your morning light shining on me

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morning light filtered through the window, casting a soft golden glow across the room. clay had woken up first, as he usually does, and had since been admiring the boy who laid still asleep next to him, practically glowing in the rays of light that wrapped around him.

george was on his side with his back to the window, the blankets bunched up around his waist and clay’s baggy white t-shirt slipping off his shoulder, exposing his collar bone. he had fallen asleep clutching clay’s hand, and hadn’t let go all night. when clay had woken up to see george’s small hands curled weakly around his own, he thought it was too cute for him to just move his hand away, even though his fingers were starting to cramp up and he was sweating and he had an itch on his back.

clay laid looking at him, looking at the short dark curls that fell loosely on his forehead, the freckles that spanned across his face, dotting his skin like stars, the barely there pout on his lips. clay would never get over how beautiful he was.

clay shifted, reluctantly pulling his hand away from george’s to reach around and pull the boy closer to him by the small of his back. george frowned, making a soft, tired noise, and patted the bed, grabbing for clay’s hand that was no longer there. clay watched, smiling, as george found the front of his t-shirt and balled up the fabric in his fist. clay moved his hand away from george’s back to cup his face with his hands, making soothing motions with his thumb across george’s cheek. george sighed softly at that, the tiniest hint of a smile creeping onto his face. he tilted his face a little, eyes still closed, leaning into clay’s touch, and slightly pursed his lips, silently asking for a kiss.

clay obliged, leaning forward and tilting george’s face up so their lips could meet. they both smiled into the kiss, savoring each others presence, relishing in each others gentle touches. they pulled apart slowly and george’s eyes fluttered open. his eyes were clouded with sleep, gazing up into clay’s with so much love.

‘good morning baby.’

clay’s voice was thick with sleep, deep and gravelly and laced with affection. george’s smile grows, and he nudges clay’s nose with his own.


clay pushed george gently so that he was laying on his back, and repositioned himself so he was in between his legs, holding himself up with his hands on either side of george’s head. he leaned down, kissing george’s forehead.

‘you’re so pretty.’

george giggled below him, turning to hide his face in his hands.

‘you’re an idiot.’

clay laughed softly, pulling george’s hands away from his face and kissing him again. george sighed happily against his lips, bringing his hands up to hold clay’s face and wrapping his legs around his waist. clay’s hands started to wander, one sliding under george’s shirt, the other inching up his thigh.

george giggles again, pulling away from their kiss to gently pat clay’s face.

‘i’m too sleepy to do anything clay, it’s too early.’

clay smiled down at him, pausing his wandering hands.

‘i know, you don’t have to do anything. i just wanna love you.’

a soft pink blooms on george’s face, and he pulls clay down to bury his face in his shoulder shyly.

clay kisses the crook of his neck.

‘will you let me take care of you george?’

george nods into clay’s shoulder, relaxing enough for clay to sit up slightly, leaning back to plant a trail of kisses down his clothed chest. clay’s hands work their way under george’s shirt, coaxing him to sit up just enough to pull it over his head, leaving him in his underwear.

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