Bring your son to work day Pt2 - Deal

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George was awakened by gentle shakes, a large hand gripping his shoulder gently and a kiss to his forehead. “Mom?” he yawned quietly, opening his eyes and flinching when he saw Dream. “Oh- hi Clay. Where’s mom?” he hummed, sitting up, wincing a little when he felt pain in his lower back.

“Funny story, your mom went home sick, ironic isn’t it?” he laughed. “She asked if I could give you a ride to one of your friend’s houses.” he smiled, helping George stand up. “So, let's go.” he hummed.

George nodded a little and stretched, falling back onto the couch again after his legs gave out. He huffed, blowing the fringe out of his face. “Not fair..” he mumbled, trying to stand up again.

Dream laughed, helping George up, “I’ll help you walk. No need to be embarrassed either. It’s already midnight, any workers here are long gone.” he hummed, wrapping his arm around George’s waist and helping him walk to the elevator.

George blushed at the hold, looking away from Dream and nodding a little, awkwardly staring at his feet. He didn’t know what to say. He was mostly thinking about what had happened prior to his nap, the events before. Does this mean they’re a thing? Was this just a one time fling? George sure hoped it wasn’t. But even if it was, it had been the best fling he has ever had.

The elevator stopped at the bottom floor, Dream helping George walk to his car, then opening the door for him. George thanked him quietly and got in the car. Dream got in on the other side and started the car, driving off. “Where to?” he hummed.

George looked up, “Uhh, one moment let me make a few calls.” he mumbled. Dream nodding, keeping his eyes on the road.

After many declined calls to his friends, he sighed. “They’re all sleeping..” he mumbled.

Dream nodded, “Worst case scenario, you can stay at my house? I mean- if that’s not weird?” he shrugged.

“Not the first time I’d wake up in the same bed as the guy who fucked the shit out of me the night prior.” George mumbled.

Dream was a bit speechless at first, then started laughing. “Well, you have a point.” he shrugged, the car suddenly became silent with a tension either could put their finger on.
George looked up when he felt the car slowing down, seeing a decent sized house, smaller than George would’ve thought it to be for a billionaire.

They both got out, George limping to the door, waiting for Dream to unlock it. “Is your kid home?” he hummed, a bit excited to meet the little one.

Dream frowned and shook his head, “At her mom’s, she just got there yesterday.” he pouted. It was clear that Dream loved his, what seemed to be, daughter, and George thought that was adorable. He smiled gently, “Mm that’s fine. I wanna meet her one day. She must be as adorable as her father.” he teased, walking in after Dream opened the door.

George looked around, he definitely didn’t expect the inside to be so cozy. There was a reasonable sized kitchen and connected living room, and a set of stairs that he assumed led to the bedrooms and bathrooms. He walked over to the kitchen, examining the fridge. It had pictures scattered all along it of stick figure drawings in sparkly crayons. The recurring theme being there was always a man and a little girl.

George smiled gently, “Clay! Your daughter is so cute!” he gasped, snatching a photo from the fridge of a printed out picture of the two. They were strikingly similar in looks, his daughter had the same green eyes, dirty blonde hair, and nose. The lips, he assumed, were from her mom, as well as her jawline.

Dream laughed, looking at the picture in George’s hands. “Yup, that’s Maria.” he cooed.

George smiled, “What a pretty name.” he hummed and put the photo back on the fridge. He jumped up onto the counter and sat on it, dangling his legs happily. He was wide awake now, the pain in his ass didn’t really faze him as much as it did when he woke up.

Dream smiled, standing in between his legs and placing his hands on George’s hips. “George, I don’t want this to be a one time thing..” he whispered. “Why don’t we just..keep these little secret hookups between you and I, and see how we feel about it..” he mumbled, looking down at George.

George nodded, “Y-Yeah- that sounds great actually.” he sighed in relief, glad that their little relationship issue was sort of resolved. “So, does that mean I can kiss you?” he smiled, leaning in slowly. Dream nodded, meeting him in the middle but- oh too slow. George already hopped off the counter and started running upstairs.

“Oh no you don’t! Come here!” Dream yelled, a big smile on his face as he chased after George, looking in all the rooms. The last one was his own, he opened the door quickly, and tiptoed around the room, trying to sneak up on George wherever he was hiding.

He heard little giggles, making him turn quickly to his bed. He smiled and quickly walked over, tearing the covers back and tickling George.

George giggled more, squirming around. “Clay! Stop it!?” he giggled breathlessly, trying ti push his hands off.

Dream smiled, only tickling him harder. “What do you say?” he teased.

“P-Please!” George whined, giggling after and kicking his legs around.

Dream smiled and pulled his hands away, laying down beside him. “Good boy.” he hummed, turning to face him.

George panted a little bit, smiling brightly at him. His mom always told him it was rude to stare, but Dream couldn’t help it when George was this beautiful. He noticed he was staring after awhile, peeling his eyes away and standing up, walking to his dresser, grabbing a large shirt for George. “Here, it’ll be more comfortable than what you’re wearing now.” he smiled, laying the shirt beside him then undressing himself. “I sleep in boxers, though, I’m sure you don’t mind.” he winked.

George blushed a little and nodded. He liked this flirty yet domestic and caring side of Dream. He undressed as well, putting the shirt on that was two sizes too big. He smiled at how big it was, then burrowed under the covers.

Clay smiled then turned the lights off and got in beside him, spooning him from behind. George smiled giddily and held one of Dream’s hands, playing with his fingers. “Goodnight, George.” Dream whispered, nuzzling his face into George’s neck.

George hummed, “Goodnight, Clay.” he whispered, closing his eyes and squeezing Dream’s hand. There was something he felt, but couldn’t quite name the feeling. It happened every time Dream did something..sweet..and thoughtful. But, George brushed the feeling away because that was the least of his concern.
1165 words

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