s3x tape

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It's just two harmless thoughts that pass through George's head, but once they're in, they never leave.

First, George loves to be spoiled. Even though he's not doing too bad himself in his own financial department, there's no denying that his boyfriend, the billionaire that he is, earns more than what he flexes. The times he leaves his credit card for George to use for them both are some of the Brit's most treasured days.

Dream knows he's rich. He's crazy rich, and he can't deny it. But having been wealthy for a long period of time, he's numb to the digits— numb to the constantly well-pressed clothes, fine dining, and expensive artwork. George isn't. And George loves it.

Obviously, George's interest plays into their sex. At least, George tries to implement it. The first and only time Dream talked about spoiling George while having sex was so long ago yet so memorable that the thought is enough so send a shiver down George's spine. Anyway.

Second. He loves to be on camera.

This, Dream has a problem with. The blond is nowhere near camera shy, but he prefers being off camera than on it, having been surrounded by lenses and nosy people since the rise of his business. Of course, George hasn't, always having been on the sidelines as Elytra Air rose to the top.

And of course, if he can't get the attention he wants in public, he might as well get it from his boyfriend.

This is George's dilemma. He has a lot of kinks, but he doesn't know how to approach Dream about it. He doesn't know how he'll react. Though he's usually the more forward of the two in terms of the romantic aspect of their relationship, sexual desires are another thing. The last time he tried to get something out of Dream for a greater time in bed… It blew up in his face.

But it did work. Eventually.

Yeah, George is getting what he wants. Right now.

The brunet sets his laptop down and hops off his bed, not bothering to check his reflection. He does, however, take his phone with him and opens up the camera app, swiping to the video interface. He pushes his hesitation behind him.

"Dream?" He knocks on the door to Dream's office. "Clay?"

"Come in, baby," comes the muffled reply, and the brunet pushes the door open with a free hand.

"Hi," Dream greets, but George ignores him, immediately walking around the table to sit on the American's lap, facing the taller.

"Let's have sex."

The immediate excitement on Dream's face is laughable. "O-okay. Sure."


"Like, now, though?"

"Yes. Of course now, idiot."

"I mean, fuck yeah, but we have to make it quick, baby. I'm leaving for the airport in an hour."

George frowns. "What?"

"My flight to Singapore? Remember? They want me to be there to present the award for Best Airport of the Year."

"Oh." The Brit deflates. "Right."

"I told you to come with me, but you're representing me here in New York."

"I know."

Dream tips his lover's chin upwards. "Don't be upset. We can still fuck. Just move a little so I can unzip my—"

George fumbles with his phone, setting it on the desk behind them and adjusting its distance. In his busyness of getting the angle just right, he doesn't notice the younger man staring at the events unfolding, bewildered.

Dont read this, this is just for stories i want readDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora