What They'd Do in 7 Days to Die

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Basically what the title says. For this, I'm assuming all of them (besides Opal, Rei, and Kalani) are playing together.

She'd probably be the one to get a group together and go scavenging for food, materials, and water. Shockingly enough, she wouldn't die as often as the others. She'd probably end up dying to infection because she'd forget they have antibiotics and honey. Her username would be Alycia_ML_26.

I don't see her playing video games tbh. But if she played this one, she'd go off on her own separate adventures. She'd also be the one to rage quit if she dies in any way. Her username would be NotAKaren.

She's more peaceful, so I could see her staying behind while everyone else is off scavenging. She'd probably end up building the bunker for those who stuck with the group. Username would most likely be ThePacifist.

Most likely she'd be one of those who goes with Alycia on scavenging runs. She'd be the one taking out all of the zombies while everyone else gathers the necessary things they came for. Which means she'd most likely be the one to die most often if she's not careful. Also protects Malachite every 7 days when the horde comes. Username is ChungusAmongUs.

She'd probably be the one to gather materials for Malachite and help her build the bunker. Anytime zombies come to the bunker, she's killing them so Malachite doesn't have to. She also goes on solo water runs if the group is running low on water. Username would be LunaLover.

Another who goes with Alycia on scavenging runs. She's got incredible luck, as she can find everything that's good, so Alycia's always asking her to go with. If they need cooking pots, she finds them no issue. They need schematics? She finds them too. Username is Moonbeam420.

She's not really one to play video games, but if she played this one with the others, she'd be the one hoarding all of the health stuff. She'd end up becoming the unofficial medic of the group. You broke your leg? She'll give you a splint. Infected? Don't worry, she got antibiotics for days. She's also the one who figures out how to get the stuff for herbal antibiotics. Username is UnofficialMedic.

I don't see her being much of a fighter, so she'd stay behind with Lunara and Malachite and help them with the bunker. She'd probably be really good at getting the materials needed for making and upgrading wooden spikes. Username is LilCat18.

I could see her being a raider. She'll sneak off on her own, go to Karen's base, and end up stealing supplies from her. Not enough to arouse suspicion, but enough to supply the group with what they need. Username is ThatB1tch.

Probably helps Maiza gather health related items. She doesn't really care much about actually playing the game, rather she just helps where she's needed. Username is NotTheLittleMermaid.

Oh without a doubt, she'd be leveling up her combat skills by fighting zombies. When not doing that, she's tending to their crops so everyone can have some supply of food that's not hunted or scavenged. Username is GirlOnFire.

Weirdly enough, she'd be doing her own form of scavenging. While not going with Alycia, she'd be going hunting and gathering. Oddly enough, she never gets attacked by zombies. Her username would be Phoenix_Lover.

Another who would go with Alycia. She helps Kristan clear out any zombies that are trying to enter the building Alycia & Nela are in. And, without fail, she's definitely dying to the dogs. Or the cop zombies in the cities. Username is Rose_Amethyst_23.

Since she's new to the group, she'd probably end up helping Malachite, Lunara, and Lilith. She'd probably work on building an outer wall around the base so that zombies (and Karen) can't break in. Username is WolfQueen26.

She'd be the one to tag along with Maiza and Arielle on medical supply runs. She's also the only one dumb enough to go after the supply drops & the trader by herself. Which usually would result in her dying. Of what, exactly? Nobody in the group knows. Her username would be QueenAzura.

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