scoffs.
"Oh no, we're not very full today. I could get you a chair right now?" she suggests.

"Yeah, that'd be great. How long will it take?" George looks around the room.

The woman smiles and looks down at her notebook.
"With our employee of the month, Dream… only about thirty minutes," she writes something down.

George smiles and nods. That seems fine.

"Dream?" she asks as she talks to the microphone on her blouse.
"Hello, dear. I have a customer for you," she smiles, "what's your name, love?"

"Uh, George. George Davidson," he says.

She talks into her microphone while George looks around the room. Since he figures he'll probably be here for a while, he takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack next to the window.

He scans the room one last time before turning back to the woman and notices a staircase leading towards the second floor in a hallway behind the woman's counter.

"Dream will be here any minute, Sir," she smiles again.

Her smile is adorable. She's very pretty, and probably not much older than him. George thanks her and before he knows it, he hears someone walk down the stairs.

A man with broad shoulders and blond locks steps into the room, smiling at the woman before introducing himself to George. He's about a head taller than George is.

"Hello, you must be George?" he asks.

George nods and Dream takes him with him. He leads him up the stairs and a window brightens the hallway they're in. The hallway is fairly short and there are two doors on each side. Dream unlocks the very last one on the right and lets George walk in first.

He hears the door being closed behind him as he scans the new room. It has a light wooden floor, creme walls, and two windows on one wall to his left.

There's a special table for him to lay on for while he gets his face done and a bureau full of stuff unknown to him. Bottles here and there, scissors, pens, paper, a laptop, and lots of drawers probably full with even more stuff.

There’s even a sink with a mirror next to the bureau.

"Alright, let's get you settled," Dream says.

He walks around the room as George awkwardly stands there, not knowing what to do. He notices the man in front of him isn't British, but American. He could've guessed by the way he said 'hello'.

"Is this your first time here?" Dream asks as he stands with his back towards George, putting on some white medical gloves.

"Um, yeah," he says.

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