thats my brother

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It has been awhile since they last visited the prison and met his brother. That cell was horrible it reminded them of the panic room too much. They couldn't imagine what his brother was going through.

What usually happened during the prison meets when they both had the time too see each other again, well Ranboo, as Dream didn't have much to do in the prison for obvious reasons. They usually brought bandages and a med kit with them as they noticed after a while, bruises showed up along with cuts and hand marks around his neck and slim slash marks appeared frequently along his back which could be described as whip marks (?).

Dream usually changed the subject after he asked about said marks and told him not to worry about it.

But aside from that they had a pretty good time with each other. Ranboo spent most of the time catching Dream up with what was happening on the server.

And a few times they braided each others hair, Ranboos was significantly easier as theirs had grown own out. Dreams was getting their , it was now easier to braid it.


It had been like two weeks since Ranboo visited Dream. They couldn't find the time to visit his brother. But the plans they originally had with Revivedbur were cancelled due to some other business the man had to attend too.

Ranboo had packed a bag that they were going to bring with them to the prison.

Prison List:

Bandages (a lot)

Med Kit


Memory book

Hair ties

More homemade clips (he seems to like them alot)

Axe (Just incase I am caught seeing him)

Ranboo checked the bag and list multiple times to check they had everything.

They sighed contently as they sung his back over his shoulders and stood in the middle of the room inside of their Shack in the arctic.

They closed their eyes and felt the fuzzy feeling come back to their fingertips smiling at the familiar feeling, they grasped at it and with the purple particles surrounding them enveloping them and with a puff they disappeared .

They felt themselves hit the floor as the familiar heat greeted them again.

They were confused though.

They heard shouting.

It sounds like Quackity?

Maybe I accidently teleported to the wrong place?

They hesitantly opened their eyes to be met with a horror scene.

They now knew why they needed so many bandages.

Their eyes ran over what was happening.

Quackity was standing infront of them with his hand around his brothers neck yelling at him, their ears now only hearing what they were saying.

"Where the fuck is the revival book?!"

"I pro-promise s-sir I don't ha-have i-it" Dream choked out

His brother was being hurt over a stupid book.


Ranboo saw red.

"Quackity what do you think you're doing?"

"Ah, Ranboo how did you get into here."

"Doesn't matter I just need to know what you thing you're doing with him."

"That's none of your business, Ranboo"


"R-Ranboo? What do you mean? S-Surely this thing isn't you-your brother."

"Oh but he is" Ranboo said, "and you're going to tell me what you think you're doing with him"

"Oh, w-well you s-see, he has a book that c-can bring people b-back to li-life and well I wanted i-it"

"You wanted a book that could revive people and so the only way you could get it was resultant to  torture."

"Hey! It sounds worse when you say it like that"

Ranboo had started to back the duck hybrid into the corner to the point that Quackity couldn't press into the wall any further.

"Listen here bitch if I ever find out that you have been any where near my brother and have went as far as touching a hair on his head I will Fucking murder you myself do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes si-sir"

"Good, but for now"

Ranboo brought the axe up towards Quackitys neck.

"I think it's time for a punishment"

Ranboo sliced the neck of quackity watching as the body collapsed and blood seeped and leaked all over the floor

The message then eventually popped up.

Quackity was slain by Error

"You shouldn't have messed with my brother"
741 words

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