Birthday Special: Alycia's Birthday

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Today, February 14th, marks Alycia's birthday! Happy birthday to my baby!

Alycia: Ugh, why'd my parents have to give birth to me on the worst day of the year?

Malachite: Why so upset? I thought you liked your father?

Karen: Malachite, you're an absolute idiot. Rotgut is her adoptive father. Not her real father.

Kristan: Oi you old bag, be nice to Mal! She's only trying her best!

Karen: Listen here you filthy little peasant!

Lilith: Oh my!

Maiza: Here we go...

Alycia: Oi auntie, lay off her will ya? She's been through enough.

Nela: Yoooo... I'm so seriously fucked up right now.

Lunara: Uhhh, Nela?

Nela: Yeeessss?

Lunara: Shouldn't you be at the North Pole right now?

Nela: Santa gave me permission to come here to be with my good Alycia!

Alycia: Wait, aren't you the one who gave me that lute when I was a kid?

Nela: Uhhh...

Lunara: Ignore her, dear. She's a little high right now.

Karen: Smoking the devil's lettuce? When you're one of Santa's elves? Despicable!

Maiza: Karen, you literally want to fuck Karnet. I don't wanna hear it.

Karen: No one asked you, you filthy half orc!

Alycia: My girlfriend is a half orc...

Karen: And?

Alycia: Don't go disrespecting my girl like that!

Malachite: Lilith, can you believe them?

Lilith: What?! Don't look at me! I'm the new girl here!

Guys, let's all get along. Karen, be nice. Or I'm telling Varaxis you're causing fights again.

Karen: At least I'm not fighting with Dorian.

Alycia: Ugh, how am I related to Karen again?

My DM decided it, Alycia.

Alycia: Riiiight...

Malachite: And Lunara's the chosen one in her world!

Lunara: Listen, I didn't ask for that, but if it saves Dragon's Rest, I'll go with it.

Kristan: Hey, could be worse. I was stuck in an asylum with a pompous vampire.

Maiza: But the turtle man and the earth genasi were cool?

Kristan: Yeah, they were cool. Dimitri tried to eat me. Fuck that shit.

Alycia: I'm stuck with a changeling, an otterfolk, a high elf, and occasionally a fairy and a warforged.

Nela: My friends got mad at me because I caused a fight with Krampus.

Lilith: I don't even know who I'll be adventuring with yet.

Malachite: Me too.

Maiza: All I know is I'm gonna be meeting a Goliath. Should be fun.

Lunara: I'm stuck with two kobolds, a sea elf, and a water genasi.

Karen: You peasants sound like you don't know how to party. I witnessed one of my friends get eaten by a dragon.

Alycia: From what I heard, you cried like a big baby when Crackjaw died.

Karen: No one asked you, you filthy little pirate.

Kristan: Show your niece some respect!

Lunara, Malachite, Maiza, and Lilith: *facepalming*

Nela: Whoa... the dhampir lady looks like a big onion ring!

Karen: EXCUSE ME?!?

Alycia: Oh here we go...

*sigh* I regret putting you all together in the same room...

Karen: Shouldn't you be planning to play as all of us in Skyrim? Or at the very least be building yet ANOTHER big house for us in The Sims 4?

Listen, I'm working on it! I've been roleplaying, doing sessions, finding a job, and other things!

Karen: Sounds like excuses to me, young lady.

Alycia: I wouldn't sass our creator if I were you, auntie.

Listen to Alycia, Karen. Or I'll permanently add a mustache to your design.

Karen: You wouldn't DARE!

Try me.

Kristan: Oooooh Karen's pissing off our creator.

Lunara: I'm surrounded by idiots.

Malachite, Maiza, and Lilith: Hey!

Lunara: Not you three.

Nela: What about me?

Lunara: You're too high to function right now, just shush.

Nela: I'm gonna go take a nap with Lucifer.

Alycia: I'm gonna go see if my group has anything planned for my birthday.

Kristan: I'm going to Zanise.

Maiza: Good idea, I'm going to my husband and wife.

Lilith: I'm gonna... just go...

Malachite: Same.

Karen: Ugh, you all suck.

Lunara: Just go read your smutty novels. I'm going to see if my group has any plans.

Karen: Ugh, I guess I'll go back to Varaxis and the others, then.

Oooookay so maybe I shouldn't have put them all together. But I did, because of it being Alycia's birthday. So happy birthday to my first ever character I created, my baby Alycia!!!

Alycia: *waves two middle fingers around* Fuck Valentine's Day.

*sprays Alycia with a spray bottle* Go back to Regulas and Creek and Leyla.

Alycia: Ugh fine. Maybe Alexandria will be there too.

*sighs* Readers, you see what I have to deal with?

Next birthday special will be on March 2nd, which is Lunara's birthday!!!

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