hentai George

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George enters the bustling train, which was insanely busy per usual. The boy was on his way to school, his boyfriend standing next to him, hand in hand with the other. The smaller boy was wearing his usual, short pleated skirt, black and blue plaid barely even reaching mid-thigh.

The two boys talk mindlessly, giggling and whatnot at whatever was going on. Per usual, George’s blonde headed bimbo boyfriend, Dream, that he loves so dearly goes on his usual tangent about something-- his cat, Patches. George allows himself to get lost in his voice, humming and giggling at the random things he says.

Something groped at George’s ass under his skirt, making him jump a bit. It wasn’t the first time, so he doesn’t turn to look, expecting the person to stop. Large, fat, calloused fingers grope at his cheeks, slowly moving inwards and into his panties, making George squeeze his thighs slightly.

The hand moves forward, fondling his balls and rubs the base of George’s soft cock. His eyebrows furrow slightly as he bites his lower lip, waiting for the person to stop.

Spoiler alert, he doesn’t.

The hand continues, a body smushing behind George a bit more, allowing the hand to reach higher, fondling the boy’s growing erection. George’s legs squeeze together, zoning out slightly.

“Are you listening, darling?” Dream chuckles, squeezing his hand. George looks up innocently, smiling at the face of his boyfriend. He gives a small smile, indicating he wasn’t. Dream just laughs, pressing a kiss onto George’s head. “Sorry for rambling.”

“N-No it’s okay, I--” George bites back a yelp when the hand continues up his cock, hardening at the contact. George was too scared to say anything, knowing his stop wasn’t for a bit. “I like it.”

Dream smiles at that, continuing his ramble, which was now about minecraft. George tries to act more engaged, but he was slowly being taken apart by a stranger’s hand groping at his privates.

The hand moves George’s black laced panties to the side, allowing his leaking erection free. He keeps his head down, feeling the hand travel down and poke at his hole. Oh, oh no.

“D-Dream,” George nearly moans, but he keeps his voice steady, smiling slightly. “Want to g-go on a date tonight?”

“Sure, of course love-- are you alright?” Dream asks, his eyebrows furrowing with worry. George nods, a faux smile on his face. Dream slowly nods, the two sitting in comfortable silence.

Well, for Dream at least.

The finger was now slowly fingering George, thick and short, in and out. It retracts itself, moving back up to George’s cock and jerking him. His breath falters, but he keeps his head down, clenching his thighs.

He bites his lower lip, biting back a moan at the hand molesting his red, short cock. His knees are growing weaker and his legs begin to shake slightly, but then, the hand releases itself from him. George lets out a huff of air, his orgasm getting cut short.

“Baby, are you sure you’re alright?” Dream asks softly, cupping George’s chin and nudging his face upwards. George looks up, putting on his best normal face and nods, untrusting of his voice. “Alright, darling.”

George drops his head again, squeezing Dream’s hand slightly. The boy squeezes back. Then, suddenly 2 wet fingers press against George’s hole, pushing in immediately. George’s free hand comes up and presses against his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as well. The fingers push in, short and thick unlike his boyfriend’s long and sturdy ones. It only makes it all the more dirty .

They begin speeding up, finally another hand coming up and spreading George’s asscheeks. It reaches between George’s wet thighs, fondling his balls and rubbing his cock. A clothed, hard object presses between his cheeks, making his eyes roll to the back of his head.

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