i know, love

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George wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation and probably wouldn't remember any time soon. Although if you ask Dream, he remembers every second of it.

They were having a lovely day off when the two had decided to grab an afternoon tea. At the same time, Dream was ordering and paying for them; he turned around to see his boyfriend of 4 months letting another man rest his arm on his shoulder. They were laughing like there isn't a care in the world. The other man moved off George but then pulled out his phone, most likely to get George's number. Dream was still watching from afar with his arms crossed and had a sour look on his face.

Dream could see the other still talking. He wasn't even that nice looking (in Deam's opinion). He was about six feet tall, therefore not too much larger than George; he had black hair and green eyes. Although his voice was objectively not as pleasant as Dreams, he smelled like cigarettes that may appeal to some but not George. The man started leaning closer and closer to George, who began searching for the blond boy but once Dream saw this, he turned away, curious to see how far it would go.

Lucky for Dream, the barista had finished making their drinks and gave them to him with a wink. When he turned back around again, the man had his arm wrapped around Georges's shoulders; they were both physically repulsed by the action. Dream sped walked over,

"Here you are Georgie, who is your new friend?" George gave a slight shake of his head, clearly wanting to leave.

"No one, can we go now?" The other man was stunned by the interaction and had decided not to speak. So they returned home, finishing their drinks in the car in silence. When he entered the front door, George hung his jacket on the wall and leaned against the other, watching Dream's moves.

"He said he could fuck me better than anyone else." Wanting to get a rise out of the other.

"Excuse me?"

"I case you were wondering." He stated, Beginning to wander off to their bedroom.

"I don't think so, darling." Dream grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a teeth kiss. "You can't say that without any repercussions, gorgeous."

"Is that so?"

"It is."

And now George is here, fifteen minutes into making out on their bed with the both of them only in their boxers. Dream straddling George, with his tongue licking and biting everywhere he could.

Every time the older would grab onto the younger's shoulders, they would be brought back down or pinned to the bed until he forgot.

"Since you obviously can't keep your hands to yourself,"


"I guess I'm just going to have to tie you up," George whimpered; after feeling quite violated by the man at the cafe, there was nothing more he wanted than to touch his boyfriend. Dream reached under the bed to pull out thin pieces of silk fabric and began tying George's hand to the bed frame. "Lucky for you, a slut like yourself must love it."

George's brain was currently short-circuiting, one part of his brain knew he wanted to touch him, but the other part knows Dream is always right. So he tied his wrists securely to the bed frame.

"O-okay" Dream could see the hurricane in his mind.

"Color, darling?"


"Glad to hear it 'cause that might change soon" Dream also pulled out a 4-inch vibrator and a quarter used bottle of lube. He brought two thick fingers from his right hand to tap on George's mouth for him to suck; George got the message. He sucked and licked the tip of his fingers like it was an actual cock. While he was distracted with that, Dream began nipping, biting, sucking, and kissing his chest. Starting at the right side of his jaw, Dream kissed the corner of his mouth then trailed down to his ear.

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