Birthdays & Zodiacs

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Basically what the title says

(Alycia & Karen were discussed when all of us in the group were asking each other what zodiac our characters would be)

100% an Aquarius, and her birthday is on February 14th.
And yes, she absolutely LOATHES being a Valentine's Day baby.
(She won't if Alexandria gives her a night to remember though *proceeds to get stabbed in the neck by Alycia*)
For her birthday, Alycia wants a new clarinet, enough ale to get her blackout drunk, and her uncle's brownies.

She's a Scorpio, and her birthday is on November 3rd.
(Honestly, when I asked, I didn't expect my friend to say she's a Scorpio.)
For her birthday, she's asking for the fanciest wine you can find and her favorite author's new books.

Taurus, and her birthday is May 1st.
(Yes, I didn't expect to make her a Taurus. *looks around*)
For her birthday, Malachite wants a new spell book and a magic staff.

Also a Taurus, and her birthday is April 29th.
(She shares a birthday with one of my sisters, fun fact!)
For her birthday, this lil dragonborn wants a new battleaxe, a mace, and a new dagger.  (FOR THE LAST TIME KRISTAN YOU CANNOT HOARD WEAPONS LIKE THIS JESUS CHRIST.)

She's a Pisces, and her birthday is March 2nd.
(I almost made it March 1st but I didn't want her sharing a birthday with Justin Bieber *looks around*)
For Lunara's birthday, she wants a crossbow, some books, and a shield for display.

Shockingly, she's a Leo, and her birthday is August 11th.
(Now that I have a plan for Nela I find it funny that she's a Leo when I'm gonna portray her as a stoner)
For Nela's birthday, she wants flowers, a raven (so she can send messages back & forth), and the good stuff (aka marijuana.) (Nela, just because I'm portraying you as a stoner, doesn't mean you're getting weed for Christmas, Jesus Christ.)

She's a Libra, and her birthday is October 12th.
For her birthday, Maiza wants new books, a new sickle, wine, and some dead bodies to experiment on.
(*sigh* Maiza, I get it, you're a grave cleric. But that does not mean you need to experiment on dead bodies!!!)

Her sign is Capricorn, and her birthday is December 25th.
For her birthday, Lilith wants books, a crag cat (so she can ride it into battle), and a new weapon.
(Okay Lilith, I can understand the books and the weapon. But why do you wanna copy Nela and have a crag cat? Jesus)

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