Part Five: Harry Potter

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If my characters were in the Harry Potter universe—

- 100% a Hufflepuff. (Albeit a very angry Hufflepuff.)
- Probably gets along best with Fred & George Weasley.
- Wand has a unicorn hair core & is made of ebony.
- Favors Charms over anything.
- Huge fan of the Weird Sisters.
- Probably a half-blood but was adopted by Rotgut.
- After graduating Hogwarts, probably joins the Ministry of Magic to advocate for half Giants.
- Once Harry defeats Voldemort, Alycia finally lives in peace with her father and her girlfriend.

- Either a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw, most likely a Ravenclaw.
- 100% a Death Eater.
- Wand has a dragon heartstring core & is made of yew.
- Master of curses and hexes.
- Joined under Voldemort's banner during the First Wizarding War after her husband cheated on her. Voldemort ended up killing her husband for her.
- Like Bellatrix Lestrange, is utterly in love with Voldemort.
- Probably a pureblood.
- Absolutely despises anyone who isn't a pureblood.
- After Harry defeats Voldemort, ends up in Azkaban for good.

- Some might think she's in Hufflepuff, but she's actually a Ravenclaw.
- Definitely joins Dumbledore's Army.
- Wand has a phoenix feather core & is made of beechwood.
- Probably very good at Potions & Transfiguration.
- Extremely fascinated by dragons.
- Ends up living with the Weasleys after being disowned by her family.
- More than likely a Muggleborn.
- After Harry defeats Voldemort, probably trains to become a healer at St. Mungos.
- Ends up becoming Madame Pomfrey's assistant at Hogwarts.

- 100% Gryffindor.
- Definitely a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
- Wand has a dragon heartstring core & is made of holly.
- Her & Zanise were sweethearts while at Hogwarts, and got married as soon as the first war was over.
- Probably works for the Ministry as an Auror. (Zanise is constantly worrying about her)
- Shockingly close with Mad-Eye Moody.
- Absolutely HATES Umbridge.
- Professional dueler of course.
- After Harry defeats Voldemort, ends up helping train Harry before she retires.

- Most definitely a Slytherin.
- Just trying to do her studies in peace without all of the chaos.
- Wand is dragon heartstring core and is made of cedar.
- Hates the pureblood supremacy ideal some wizards have.
- Shockingly good at Charms & Divination.
- Really great friends with Professor Trelawney.
- Has gone to the Forbidden Forest to chat with centaurs.
- Fascinated by Acromantulas. Just doesn't want to get too close to one.
- After Hogwarts, probably works with Arthur Weasley at the Ministry of Magic.

- Probably a Ravenclaw.
- Gets along well with Luna Lovegood probably.
- Wand has a unicorn hair core & is made of oak.
- Very good at Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures.
- Easily as fascinated by magical creatures as Charlie Weasley, Newt Scamander, and Hagrid combined.
- Visits Hagrid quite frequently to see the new creatures he's brought in.
- Absolutely loves unicorns.
- The only one out of these characters to have both an owl and a cat. Her owl is named Lilith and her cat is (obviously) named Lucifer.
- After Hogwarts, probably runs her own apothecary.

- Either a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw.
- Joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as she could.
- Wand has a phoenix feather core & is made of cherry wood.
- Very good at using healing magic but also very fascinated with raising the dead (somehow.)
- Probably studied the Inferi at some point to help better understand how they function (she hasn't made any herself though.)
- Was on the Quidditch team of her House as a Beater.
- Begrudgingly helped Dumbledore after she learned of his plans for Harry.
- After Harry defeated Voldemort, she wound up going to St. Mungo's to be a healer.

- Probably either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff.
- Definitely joined Dumbledore's Army.
- Wand has a unicorn hair core and is made of cherry wood.
- After leaving Hogwarts, she became a healer at St. Mungo's.
- Probably best friends with the female Gryffindor Quidditch members.
- Briefly dated Cedric Diggory before he started dating Cho.
- She was even more affected by his death at the end of the Triwizard Tournament.
- Definitely helped Harry cope but didn't date him.
- When Voldemort rose to power, she was helping the Order on top of her duties at St. Mungo's.
- After Voldemort's defeat, she goes back to her peaceful life and ends up raising a bunch of cats.

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