This time, you will be mine

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Monday 14.02.2022

"Oh George, I have something for you..."

"Ugh, what?" The brunette responded without turning the dark fluff to face the sound coming from behind, as his eyes were looking at the blue app on his phone; his back pushed comfortably into the big white couch.

"Come on, I know you don't like the whole wholesome-thing" as the soft voice moved closer

"...but today is special-"
now breathing down his neck, making him flinch.

The fluff bounced as he swiftly turned his face around, confronted by one he has gotten used to; in that moment almost touching his.

They shared glances filled with anticipation, before the green eyes landed on George's plumb pink lips, giving away the next move the blonde had planned.

The soft lips landed on his, pressing in, in a soft kiss for a short while.

When Dream pulled back, the surprise in his eyes got bigger, while he looked up to meet the sharp smile coming from the blonde.

"Close your eyes."

"Why? Then I won't get to stare at your beautiful face." George answered, faking an offended tone.

The smile turned into a giggle "do you trust me?"

The brunette nodded curiously, in response. As the dark eyes disappeared behind thick lashes.

His eardrums caught a quiet voice saying "turn your head back, like it was before."

He obeyed.

Shortly, his ears were filled with sounds of footsteps and a clinging sound of something that moved back and forth, before he could feel the heat coming from the bigger body right next to him, a body he could recognize even blinded.

He winced when he felt the big hands, he had spent hours studying, land in his lap; like many times before.

"Reach out your palms." The demanding tone ordered.

He followed, soon a fluffy and cold entity landed in them.

"If this is a spider, there will be consequences!"

"No, I would never do that." the words escaping with a wheeze.

He caught his breath before continuing

"Okay you can open your eyes now."


"Do you like 'em?" he could hear the smile, although his chocolate eyes were focused on his palms filled with, metal covered in feathers.

"I didn't know they made handcuffs in blue-"

"Mmmhhh..." a sarcastic nod coming from the golden boy.

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