Pretty thorn - DNF - DN angst

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Sapnap doesn’t say anything until they’re both seated with twin plates of spaghetti steaming in front of them. His nostrils flare as he struggles to keep his smoky scent under control not giving away the raging war in his head. Not giving away how absolutely pissed he is about the current scent lingering around his mate like a cloud. A sickeningly sweet disgusting cloud.

Sapnap can’t help but scrunch his nose. Dream pays no mind to his behavior. Sapnap can’t tell if it’s cause he doesn’t notice or he just doesn’t care. He’s not sure which is worse at this point.

Sapnap frowns as Dream scoops up a forkful of pasta into his mouth.

His voice is cut throat, not leaving any room for a spec of lightheartedness, “Dream.”

For the first time since he walked through the door Dream lifts his eyes to meet his mate who is glowering. He doesn’t respond. Instead raising an eyebrow at Sapnap’s expression.

It only serves to make the anger festering in Sapnap’s chest grow larger and larger. Seriously, who comes into their house smelling like that with zero explanation?

Sapnap crosses his arms no longer having the patience to mask away his scent, “What is that?”

Dream tilts his head as he wipes his mouth with a clean napkin. Playing innocent, “What’s what?”

Sapnap scowls at the display, “Why do you smell like that?”

Dream furrows his eyebrows as he places his fork down, “What do you mean?”

Sapnap’s eye twitches. What is this? What is Dream’s game?

Sapnap waves a hand in the air, the light catching on his ring, “Like, fucking…”

Sapnap pauses to scent the air carefully, “Fucking strawberries and vanilla.”

Dream tenses where he sits, eyes widening.

Sapnap narrows his eyes as the words finally spill forth from his lips. An accusation in the making, “Like omega.”

Sapnap watches the gears in Dream’s head turn. Waiting, waiting for an excuse. Sapnap knows they’ve been having more fights here and there but he never guessed Dream would bring an omega into it. He thought their ten years of marriage meant more than that.

Dream rushes through the words while offering a reassuring smile, “It’s not whatever you’re thinking.” He shrugs nonchalantly, “I just hired a new assistant.”

Sapnap’s lips tighten at that. It’s evident by their house that Dream owns his own company. CEO of a tech company in a booming industry. Sapnap used to work alongside him until…they both decided it was better to have a little more space. To not see each other 24/7. For some reason nine years of seeing each other everyday was fine but the past year did them in. Sapnap’s stayed up for nights wondering why. He never finds the answers.

Sapnap purses his lips, a deep insecurity shining through, “An omega?”

Sapnap didn’t used to hate omegas. Didn’t hate them until they made him insecure. Until he, an alpha, married Dream, another alpha. A relationship status that is not exactly widely accepted and far from desirable. So yeah, hearing an omega is going to be around his mate every second of the day isn’t a comforting thought.

Dream nods though it’s obvious he knows he’s treading on eggshells. Dream may not actively be wincing but Sapnap can hear it in his voice, “Yeah. He started today.”

Sapnap nearly chokes on his own tongue. He’s forced to slam his fist against the table to constrain himself. A dark flash crosses Dream’s face the moment it happens. Sapnap feels breathless, “A male omega?”

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