George's Milking Session

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" Clay asked, now basically fisting the man open, his entire hand fucking a good size hole. George nodded, mewling and eventually placing his hooves on the farmer's chest, pushing lightly for leverage. The cute little cow threw his head back, moaning as Clay's hand would thrust against his prostate. Clay removed his hand, going over to get the two vacuum pumps, unraveling them and standing between George's legs. He was about to put them on, but George's hands stopped him for a moment. Clay looked down, watching him let out a sigh, preparing for the initial suck as it can hurt a little.

"You're okay; you've done this so many times," he reassured, moving with George's hands slowly, putting the vacuum pump over one nipple, earning a cry from his little cattle. He rubbed his hands around his chest where the pump was, watching some tiny bits of milk spew out. Clay latched the second one on, further rubbing both of his pecs to soothe them until the pain subsided.

"You want my cock, or one of your little toys?" Clay asked, taking George's cock and generously rubbing it.

"Y-you... I've liked it when you do it.." George said, biting his lip as tears welled up in his eyes as the sucking from the vacuums were making him horny and wanting to be milked already. Clay smiled, undoing his pants and unbuttoning his shirt; he rolled down his pants along with his underwear. The farmer pulled out his cock, and went to pour more lube onto himself. He went to grab George's hips, helping him turn over onto his stomach on the bench. Clay then moved the bucket right under where he'd be getting the milk and started to press into George slowly. George was lying face down; the bench is situated, so the vacuums on his chest didn't budge. He cried out, his eyes widening as he barely expected him to enter right away. Clay started to thrust into him, receiving moans from his cow.

"Ahh..mmh, c-clay.." George let out, drool and tears mixing and falling off his chin onto the hay below him. His hoove grounded, and his ass was in the air, his back arching as he let his master use him as a toy. George mewled more, milk lactating out from his chest and through the pumps; he wanted to give all his milk to him. He reached down to jerk himself off, squeezing the skin near his head, trying to milk it all out legitimately.

"There you go..squeeze all of it out for me," Clay urged, lifting a boot to the bench and under his thigh, partially keeping George's leg open, but more for leverage on his own end. Clay thrust harder, earning moans from the cow below him. George had squirted some into the bucket, the noise being present to indicate to Clay he had.

"Good boy, c'mon now, I know you've got more," he pulled out slowly, seeing George's asshole hug his cock right up until it partially got stuck on his head. When it was out, he slapped it onto George's balls for encouragement. He was greeted with the pleasant sound of a long splash into the bucket. Clay proceeded to gently pat George's balls before moving his hands down to milk him himself; around his waist, his arms went. His hands skillfully bypassed George's, pulling and twisting onto his cock as more of the white liquid gold came out.

"C-cl...claay.." George whined, his legs getting expectedly weak. The cow had collapsed his whole front onto the bench, his knees turning inward. The head of his cock resting on the edge of the bucket. The farmer had taken the bucket, moved it temporarily before hoisting George up onto his hooves. Clay leaned him back into him, rubbing down his body and kissing the side of his face. He snapped his fingers, pointing to the bench and motioning for him to put his hooves there. George complied, huffing and stepping up onto the bench; however, Clay steadied his hips in the air, lowering George onto his cock while he stood.

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