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"Cmon, over the couch you two." Dream pats the back of the couch with the heavy wooden paddle. George and Sapnap stand side by side, looking pretty much anywhere except at Dream. He raises an eyebrow when neither boy moves from their place. He snaps his fingers to try to get their attention. Neither boy look at him, however. They don't have the guts to make eye contact with the man holding what is soon going to be their fate.

Everyone knows their streams are meant to be child friendly since a lot of their viewers are grade school kids. Not only that, but Twitch terms of service are pretty strict on their no swearing rule. Both Sapnap and George, despite Dream's warnings, got their channels reported. All the views, the content, all gone. They didn't want to admit he was right. But it does seem to be the male wasn't just lying to them to ease up on the constant swears. Dream promised if they lost their accounts, he'd help earn them back on one condition. He has to punish them both to remember to swear significantly less on camera. If they take the punishment well, Dream will get in contact with Twitch mods.

"You're both getting it. Let's get it over with." Dream tosses the paddle down to motion either boy to hurry up and come over. The boys share a glance before letting out a heavy sigh. Sapnap takes a small step forward. He wants to get it over with as soon as possible. Dream reaches out and tugs him closer by his belt loop, mumbling something around the lines of "good boy". Sapnap quickly turns to George as if he's begging for help. George avoids eye contact. Dream already made up his mind, there's no saving them now. He couldn't escape at this point.

Dream makes quick work of unbuttoning the boy's jeans. His fingers easily gripping his waistband to unloosen the button before tugging the zipper down. The youngest boy tries to pull away a bit to postpone the spanking as long as he can. Sure he wants it over with, but he's extremely nervous. The other male has a good grip on him. Sapnap stomps his foot in annoyance. Resembling a disobedient child. He's feeling frustrated by it all. This shouldn't be happening! He's a grown ass man! Dream isn't his parent! Why is he letting this happen?! He instantly stops when Dream gives him a warning glare. The older one yanks his jeans down to his knees. The youngest boy couldn't help but feel his ears burn in embarrassment. He's about to let himself be spanked by his best friend again. This time with his other best friend beside him! Could it be any more humiliating?

Now standing in just his boxers and oversized hoodie, Dream invites him to bend over the back of the couch. He's glad to see he's being a bit more patient with him since it is only his second time. The youngest boy lets himself be guided over. He hates this much more than bent across his lap. He isn't really able to squirm and the wooden support in the couch is digging into his stomach. He grumbles in annoyance.

Dream approaches George once the other boy is in position. He pulls him closer to the couch before easily tugging his sweatpants off his hips. The oldest audibly whines in fear. It certainly isn't his first punishment from his boyfriend. Each time definitely feels like his first though. The man is strong to say the least. Every session leaves him a crying, sore mess of emotions. He struggles to fight against Dream, but is forcefully bent over the same couch as Sapnap. Dream takes a couple steps back, trying his best not to chuckle at the sight of the two helpless boys.

"To make it fair, you both will be getting twenty smacks with the paddle." Dream spins said paddle in his hand. "After that you'll have your mouth washed out with soap. Hopefully it'll be enough to remind you not to swear so much." Both boys whine out in protest. Neither of them have gotten their mouths washed before. They definitely aren't looking forward to it. Twitch mods fucking suck. The younger boy rests the paddle on George's ass. He hears soft whimpers from his young-minded boyfriend.

The tension kills the youngest boy. He knows he is sure to get it as soon as George is struck. Dream likes to fuck with them though. Evil bastard he is. As soon as the paddle moves from his ass, George braces himself for impact. He bites his lower lip harshly to hold back any yells.

Dont read this, this is just for stories i want readحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن