pull over and don't lock the doors

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It was George’s idea.

It started out as a quiet, sunny morning, unremarkable as any other. He and Dream had been laying in bed, lazily scrolling on their phones, when George had rolled over and showed Dream an online shopping page for a simple, royal blue butt plug. Dream had been slightly caught off guard, but recovered quickly and after a very brief discussion the item in question had been purchased.

A week later, a small discreet package was brought home from their visit to their PO box. Conveniently, they had previously made dinner plans at a restaurant with their friends Sapnap, Karl and Quackity for that very night. George’s eyes were positively wicked when he whispered his desires for the evening into Dream’s ear after he had pulled the plug out of it’s packaging and disinfected it.

“You’re sure? In public? With the guys around?” Dream smirked, his tone teasing as he leaned down to press a kiss to George’s lips.

George hummed an affirmative noise into the kiss and pulled back. “Positive. It’ll be our secret.” He grinned with a wink.

“You’re such a little freak. Let’s do it.” Dream chuckled, his tone affectionate, and kissed him again.


George shifted in place as he buckled himself into the black leather front seat of Dream’s car. The sun had already set below the horizon and the sky was glowing a soft orange, but the light was quickly fading. George nibbled on his lower lip, slightly nervous, but also practically vibrating in anticipation. He shot Dream a cheeky grin as the taller ducked into the driver’s seat beside him and started the car. Dream himself seemed to be the epitome of nonchalance, meeting George’s gaze and smiling back.

“Text Sapnap, let him know we’ll be there in 20.”

George nodded and tapped out a quick message before sending it and locking his phone. He placed it in the cupholder and adjusted his position again. He could definitely feel the plug inside him, sitting down making it even more noticable. Upon mutual agreement, George had done all the prepping by himself, making sure the plug was snug with enough lube while Dream worked on editing a video in his office. Dream wanted to avoid getting too turned on before they even left, so he let George take care of it.

Unfortunately, that meant that George was now sporting a half chub, and had been for about an hour since he had lubed himself up and slipped the plug inside. It wasn’t small, but it didn’t quite reach as deeply as he wanted it to in order to relieve some pressure. Absentmindedly, he rolled his hips down, trying to get the plug a bit further inside him.

Dream noticed, however, when he looked over his shoulder to back out of the driveway and turn onto the road.

“You sure you’re gonna be able to make it through the night? You’re already kinda hard.” Dream commented, noticing the small bump in George’s tight jeans. “You’re gonna go into the restaurant like that?”

“Mm, I’ll be fine. Just— got a bit worked up while prepping.” George breathed. Secretly, the thought of being in public with a plug in his ass and a boner had his pulse racing. He cleared his throat, face flushing hot. Maybe he was a bit of an exhibitionist.

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