On the ice

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Arrogant shits they were, thinking they were better just because they can do tricks. Dream growled staring at the figure skaters staring to get ready on the other side of the barrier “Why the fuck are they even here we’ve got practice for another hour”

Sapnap stood next to him resting an arm on Dreams shoulder “I don’t know dude, Why do you even have such an issue with them” “Because they always think they’re better than us Sap, I’d like to see them try and do what we do without getting bruised and broken”

“Oi you two get in your positions!” The two of them looked over to the location of the voice, Both mumbling an apology to the coach skating off to the positions they’d been given to practice, Dream being an attacker leaving Sapnap to play defensive role. Dream looked back at Sapnap nodding

With the blow of a whistle the practice game was on, Dream raced forward trying to get the puck reaching his arms outstretched to pull it closer to him instead being barged by another attacker causing him to fall and hit the ice

“sorry D!” He called out as he headed towards Sapnap who charged forward hitting the puck forwards away from his area, After a good 50 minutes of practicing their formation the coach called then off the ice “practice is done for the day boys go home rest up I’ll see you on Friday night for the game”

Everyone nodded as they began to head back to the change rooms, Punz ran up to Dream slapping him on the ass “Hey dude” “Punz, Hey I see you worked on your barges good job” he just smiled in response “Yeah I’ve got to go for now though see you on Friday” “Bye Punzo” with that Punz walked off out the door

Though as he walked out, someone walked in. His pretty chocolate brown hair, plump lips, smaller frame and god the way his clothes fit his body. Everything about this stranger caught the eyes of Dream.

Everything including the pair of ice skates held in between his arm and chest, All pretty and light blue. The world around him seemed to disappear his eyes only focused on this man, Enthralled by the stranger as he walked past seemingly not noticing how close Dream’s eyes were of him

Dream staring and not fully paying attention to his actions began following him back to the ice “Ayo dude? what are you doing” snapped back into reality by the voice of his best friend “Oh I uh left my bag I’ll be back in a sec” “alright cool”

Dream walked to the barrier leaning against it as he watched the brunette skate towards the figure skaters.

His eyes never left him as he went around on the ice spinning and twirling, jumping and twisting, never faltering to stay balanced and ever so pretty. He had lost track of how long he’d been watching, Sapnap eventually getting tired of waiting and went to go find him

Dream not acknowledging his presence or even knowing he was there. Sapnap followed his gaze landing on the figure skater. Turning between the two boys watching as Dream had lost all vision of the world around him.

he smirked, turning his vision back to Dream one last time and giving him a punch in the arm “Dude!” “huh when the fuck did you get here Sapnap?!” “I’ve been here while you’ve been staring into space at that boy”

“w-what boy” His eyes wandered back over to where he was trying to hide that he was still looking “The one you can’t get your eyes off of, I’ve been watching you for 5 minutes Dream”

Dream bit the inside of his cheek, he couldn’t call Sapnap a liar especially when he didn’t even know how long he’d been stood staring at the figure skater

“you like him don’t you” “What!? no I don’t” “Dude I haven’t seen you stare at anyone that way since…” the sentence trailed off remaining unfinished

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