Chapter 5 - Class Trial 1

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe we're really solving that," Shouko added, rubbing the back of her head. "It's kinda freaky."

"It's more than freaky. It's downright bizarre." I firmly said.

"Well, how about we start with the c-cause of death?" Kenjiro began. "That's...what we typically start with anyway."

"That's a good starting point." I nodded with my hands on my hips. "Once we settle on that, we can start theorising how this damn case happened."

Good thing Ryoko's cause of death is clear. Well, not physically. With just one look at her body, you'd never guess she was poisoned. But the Monokuma File says otherwise.

Non-Stop Debate
Truth Bullet: Monokuma File

Satoshi: If we are to pinpoint Ryoko's cause of death...

Kenjiro: Well, it may be gory, but unfortunately, q-quite obvious.

Shouko: It's not like you needed to inspect much.

Shouko: With so much blood and wounds like those...

Shouko: Gah! She was tortured to death! That's why she's haunting us-

"No, that's wrong!"

Shouko jumped at my exclamation, blinking to see if she heard me right. "Ryoko...wasn't tortured to death?"

"You're wrong- well, er...You're right and wrong." I clarified before explaining. "Yes, Ryoko was definitely tortured to the brink of death. She must have been with those injuries. If she was left like that, she would've succumbed to her wounds in no time."

"So you're saying...she died from something else then?" Kenjiro assumed.

"That's right." Satoshi joined in, supporting and backing up my point. "I know it may not be obvious, but Ryoko's true cause of death, according to the Monokuma File, was poisoning."

"P-Poisoning?!?" Shouko widened her eyes. "You what she threatened us with?!?"

"Yeah. Karma is a real bitch, huh?" I smirked yet cleared my throat to not let my smugness take over. "But yes. Exactly that. As for the other wounds..."

Select Truth Bullet
> Excess Injuries <

"This should prove it!"

"All those injuries were given to her...for no real reason." I declared. "It really did seem like meaningless torture."

"Definitely. Her teeth were pulled out! Why that of all things?!? All of that pain...she's destined to be some sort of vengeful spirit!" Shouko clenched her teeth in frustration. "Eh...I should be excited, but the fact that it's Ryoko ruins everything!"

"That's typical," Satoshi mumbled, shaking his head before stuttering. "A-And...let's stop with the ghost talk for now."

"...Alright." The ghost hunter reluctantly agreed, lowering her head.

Satoshi is probably making it seem like he doesn't want to go off-topic. But let's face it.

We all know he's just scared of ghosts. And...most things in general, to be fair.

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