Who Would Walk Someone Home at Night?

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Inspired by a tumblr post about the Avengers walking someone home with their groceries at night

She 100% would walk someone home late a night. She'd be terrified, but she wouldn't hesitate to walk someone home. As time went on she'd grow more comfortable and start talking about her latest adventures, or perhaps start gushing about her fiancée, or even get in contact with Rotgut to see about getting this person some protection. Once they're home, she'd make sure they're safe inside before leaving.

She's evil, vindictive, and bitchy. She absolutely would not walk someone home unless there was something to be gained from it. If she would agree to it (which is highly unlikely) she'd be boasting about her prowess as a sorcerer & youthful appearance the entire time. Once they arrive home, she'd leave them outside without so much as a goodbye.

This sweetheart would absolutely walk someone home at night. At first she'd act all shy about it, but then she'd start talking their ear off about her research into furthering her magical prowess. Maybe she'd even cast a few spells to entertain said person. Once they reach home, she'd lend them some gold before heading out towards the nearest tavern.

At first, Kristan would be apprehensive. She'd be more concerned about getting home to her wife. But then I think she'd do it, although more to protect the person. She'd be about 10 feet behind them, beating up anyone who dares to try and mug this poor civilian. Upon arrival, she'll see to it that they get inside safely before taking her leave and heading home to Zanise.

As a knight of Bahamut & devoted paladin, Lunara would literally agree before the question is even finished. She'd escort the person who asked her without hesitation, using her vast weaponry to intimidate anyone who dares even look at the civilian funny. Once home, she'd pray for them, before leaving and going back to her sister.

Seeing someone alone at night would immediately sober this stoner halfling up. Nela would first question how they found her in the first place (seeing as she's one of Santa's elves & was probably on a delivery mission for Santa when this person came up to her) but she'd help them regardless. Once they get home, she'd offer them some weed and quite possibly smoke with them before leaving to head back to the North Pole.

First, she'd be questioning why this person is out alone this late at night. No matter the answer, she'd sigh like a disappointed mother before escorting them back home. The trip would be very silent, owing to the fact that she's focusing on the task at hand. Once at home, she'd give them a stern talking to about going out late at night by themselves before bidding them farewell and leaving.

I think it's highly unlikely she'd be out late at night. Especially being as young as she is. If anything, she'd be the one asking someone to escort her home.

She'd question it at first, but ultimately she'd relent and provide escort. It's more of an opportunity for her to find things to take. Once they both arrive at their destination, she'd hand the recently acquired goods to the person in question and say "Free of charge." before leaving.

I think like Lilith, she'd be the one asking for an escort home. I mean, she's barely out of the Wycademy, she's only just starting her hunting.

She'd be clueless about why someone would approach a Saiyan to ask her to help them, but she'd do it regardless. Gods have mercy on them if they're a woman, she'd be a flustered mess. Once they arrive, she'd make sure they're safe before leaving.

Being a creature of the night, she'd wonder why someone would approach a vampire for escort home. But she'd do it, and would probably take that as an opportunity to snack on some muggers and would-be attackers. She'd probably end up with a very suspicious amount of blood around her mouth by the time they arrive. She'd most likely give them a thumbs up and grin before leaving into the night.

Barring Cupcake doesn't attack this person for getting too close, Onyx would absolutely escort someone home, using the fire in her hair as a way of guiding them home. Cupcake would probably help as well, taking the lead and most likely attacking anything that would come after the poor civilian. Once they arrive, they'd better hope they have food, cause Cupcake would probably expect a treat and Onyx would be laughing. Once the treat is acquired, they'd both leave.

Since she'd previously been trapped in the Backrooms, she'd be a little weirded out by the fact that someone approached her. She'd probably be very distrusting until they plead with her. By that point, she's already summoned fire in her hands and is making her way towards their house. Along the way, she'd be very perceptive, due to her time in the Backrooms. Finally, once they arrive, she'd hand them some money before leaving.

She's a lot braver than her mother, so she'd already be leading the way with her little construct coming along with her. She'd most likely talk this person's ear off about machinery and the like, and even show off the finer details of Penny (her construct.) Once they're home, she'll make sure they're safe inside before returning to her own home.

She's SUPPOSED to be in hiding following the Cataclysm, so she'd be terrified as to why someone approached her late at night. Once they give her the rundown, she'd whistle for Rose (who by now would probably be big enough for two to ride) and urge the person to hop on (once they're done being terrified.) Yes, she wouldn't walk them home, she'd FLY them home. Once there, she'd tell them to be careful before leaving with Rose.

She's a soldier, so when a random citizen approaches her asking for escort, she's already urging them to follow her. She'd have her weapon at the ready and would not hesitate to hurt anyone who tries to mug this person. Once they arrive, she'd give a respectful nod before leaving.

Knowing her, she'd probably be coming home from a party when this happens. She'd go from loud & boisterous party girl to sneaky rogue in about half a second. She'd go stealth mode and urge this person to do the same. Once they arrive, she'd slip them some coin before leaving.

Minako would probably be a tad apprehensive about someone approaching her to ask for help, given her past and her dealings with the mafia. Eventually she'd come around, staying far enough away to not have to talk but close enough that nobody thinks she's stalking them. Eventually enough she'd get more comfortable, and probably move closer to start dancing while they walk. If the person is a female, once they arrive home, she'd give her a kiss on the back of her hand before parting ways. If they're male, she'll simply wait outside until they're safe indoors.

One sentence. "AW SWEET I GET TO SHOOT THINGS!" It'd actually take the person to say they only need someone to walk with them to get her to calm down. So, this lovely little goblin lass would take their hand and start leading the way, with direction from the person of course. She'd probably be talking their ears off about weapons the whole time, resulting in some relief when Arachnia finally gets them home and leaves them to their devices.

Most likely, she was probably walking around with a few skulls in her arms when she was approached (cue the skulls being dropped all over the place.) She'd probably stutter a bit before agreeing to provide escort (she can get more skulls some other time.) Moana would probably be trying so very hard to not reveal the fact that she's a necromancer, and would probably end up letting it slip at one point. Once they arrive, she'd apologize and excuse herself to leave (and probably collect more skulls in the process.)

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