Part Eleven: Oblivion

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If my characters were in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion—

(Keep in mind, I've played it but I've only got as far as saving Kvatch)

Wood Elf. (I mean cmon now)
Obviously her class is Bard.
Born under the sign of the Shadow.
Probably a member of the Blades, but ends up branching out to the Thieve's Guild & Mage's Guild.
Unlike most bards, she will not hesitate to punch someone if they make her mad.
Definitely helps during the Oblivion Crisis.

Probably a Breton vampire.
Her class is Sorcerer.
Born under the sign of the Serpent.
Would 100% join the Mythic Dawn just so she can fuck Mehrunes Dagon.
Before that, she was in the Mage's Guild & the Dark Brotherhood.
After, she spends the rest of her life in prison. If the Hero of Kvatch didn't kill her first, that is.

A mixture between Breton & High Elf here too.
Her class is Mage.
Born under the sign of the Lover.
At the time of the Oblivon Crisis, she's just a lowly mage in the Mage's Guild.
Would definitely help during the Crisis, no questions asked.
Devout follower of the Divines through and through. (And probably Azura as well.)

Probably an Argonian.
Her class is Barbarian (obviously)
Born under the sign of the Warrior.
Probably a member of the Fighter's Guild & a fighter in the Arena.
Longs to be Grand Champion (but gets thwarted by the Oblivion Crisis.)
She ends up being glad she's not the Grand Champion (hi Adoring Fan how are ya?)

Also an Argonian.
Her class is Knight.
Born under the sign of the Tower.
Member of both the Mage's Guild & the Fighter's Guild.
Probably takes a break from both to help with the Oblivion Crisis.
More than likely loves watching fights in the Arena.

Probably a mixture of Imperial & Wood Elf (she's very short tho.)
I'm not 100% sure what her class would be, but my best picks are Healer or Spellsword.
Born under the sign of the Ritual.
Probably not part of any group, just spends her time getting high in a shack in the middle of the forest. (Like in Skyrim, she probably has ties to the Dark Brotherhood & the Thieve's Guild.)
When the Oblivion Crisis happens, she begrudgingly helps out.
Ends up joining the Mage's Guild during her excursions.
When it's all over, she goes back to her shack with the promise that people will leave her alone and (I quote) "Fuck off to Oblivion with Mehrunes Dagon."

Obviously an Orc.
Her class is Healer (obviously)
Born under the sign of the Atronach.
Probably lives alone and lends her healing abilities to whoever needs it.
When the Oblivion Crisis happens, any time the Hero is injured, they go to her.
Probably winds up joining the Mage's Guild and stays with them.
When the Crisis is over, she ends up traveling all over Tamriel to lend her abilities to those who need them.

Breton, most likely.
Her class (like Maiza) is also Healer.
Born under the sign of the Lady.
Probably a healer in the Mage's Guild.
She's healed several people, including soldiers and members of the Arena.
When the Crisis happens, she ends up joining up with the Blades to aid the Hero & Martin.
Definitely has a crush on Martin. Absolutely devastated when he sacrifices himself.
After, she goes back to the Mage's Guild to live out the rest of her life in peace.

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