my strange addiction

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It had started out as a joke, because of course it did.

Well, it was more like a challenge to himself, really. You could only go so far on the internet without running into pictures of boys in pretty skirts with hundreds of comments praising them, calling them pretty and cute and all sorts of things.

George wasn't against it, people could wear what they wanted, he'd always thought that, but the idea just hadn't really appealed to him much personally. Until that moment.

It was just a Twitter post, he wasn't really sure how he'd gotten there in the first place, but the guy in the pictures had an incredibly similar build and body to George. And the guy was wearing a little blue tennis skirt. And he looked good. And. Well. George got to thinking.

Why not, right? If he didn't like it, he could always return it. And if he did like it, well... his brain was already filling with lots of other ideas.

So George had measured himself before ordering a skirt, which according to the website, was a deeper, vibrant red.

By the time the thing was being shipped, George had gotten very excited. He liked being pretty, liked it when Dream called him pretty, specifically, so he was looking forward to potentially showing off his new garment to his boyfriend.

George and Dream had been living together for close to a year, although obviously they'd been together for much longer than that. They'd fallen into a nice pattern; wake up together, eat together, work together, fall asleep together. It was better than George ever could have imagined.

And they had sex. Obviously.

Dream usually took control, not that George had a complaint about it. Dream was good with his mouth and even better with his hands. He was generous in bed, liked being a little rough and throwing George around a little. All things that George very eagerly welcomed.

Not that George disliked their dynamic in bed, not at all, but with a skirt... George had the potential to be the one with power over Dream. He could make him do whatever he wanted. And that excited the hell out of him.


Dream was in his office working when the package arrived, so George was able to sneak downstairs and grab it before Dream could take a break and realize they had mail.

Sneaking back into their bedroom, George locked the door behind him. He wanted a little time to himself, first.

Eagerly tearing open the package, George pulled out the skirt. Although he couldn't quite see the color, he could tell it was bright. The fabric felt nice against his fingers, soft and airy. Unable to hold back his excitement, George grinned.

He stepped out of the gray joggers he'd been wearing, dark blue boxer briefs staying on. Carefully, he stepped into the red skirt, pulling it up around his waist.

It fit perfectly. George bit his lip, studying himself in the full length mirror on the wall. The skirt fell above his mid-thigh, leaving his pale, soft legs on display. It hugged around his waist snugly, flaring out at his hips and accentuating his thin frame. He couldn't help but blush as he gave a little flick of his hips, making the fabric swish up, revealing even more of his thighs.

He felt good. Confident. Delicate. Pretty. All of the above. And he looked hot.

There were a couple of other things he knew would make him look even better, though.


After washing it and getting rid of the package it had come in, the little red skirt sat ignored in the back of George's sock drawer for the next couple days. His other package had arrived the previous day, with discreet packaging, thankfully, so George was able to play it off to Dream as a new graphics card for his PC.

Dont read this, this is just for stories i want readOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora