curiosity (satisfaction)

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George has always had a pretty vanilla sex life. His one (1) ex seemed satisfied with the missionary sex that was common in their relationship. She sometimes asked him to hold her down, which George attempted to do with thin arms and wavering confidence, but that was the extent of their sexual exploration. All his hookups have been pretty cut and dry, too— dorms and hotel rooms occupied for the purpose of getting off with someone else. On a couple rare occasions, he’d been the one being held down. It was never anything extreme, but George liked the taste of submission more than he’d even admit to himself.

George has always had a vanilla sex life, which he’s never been dissatisfied with.

That is, until he touches down in Florida.

“Oh, you’re going out?” George asks from his spot on the living room couch.

Dream pauses where he’s pulling his shoes on in the entryway. He turns to George, looking slightly scandalized, like he didn’t realize George was sitting there. He’s wearing long sleeves and a beanie, along with a mask. It’s odd, considering the Florida heat, even in the late evening. Maybe he doesn’t want to be recognized? He doesn’t usually bother hiding his face within their secluded neighbourhood, though.

“Yeah, I am.”

George raises his eyebrows, even more curious now. “Would you like to elaborate on that?”

Dream purses his lips. “I’m going to the club.”

George scoffs out a laugh. “The club?”

That’s probably the most unexpected answer Dream could have given. It’s a pretty good joke, too— even considering how much more outgoing Dream is than George, he would still never—

“Yes, George, the BDSM club.”


George has known for a while now that Dream is pretty into the local BDSM scene, but it’s not something they talk about often. It doesn’t tend to come up in conversation, and if it does he swiftly changes the subject. George has always gotten the sense that it’s a bit too personal to poke fun at, so he doesn’t make jokes or press Dream for details. For the most part, he tries not to think about it at all. It’s not like he has a problem with it— quite the opposite, actually. On a few occasions now, George has caught himself wondering exactly what Dream does. Does he like giving or receiving? Does he like pain, restraints, leather? George tries to stop himself before he gets carried away thinking about his best friend’s kinks.

“Oh, right,” he stammers, and he can feel the heat immediately rise to his face. “Uh, have fun.”

Dream nods curtly and he’s out the door, leaving George to wallow in his embarrassment.

He wallows all the way to bed that night, until he’s lying under his covers in the dark, until his hand is itching to slide below his own waistband. George is a weak man, he realizes, because he can’t help himself from giving in. Pathetically, Dream is the only thing on his mind as he wraps his hand around embarrassing stiffness. Dream winding rope around someone’s wrists. Dream wielding a belt, a whip. Dream’s strong hands and arms tying someone up, holding them down. Dream tying George up, oh god.

Maybe Dream is fucking someone right now, in the back of some club. Maybe he’s muttering filthy words into their ear to get them off. In his head, Dream is mean, cocky energy funnelled into nasty dirty talk.

Gonna cum, Georgie? taunts the Dream in his head. Such a whore.

“Yes, yes!” George gasps into the sheets, because he thinks he really will. He’s going to cum thinking about his best friend. He wonders if Dream would let him if he was here. Maybe he would deny George, drag it out for hours. George on his own, however, simply does not have the willpower not to tug his cock a little faster, grip the sheets a little harder, and cum right then and there.

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