Cat George, dog Dream and Sapnap

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Ah, shit," George cried, Dream trying his best to comfort the cat that was in obvious heat.

Now, usually this wouldn't happen being that the cat hybrid was on something to control his heat, but when the two grabbed the bottle before his heat and nothing was there.

It was worse when Dream was watching wondering what to do since he was the one being dommed.

The most pathetic whines pushed that away, the cat humping the blanket, needing to be bred.

Running his hand over the calico's back tenderly, George balled his fists, about leaving holes in the soft blankets.

"Dream," George sobbed quietly, "please fuck me, need you so so bad!"

Not prepared for that sort of thing, he just thought of to help his dear boyfriend.

Nodding quickly, the blond manhandled the cat in his nest to make room for the dog hybrid, George whining in the process.

"As if in instict, Dream pushed down the shorts of his partner along with his boxers and made his way near George's enterance, the smaller begging to fuck him.

Hesitantly, Dream fingered his boyfriend with a very soft thrust, George panted softly, pleading for more, wanting to be held down and fucking bred.

"Fuck, please! Ne- need to be full, Dream. Breed me, ne—"

Dream gently hushed the other, not being able to take the pleading begs, and taking out his fingers, and without another word, he pushed in.

Eyes sparking with dust and fog, finally getting what he wanted, needing to be fucked. Dream smiled seeing how the other was shaking on his knees, pushing back in circular motions.

"Such a pretty boy, taking me so well."

"Gonna breed you."

His eyes rolled back as the taller grabbed his hips, definitely going to leave purple bruises.

"Yes, yes!" George cried, his tail being stroked with dry rough hands.

Usually, George would be getting by fucked by Sapnap, since Dream was asexual and sometimes feeling it, but mostly not.

But the small cat could not be happier getting Dream to fuck him because he was just in heat.

Even though Sapnap was rough with George, sometimes it was nice getting gentleness, plus Dream made him feel like he was a small cat, only needing to be fucked.

And that's what Dream did, his knot wanting to pass George's rim to release.

"Close! Don't stop, don't stop!"

It only made Dream go faster, rougher slightly, and using all his force to shove his knot in, trying to get George to cum quicker.

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