Part Four: The Hunger Games

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If my characters were in The Hunger Games series—

- Born in District 11.
- Was sent to the community home due to her parents being neglectful.
- Ended up being adopted by a victor from District 4, Xavier Rotgut.
- Somehow ended up not being reaped into the Hunger Games.
- Still joined the rebellion with her adoptive father.
- Becomes really good friends with Finnick Odair.
- Due to an injury, ends up not participating in the siege of the Capitol.
- Returns to District 11 after the war to help rebuild.

- A citizen of the Capitol, most likely.
- Very fascinated by President Snow.
- If not a citizen of the Capitol, probably lives in District 1 or 2.
- Very rich.
- One of the many officials that has a secret Finnick Odair knows about. (Hers is she killed her husband & never got caught.)
- Doesn't support either side in the war.
- Thinks of Katniss as a sniveling coward.
- Probably gets arrested at the end of the war. By whom, no one knows.

- Lives in District 8.
- Grew up in the better off part of the district to a pair of officials.
- Ended up disowned after she was found in the company of a female Peacekeeper.
- After being disowned, she was reaped into the Hunger Games.
- She won after it came down to her and her ally; her ally took pity on her and killed themselves so she'd win.
- Definitely resents President Snow.
- Sympathizes with Katniss and Peeta.
- After the war, Malachite helps to rebuild District 8.

- Used to live in District 2 as a Peacekeeper.
- Secretly hated the job & wanted out.
- Zanise helped her escape & the two fled to the outskirts of District 12, where they discovered District 13.
- Both of them were married after a year of living in 13.
- Suffers frequent nightmares about her experiences with the Peacekeepers.
- Helps train the soldiers.
- When Katniss arrives in 13, Kristan helps her.
- Gets along with everyone except for President Coin.
- After the war, Kristan retires officially and moves with Zanise to District 12.

- Most likely from District 4.
- Definitely a victor of the Hunger Games as well.
- Lives right across from Annie Cresta.
- Knows about Finnick and Annie's relationship.
- Deeply upset after Mags dies in the 75th Games.
- Becomes one of the best rebels in the rebellion.
- Gets her own special trident from Beetee that can absorb water.
- After the war, Lunara lives with Annie and helps her raise her son.

- Lives in either District 7 or District 11.
- Somehow doesn't get reaped into the Games.
- Still leaves her home for District 13 anyways.
- While still a pacifist, she helps the rebellion anyways.
- Does the most help in 11, and stays in 11 to keep things under control.
- Doesn't take part in the siege of the Capitol.
- After the war, she goes back to 11 to start a farm and live as a hermit for the rest of her life.

- Lives in District 12 as a district doctor.
- Spent her whole childhood not being reaped into the Hunger Games & went on to become a doctor for the district.
- When the Capitol firebombed District 12, she ended up surviving among the rest of the people who escaped.
- Wound up being trained to be a doctor in District 13.
- One of the few doctors Katniss can tolerate.
- Gets along very well with Katniss's mother and Prim.
- Not one of the medics that goes to the Capitol.
- Ends up very sad over Prim's death.
- At the end of the war, she goes back to 12 to keep an eye on Katniss for her mother.
- Probably ends up living with Haymitch.

- Lives in District 4 as a doctor in training.
- Spent her entire childhood fearing she'd be in the Hunger Games, and somehow ended up not being picked.
- Probably joins the revolution.
- Ends up in 13 alongside a few other rebels.
- She ends up becoming a medic for the war.
- Thankfully, she doesn't die during the war.
- Probably ends up living in District 8 after the deaths of Snow & Coin.
- Probably never met Katniss face to face, but she'd definitely have heard of her and looked up to her.
- Becomes one of the top doctors in District 8, and probably travels all over Panem to lend her abilities to those who need it.

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